Phi Alpha Theta

Displaying 1 - 50 of 368 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 History and political science departments to present "A History of Reproductive Rights"
Northern Iowan 119:7, p.1
UNI's Departments of History and Political Science will be hosting a free to attend panel in Lang Hall to discuss the history of reproductive rights. Mallory Schmitz writes more details about the organizations and people involved; photo.
2 Examining Christianity in Japan and Iowa
Northern Iowan 117:37, p.5
Professor of history Dr. Reiner H. Hesselink presented on the German immigrant Francis Xavier Bullinger, was a missionary to Iowa and instrumental in building Dyersville's basilica, and his namesake St. Francis Xavier, a missionary to Asia who brought Christianity to Japan. Hesselink's lecture was part of the monthly Phi Alpha Theta lecture series; photo.
3 Profs compare past, present politics
Northern Iowan 117:20, p.2
Professors from the History and Political Science Departments discuss past politics and the 2020 election in a panel hosted by Phi Alpha Theta of the History Department; photo.
4 Women's History Month events coming up at UNI
Northern Iowan 116:40, p.5
Events will be held throughout March to celebrate Women's History Month. Sexuality, Women and Gender (SWAG) will host the forum "Jackie and Jill Robinson: Women and the Need to Be Better at Politics" on March 2 in Rod Library. The Women's History Month Kickoff and Art Expo will be on March 3 in the Center for Multicultural Education (CME), and there will be a documentary screening on Carrie Chapman Catt followed by a panel on the same date. On March 5, Col. Beth Behn (Chief of Staff, Army Sustainment Command) will give the lecture "A Rising Tide: The Final Victorious Wave of the Women's Suffrage Movement, 1916-1920." The Philosophy and Religion 50th Anniversary Lecture will be held on March 6, given by Tracy Bonfitto, Curator of Art at the Harry Ransom Center at the University of Texas at Austin: "A Visible Scar: Loss and Memory in the Works of Zarina Hashmi and Rummana Hussein." Future events will include Women in Red: Wikipedia Editathon in Rod Library, Bingo Night in Curris Business Building, communication studies professor Catherine Palczewski's lecture "Bodies that Argue: How Suffragists Constituted White Women's Citizenship During the 1919 Prison Special Tour" as the last installment of the Phi Alpha Theta lecture series, the even "Women of War: Stories of Veteran Women," a movie night and RodCon keynote speaker Gabby Rivera in the Gallagher Bluedorn Performing Arts Center. The month will conclude with Women of Excellence on March 27.
5 Cold War soldier's story
Northern Iowan 116:15, p.1
Dr. Kenneth Atkinson, UNI Professor and Cold War veteran, gave his lecture "Transporting the Nation's Secrets Across the Iron Curtain: A Cold War Soldier's Story" on October 16th, 2019. The event was hosted by UNI's Phi Alpha Theta History Lecture Series; photo.
6 Honors week: Comics, trivia and pomp
Northern Iowan 112:49, p.4

Multiple events will take place during Honors Week, April 11-15. They include: a book discussion of "Enrique's Journey" by Sonia Nazario, hosted by Sigma Delta Pi in Lang Auditorium; a quiz bowl, hosted by the Honors Student Advisory Board (HSAB) in Maucker Union; professor Harry Brod and his class on the topic "Graphic Novels: Narrative Art and Sequential Story Telling" in the Honors Cottage; Phi Alpha Theta's induction ceremony and speaker Chris Shackelford in Seerley Hall; honors Olympics hosted by HSAB; Sigma Gamma Epsilon hosting an earth science museum in Latham Hall; and Phi Sigma Pi hosting a movie screening called "Lift the Blindfold - A Documentary on Homelessness in New York" in the Honors Cottage.

7 UNI to host lecture on the Nevada Test Site Oral History Project
Public Relations News Release 2013:110, p.1
UNI will host a lecture about the Nevada Test Site Oral History Project. Leisl Carr Childers will be giving the lecture. The Nevada Test Site Oral History Project documented the remembrances of those affected by nuclear testing during the Cold War.
8 UNI to host reporter Jack Hovelson
Public Relations News Release 2013:74, p.1
Reporter, Jack Hovelson, will present, "Newspapering: If You Ain't Good, You Better Be Lucky". Jack Hovelson has written numerous articles for many publications including USA Today. The event is sponsored by the History Club and Phi Alpha Theta.
9 UNI professor to present lecture on immigration in Iowa
Public Relations News Release 2012:185, p.1
Professor Mark Grey will deliver his lecture, "Immigration and Ethnic Diversity in Iowa". This lecture will focus on the arrival of diverse immigrant populations in Iowa.
10 'Town and Gown' Lecture to be held at UNI
Public Relations News Release 2010:125, p.1
The Department of History will present "Town and Gown When the Dow was Down: Cedar Falls and ISTC in 1933," by Ruth Ratliff, director of campaigns, development & foundation.
11 UNI professor to present 'Contextualizing Assyrian Brutality'
Public Relations News Release 2010:95, p.1
Robert Dise, a associate history professor, will discuss the Assyrians' reputation for savagery and will explore how their brutality arose out of their faith in their chief god, Ashur, and their commitment to maintaining order in the world.
12 UNI lecture to explore French efforts to eliminate visible signs of Islam
Public Relations News Release 2009:312, p.1
"Women, the Veil, and Freedom: Europe and Islam in the Twenty-First Century" is the title of a lecture to be given by Emily Machen, professor of history, in Seerley Hall.
13 Feb. 10 lecture at UNI explores power of positive thinking, proper eating
Public Relations News Release 2009:257, p.
Trudy Eden will give a lecture on "Metaphysics and Meatless Meals: Why Diet was Important to the New Thought Movement of the early 20th Century." Those who participateed in the movement believed in the power of positive thinking.
14 Jan. 20 lecture to focus on transformation of Buenos Aires between 1880 and 1950
Public Relations News Release 2009:227, p.1
Pablo Ben, assistant professor of Latin American history, will present "From City to Sin to Family Haven: the Transformation of Buenos Aires between 1880 and 1950." Ben will discuss how modern homosexual and heterosexual identities began to emerge.
15 Nov. 11 history lecture to focus on letter condemning 18th century emperor
Public Relations News Release 2009:154, p.1
Lou Fenech, professor of history, will present "The Epistle of Victory: A Persian Letter to the Mughal King AtB" in Seerley Hall. Fenech will focus on the histography of an 18th century letter written from the 10th Sikh Guru to Mughal emperor Aurangzeb.
16 "Soapboxes, Shakespeare and Socialism" samples of civil rights supporter
Northern Iowan 106:11, p.1
Eric Arnesen, professor of history at George Washington University, was the featured speaker at the annual Carl L. Becker Lecture. He addressed the life of A. Philip Randolph in a personal and detailed manner; photo.
17 UNI professor to give lecture on history of corpses on Oct. 14
Public Relations News Release 2009:101, p.1
"Service after death: the political use of corpses" is the title of a lecture to be given by Thomas Connors in Seerley Hall. The lecture will explore the effect that the dead have on the legitimacy of governments.
18 UNI to host annual Becker Lecture, Sept. 30
Public Relations News Release 2009:62, p.1
"Soapboxes, Shakespeare, and Socialism: The Emerging Radicalism of A. Philip Randolph" will be the topic delivered by Eric Arnesen, professor of history at The George Washington University.
19 UNI to host lecture on pre-modern Chinese history
Public Relations News Release 2008:439, p.1
"The (Sixth-Century) Reunification of China" will be the topic by Charles Holcombe, professor of history. He will explore the pivotal era in pre-modern Chinese history that led to China's reunification in 589 A.D. under one imperial dynasty.
20 UNI to host lecture on Francophone studies
Public Relations News Release 2008:368, p.1
"Catching Up While Moving Forward: History and the Francophone Studies Classroom" will be the topic of the next history lecture. Dierdre Heistad, associate professor of modern languages, will discuss information from the book she is currently writing.
21 UNI guest speaker to present lecture for Lincoln Bicentennial
Public Relations News Release 2008:341, p.1
"All Thanks, All Honor to Iowa!" Abraham Lincoln and the Hawkeye State" will be the subject of the history lecture. Grant Veeder will discuss Lincoln's visits to Iowa, his Iowa land holdings, his involvement with Iowa's leaders, and more.
22 UNI history lecture to be on a 'forgotten' Iowa woman
Public Relations News Release 2008:198, p.1
Cheryl Mullenbach, an independent scholar from Des Moines, will deliver the lecture focusing on the story of Julia Addington, the first woman elected to public office in Iowa. Addington's legacy "has been overlooked--or forgotten--by most historians.
23 Civil War lecture at UNI, Oct. 8
Public Relations News Release 2008:107, p.1
"Elmer Ellsworth and James Jackson: The Politics of Martyrdom in the U. S. Civil War" will be the topic of a lecture by Sarah Purcell, associate professor of history at Grinnell College.
24 UNI's next Becker history lecture will discuss Augustine and early Christian thought
Public Relations News Release 2008:75, p.1
David Hunter's academic interests lie in the early history of Christianity and the history of Christian thought, and he has published several books and numerous articles on Greek and Latin writers of the early church.
25 UNI professor will give lecture on the Supreme Court and affirmative action
Public Relations News Release 2007:607, p.1
Professor John Johnson will talk about race-based considerations for admission to higher education.
26 UNI will celebrate Women's History Month with history lecture on 17th century incident
Public Relations News Release 2007:509, p.1
"The Female Indian Killer Memorialized: Hannah Duston and the Nineteenth-Century Feminization of American Violence" will be presented by Barbara Cutter March 26.
27 Miracle shrine in Greece topic for UNI history lecture
Public Relations News Release 2007:438, p.1
Gregory Bruess will be speaking February 27.
28 UNI's Husband to to speak on Antislavery Feminism
Public Relations News Release 2007:379, p.1
Julie Husband will be speaking January 30.
29 UNI history lecture to discuss new world renaissance
Public Relations News Release 2006:0, p.1
Charlotte Wells will be presenting "The New World Renaissance: Jacques Le Moyne, Theodore de Bry and The French Experience in Florida" Wednesday, April 4.
30 News Brief/Calendar of Events
Public Relations News Release 2006:0, p.1
Gabrielle Kuenzli will be speaking about the Bolivian civil war Wednesday, March 21.
31 UNI professor to discuss outcome of Bolivian civil war
Public Relations News Release 2006:0, p.1
Gabrielle Kuenzli will be speaking Wednesday, March 21.
32 UNI history lecture date changed
Public Relations News Release 2006:0, p.1
The lecture "Aymara Participation in the 1899 Civil War in Bolivia: Race War or Liberal Mobilization?" will be taking place Wednesday, February 21.
33 News Brief/Calendar of Events
Public Relations News Release 2006:0, p.1
Samuel Gladden will present "The Criminal Invisible: Image as Evidence in Nineteenth-Century England," as part of the Phi Alpha Theta/Department of History Lecture Series.
34 News Brief/Calendar of Events
Public Relations News Release 2006:0, p.1
"Women's Nutrition and Women's Control Among Tanzania Masai Pastoralists" will be presented Wednesday, October 4.
35 UNI's Becker History Lecture to discuss loyalty, virtue
Public Relations News Release 2006:0, p.1
"Samurai Trouble: Is Loyalty a Virtue?" will be the first lecture of the year for the history department. Mary Elizabeth Berry will deliver the 33rd annual Carl L. Becker Memorial Lecture in history.
36 Wednesday, Feb. 1
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
Leslie Schwalm will give presentation on civil rights; Crimson Café Poetry night will be held.
37 UNI history lecture features impact of emancipation on African-Americans in Midwest
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
"Freedom in the Heartland: African-Americans and Civil Rights in the Age of Emancipation" will be the lecture topic for Leslie Schwalm.
38 Banning of Islamic head scarves in French schools featured topic in UNI lecture
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
Joan Wallach Scott of the school of Social Science at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, N. J. will speak at lecture sponsored by History Department and Phi Alpha Theta.
39 Cowboy dress next topic in history series
Northern Iowan 101:43, p.2
Mitchell Strauss and Annette Lynch will lecture as part of the UNI History Lecture Series.
40 UNI history lecture to analyze cowboy mythology
Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1
Professors Annette Lynch and Mitchell Strauss will deliver lecture on cowboy dress.
41 Monologues given for Women's History Month
Northern Iowan 101:41, p.2
"The Rib Speaks Out" will be presented March 3, 2005.
42 Husband gives lecture on 'Roots and Rhetorics of African-American Conservatism'
Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1
Julie Husband will deliver the Phi Alpha Theta lecture on February 2.
43 'Science and the Federal Government' topic for next UNI history lecture
Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1
Joanne Goldman will lecture.
44 UNI to host 31st annual Carl L. Becker Memorial Lecture in history
Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1
Nancy Maclean will speak about how the women's workplace activism changed the United States.
45 What's up
Northern Iowan 100:52, p.4
Meetings and events planned.
46 Social construction of work in the Amana Society topic for UNI history lecture, Nov. 12
Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1
Peter Hoehnle to discuss labor in the Amana Society.
47 Lecture 'digs up' cemetery research
Northern Iowan 100:19, p.1
Professor Thomas Connors' lecture about death and cemeteries in the nineteenth century was held on Halloween night.
48 Edgar Allen Poe, Sleepy Hollow, and death in mid-19th century America topic for UNI history lecture series Oct. 29
Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1
Discussion on how 19th century writers Poe and Washington Irving dealt with the issue of urban burial.
49 30th Annual Carl L. Becker Memorial Lecture in History to be held Wednesday, Sept. 24
Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1
Paul Schroeder's topic of lecture will be the role of American diplomacy in world affairs.
50 UNI history lecturer to discuss the reconstruction of history in post-conquest Mexico
Public Relations News Release 2002:427, p.1
Edward Osowski will speak on "Christ in the Cave: The Indigenous Reconstruction of History in Post-Conquest Mexico" on April 9.