Placement Bureau
Displaying 351 - 388 of 388 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
351 | Prospective teachers interviewed in new conference room College Eye 22:26, p.3 |
New compartments in conference room lend themselves to interviews. | |
352 | Placement Bureau asks students to register College Eye 22:14, p.4 |
For upcoming teaching positions. | |
353 | Iowa teachers, their problems and opportunities Alumnus 15:1, p.13 |
Outlines need for more teachers and for greater degree of training; brief survey of program of Placement Bureau established in December 1928. | |
354 | Graduates already placed Alumnus 14:3, p.7 |
Over 230 of the June graduates have taken teaching positions. | |
355 | More that 230 June graduates of the Iowa State Teachers College Public Relations News Release 1929:539, p.1 |
Over 230 graduates receive teaching positions; list of graduates and where they will teach. | |
356 | The Placement Bureau Old Gold 0:0, p.43 |
Officers and achievements; photos. | |
357 | Important notice College Eye 21:33, p.2 |
Registrants should report summer addresses to Placement Bureau. | |
358 | Notice College Eye 21:33, p.2 |
Those who have positions should report them to the Placement Bureau. | |
359 | Students in elementary and secondary schools of seven states Public Relations News Release 1929:499, p.1 |
About 500 ISTC graduates find jobs in seven different states. | |
360 | Three hundred people sign for positions; Placement Bureau is rushed with work to send out students credentials College Eye 21:30, p.1 |
Many students are seeking teaching positions. | |
361 | A statement was made College Eye 21:24, p.5 |
Placement Bureau getting calls for home economics teachers. | |
362 | Rushing season for Teachers now on College Eye 21:23, p.1 |
Placement Bureau gets busy. | |
363 | Working all day and part of each night Public Relations News Release 1929:309, p.1 |
Teacher placement bureau receives calls from scholl dictricts. | |
364 | Placement Bureau serves prospects College Eye 21:19, p.1 |
E. W. Goetch talks about the positions most in demand. | |
365 | Primary teachers much in demand throughout state; number placed was over one-fourth of total number of placements College Eye 21:17, p.1 |
Statistics on teacher placement in last year. | |
366 | Dr. Goetch suggests that students write legibly to get jobs College Eye 21:15, p.1 |
Advice on landing a job; placement procedures. | |
367 | Mrs. Edna Shutt resigns; resignation to take effect September 1; secretary of Placement Bureau for seven years College Eye 20:42, p.1 |
Had been with bureau for seven years. | |
368 | Placement Bureau secures positions from June 24 to July 15 College Eye 20:42, p.1 |
Roster of placements. | |
369 | The garbage can College Eye 20:40, p.2 |
Responds sarcastically to criticism of Placement Bureau. | |
370 | 568 accept positions; positions secured thru Placement Bureau to June 24 College Eye 20:39, p.1 |
Students and their positions listed. | |
371 | Concluding the list to May 27 College Eye 20:39, p.8 |
Alumni and their newly acquired teaching positions. | |
372 | The forum College Eye 20:39, p.4 |
Student is upset about rules that students must follow while in college; refuting last week's column regarding the necessity of the Placement Bureau; student blames dull May Day on weather. | |
373 | Placement Bureau secures positions College Eye 20:38, p.1 |
Roster of those who have found teaching positions. | |
374 | The forum College Eye 20:38, p.4 |
One student believes that students should be allowed to take more credit hours if they are able; Melvin Slacks does not believe the Placement Bureau is worth the $2 registration fee; believes people are too wordy. | |
375 | Placement Bureau secures positions College Eye 20:37, p.1 |
Roster of those who have found positions. |
376 | Many students secure positions for next year College Eye 20:34, p.1 |
Roster of those who have found jobs. | |
377 | Placement Bureau working effectively College Eye 20:28, p.1 |
Has placed fifty-seven teachers. | |
378 | Edna Shutt back to work College Eye 20:19, p.5 |
Recovered from the flu. | |
379 | Can you qualify to teach in three different departments College Eye 20:18, p.1 |
Students should provide at least three areas in which they can teach. | |
380 | Placement Bureau is being established College Eye 20:16, p.1 |
Office getting ready for service; old office will be for Dean Reed. | |
381 | Goetch to direct Placement Bureau with Mrs. Shutt sec. College Eye 20:15, p.1 |
Will replace Bureau of Recommendations; working on new forms; registration fee is $2. | |
382 | Positions College Eye 18:51, p.3 |
Roster of those who have found jobs. | |
383 | Beg pardon College Eye 18:49, p.1 |
Campus Placement Bureau is still very much alive. | |
384 | Teacher's Placement Bureau secures 26 more positions College Eye 18:6, p.1 |
Roster of those who have found jobs. | |
385 | Placement Bureau successful in securing 470 jobs; service will save teachers thousands of dollars; College Eye 18:3, p.1 |
Great success over last three months. | |
386 | Over 400 secure positions through Placement Bureau College Eye 16:35, p.3 |
Destinations for students taking teaching positions through the Placement Bureau. | |
387 | Fifty students secure positions through Placement Bureau; department is under direction of Mrs. Edna M. Shutt College Eye 16:30, p.5 |
Roster of students who have taken jobs. | |
388 | Many securing positions through Placement Bureau College Eye 16:29, p.3 |
Roster of those who have found jobs. |