Physical Plant

Displaying 101 - 150 of 201 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
101 "Blue Flu" affects UNI campus; hiring practices cited
Northern Iowan 67:32, p.1
About one-third of physical plant and housekeeping employees do not appear for work; dissatisfied with shifts of employees from one unit to another and with hiring of new employee from off campus.
102 Jennings Reports Normal Work Situation at UNI on Feb. 18
Public Relations News Release 1971:393, p.1
Employees from the physical plant and residence hall services are back to work according to Jennings.
103 Statement from UNI Business Manager on Absence Feb. 17
Public Relations News Release 1971:393, p.1
Phillip C. Jennings issues a statement requiring those who missed work on Wednesday to furnish a written statement from physicians or staff will be deducted pay from not being on the job.
104 UNI Doing Best to Control Fires in Coal Piles
Public Relations News Release 1970:299, p.1
Coal fires caused by spontaneous combustion have been recurring problems for UNI, according to Mel Manion, UNI physical plant director.
105 Should clean icy sidewalks
Northern Iowan 67:25, p.4
Believes university should do better job on walks.
106 Speed: not their virtue
Northern Iowan 67:19, p.4
Critical of delays in installing guard rails in Redeker walkways.
107 Regents Approve UNI's Capital Improvements Business Transactions
Public Relations News Release 1970:193, p.1
Budget for repairs at Heating Plant #1, remodeling of the leased Ericson Building and parklot lot expansion and repairs project.
108 You can't fool a "chain man"
Northern Iowan 67:16, p.2
Complains about difficulty in getting television secured against thievery.
109 Museum Open House After Football Game
Public Relations News Release 1970:97, p.1
UNI Museum will host an open house after the homecoming football game.
110 UNI Student to Participate in Environmental Clean-up Day
Public Relations News Release 1970:90, p.1
Friday, Oct. 16 is "Environmental Clean-up Day" and is sponsored jointly by Student Senate and the Conservation Club.
111 Museum Open House After Football Game
Public Relations News Release 1970:83, p.1
UNI Museum will have an open house from 3:30 to 5 p.m., Saturday, October 10 after the UNI-Drake football game.
112 Regents Approve $171,927 Biennial Budget Increase for UNI
Public Relations News Release 1970:10, p.1
The money will be used for unmet needs for general expenses, equipment, and repairs, replacement and alterations items.
113 Creek Straightened North of UNI's New Physical Education Building
Public Relations News Release 1969:747, p.1
Ed Bailey, UNI landscape planner has straightened the creek which has resulted in easier maintanence. Tree planting possible in the spring.
114 UNI Museum Opens for the Summer Session
Public Relations News Release 1969:646, p.1
It will be open for eight weeks from June 8th to July 31st, from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.
115 UNI Schedules Cultural Attractions for the Summer
Public Relations News Release 1969:642, p.1
11 different cultural attractions are being offered at UNI in the summer; list of attractions
116 Regents award UNI contract totaling $2,368,485
Public Relations News Release 1969:614, p.1
Construction contracts were approved for construction of unit 1 of the Educational Center, remodeling of the Old Laundry Building, addition to the Physical Plant Shops Building, and revisions in Rider Hall.
117 Says truth somehow got lost
Northern Iowan 66:45, p.2
John Walton will offer the library copies of recent judicial decision regarding collective bargaining for physical plant employees.
118 Physical Plant workers renew bargaining bids
Northern Iowan 66:45, p.5
Will again attempt to present case to Regents.
119 Regents reject bargaining plea
Public Relations News Release 66:43, p.1
Regents invite Physical Plant workers to make presentation, but will not enter into collective bargaining.
120 UNI Museum Acquires Rare Bird Specimen Now Nearing Extinction
Public Relations News Release 1969:310, p.1
A rare quetzal bird from Guatemala is one of the most recent acquistitions of the UNI Museum.
121 Regents Approve Plans for Additiona to UNI Physical Plant Shops Building
Public Relations News Release 1969:278, p.1
One-story addition will cost $96,000 and will provide additional space for the carpentry shop, landscape shop, grounds shop, offices and storage.
122 Regents Approve Physical Plant Projects
Public Relations News Release 1969:183, p.1
Physical Plant projects; speed limit of 20 mph in College Courts Apartments area.
123 Will help Fox in blackboard battle
Northern Iowan 66:10, p.2
John Walton, of Physical Plant, offers to get blackboard; also offers advice in dealing with administration.
124 Rakes Iowan staff
Northern Iowan 65:44, p.4
Critical of NI for publishing photo of private car on Physical Plant lift.
125 The campus is a riverbed; wear flippers
Northern Iowan 65:44, p.3
Would like campus sidewalks to be cleared of snow and ice.
126 Photo "incorrect"
Northern Iowan 65:43, p.4
Mr. Manion claims that use of lift by employee for private vehicle is part of longstanding practice and involves no university expense.
127 Untitled
Northern Iowan 65:42, p.1
A non-official car being serviced in the UNI physical plant garage causes a stir; photo.
128 Board of Regents to appeal court's work stoppage ban
Northern Iowan 65:13, p.12
Regents voted to appeal the decision of the Black Hawk County District Court which banned Physical Plant workers from participating in a strike or work stoppage; President Maucker and Dean Lang spoke to the Regents about money for research.
129 State employees treated unequal
Northern Iowan 65:12, p.2
Professor Fox states in his column that it is unfair to deny public employees the right to strike.
130 Meeting for new students scheduled
Northern Iowan 65:10, p.12
Meetings for new freshmen and new transfers will be held Monday.
131 New court order bans Physical Plant strike
Northern Iowan 65:10, p.12
Monday's court order banned Physical Plant workers from striking or picketing on or near campus.
132 A University demands free expression; pictorial review of year
Northern Iowan 64:57, p.7
Pictorial review of year; photo.
133 'Already a strong union'
Northern Iowan 64:49, p.2
Attempts to refute recent article; believes that physical plant employees are already well-represented.
134 Physical plant employees request 49 cent increase
Northern Iowan 64:42, p.3
Union contends that the request is not from them, but from the Physical Plant Committee; staff members now eligible for TIAA benefits.
135 Personnel problems, campus development on agenda
Northern Iowan 64:41, p.1
Regents will meet on campus.
136 Strike delays Towers work 'at least a week'--Porter; won't be finished by September
Northern Iowan 64:38, p.1
President Maucker considers options; Science Building and addition to Administration Building should be finished this spring.
137 Petition won't be filed for at least 2 weeks
Northern Iowan 64:38, p.1
Regents permanent injunction against striking will not be filed immediately; workers remain on job voluntarily.
138 Workers vote to remove faculty from committee
Northern Iowan 64:38, p.1
Physical Plant Committee formerly included two faculty members; Physical Plant workers vote to exclude faculty and to add three more members from Physical Plant.
139 'Strike has little effect on dormitory schedule'
Northern Iowan 64:37, p.1
Towers construction making good progress; photo.
140 Union to resume strike if district court gives OK
Northern Iowan 64:36, p.1
Judge issues temporary injunction against strike.
141 Maucker sends ballots to Physical Plant employees
Northern Iowan 64:36, p.1
Ballot will determine whether Physical Plant workers want faculty on the committee and what size the committee should be.
142 66% of Physical Plant workers strike; wage, representation, parking
Northern Iowan 64:35, p.1
Workers want wage increase; photo.
143 Union demands wage hike; meet with Maucker Monday
Northern Iowan 64:33, p.1
Physical plant employees walk off job.
144 President appoints five to Physical Plant board
College Eye 64:2, p.9
Meets with employees after recent protest; will take parking matter to Regents.
145 UNI employees form union
College Eye 64:1, p.1
President Maucker reacts to recent organization of Local 1258 of the United Packinghouse Workers of America; protest parking situation; photo.
146 New buildings transform SCI
College Eye 63:56, p.7
Survey of construction just completed or now underway; photo.
147 Date set for completion of campus construction
College Eye 63:53, p.1
Dr. Beard talks about construction schedules.
148 Bulldozers interrupt studies--campus building continues
College Eye 60:59, p.1
Survey of current campus construction projects; photo.
149 Construction alters face of campus
Alumnus 51:2, p.3
Work on $3.5 million Science Building begins; Noehren Hall, fourth unit of Regents Complex underway; Regents approve $2.88 million for another new dorm; $900,000 Commons remodeling on schedule; architects completing plans for University Union; photo.
150 SCI changes: the near future
College Eye 60:50, p.4
A lengthy survey of campus construction projects that are now or will shortly be underway; photo.