Presbyterian Student Center

Displaying 351 - 400 of 438 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
351 Change in program of Presbyterian forum discussions
College Eye 34:7, p.3
ISTC faculty will present several of the programs.
352 Presbyterians install Rev. Wills, director
College Eye 34:4, p.3
Will direct Westminster Foundation.
353 Various religious activities planned for week-end
College Eye 33:42, p.3
354 Bible Conference held this week
College Eye 33:41, p.3
355 Picnics, speeches set for week-end at student centers
College Eye 33:39, p.3
356 Dorothy Winter to be Student Center Director
College Eye 33:38, p.3
Of Presbyterian Student Center.
357 Student centers plan receptions
College Eye 33:34, p.5
Schedule of activities at campus religious centers.
358 Religious organizations meet
College Eye 33:32, p.3
359 Programs arranged at student centers
College Eye 33:31, p.3
360 Programs arranged at student centers
College Eye 33:30, p.3
361 Student centers to present programs
College Eye 33:28, p.5
362 Mrs. Charles Black will resign after 14 years of service
College Eye 33:27, p.3
Has worked at Presbyterian Student Center.
363 Services prepared at student centers
College Eye 33:27, p.3
Schedule of events at campus religious centers.
364 Centers announce Easter programs
College Eye 33:26, p.3
365 Through the week in student centers
College Eye 33:25, p.3
News from campus religious centers.
366 Forum discussion at Presbyterian Center
College Eye 33:24, p.3
367 Reverend Wills speaks at Westminster Center
College Eye 33:23, p.3
368 Student Centers plan last week of term
College Eye 33:22, p.3
Schedule of activities at campus religious centers.
369 Campus religious groups plan meetings for week
College Eye 33:20, p.3
370 Presbyterian students plan victory dinner
College Eye 33:19, p.3
371 Three student centers plan Sunday programs
College Eye 33:19, p.3
372 Progressive dinner planned for joint religious groups
College Eye 33:18, p.3
Will progress from center to center.
373 Two student centers plan week's programs
College Eye 33:18, p.3
374 Dr. Knoff speaker at Presbyterian Center
College Eye 33:16, p.3
375 Presbyterian students practice caroling
College Eye 33:12, p.3
376 Eventide fellowship
College Eye 33:11, p.3
377 Presbyterian Student Center has Thursday night supper party
College Eye 33:7, p.3
Schedule of upcoming activities.
378 Open house for Presbyterian alums
College Eye 33:6, p.3
379 Dr. Hall is speaker at Presbyterian Center
College Eye 33:5, p.3
William Ralph Hall will speak.
380 Presbyterians have church night party
College Eye 33:1, p.3
381 Religious groups highlight of activity
College Eye 32:37, p.3
News from campus religious centers.
382 Sixteen speakers lead discussions
College Eye 32:15, p.3
Schedule of speaker for programs at Westminster Foundation.
383 Religious activities on Thanksgiving
College Eye 32:11, p.2
Theta Epsilon will give out baskets to needy families; a list of pledges is included.
384 Religious organizations plan varied weekend activities
College Eye 32:9, p.2
385 Foundation notes
College Eye 32:8, p.2
News from campus religious centers.
386 Foundation notes
College Eye 32:5, p.2
News from campus religious centers.
387 Special Easter services are planned for students by Cedar Falls churches
College Eye 31:24, p.3
Survey of Easter services around town.
388 Student centers attempt to continue the spirit of Religious Emphasis
College Eye 31:22, p.3
Groups attempt to build on the recent events on campus.
389 Church centers plan activities
College Eye 30:40, p.3
Offer summer activities.
390 Church groups invite students
College Eye 30:36, p.3
Epworth League and Presbyterian Student Center host students.
391 Maxwell, Lampe speak at Westminster conference tomorrow
College Eye 30:30, p.2
392 Presbyterian students convene here tomorrow
College Eye 30:30, p.1
The Reverend John Maxwell Adams of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, will be at TC for the conference of Westminster Fellowships of Iowa.
393 Trapezoid has initiation for 23 new members
College Eye 30:22, p.3
List of those initiated into the Presbyterian women's organization.
394 Students participate in Westminster meet at Ames Saturday
College Eye 28:31, p.2
Students from Presbyterian Student Center attend meeting.
395 Church night for college students will be Friday
College Eye 28:1, p.8
Students will visit Cedar Falls churches.
396 Allston speaker at Westminster dinner
College Eye 27:29, p.3
T. Raymond Alston will speak.
397 Presbyterians plan Halloween party
College Eye 27:16, p.3
398 McDonald to speak to Presbyterians
College Eye 26:39, p.3
Mary McDonald will speak on Japan.
399 Allied Youth Councils to sponsor services
College Eye 26:38, p.3
Campus ministries will sponsor series of discussions.
400 Informal sport dance to be first of its kind for the spring term
College Eye 26:37, p.3
Review of recent campus organizational activities.