Ranney--Roger L. (Class of 1931)

Displaying 51 - 100 of 112 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
51 Cambridge debaters will meet the Iowa State Teachers College forensic team
Public Relations News Release 1930:48, p.1
Date of the ISTC-Cambridge debate changes from October 30 to October 29.
52 Ebel and Ranney plan for strong defense against forensic foes
College Eye 22:6, p.3
Preparing for debate against British debaters on subject of military preparedness.
53 Debaters to clash with Cambridge
Alumnus 14:4, p.16
Will debate military preparedness.
54 Roger Ranney and Robert Ebel will debate Cambridge; chosen by judges after try-outs at the beginning of the week
College Eye 22:3, p.1
Will enter forty day period of intensive training; photo.
55 Robert Ebel, Waterloo, and Roger Ranney
Public Relations News Release 1930:17, p.1
Ebel and Ranney chosen to debate Cambridge University team when it visits ISTC.
56 Debaters from Cambridge University
Public Relations News Release 1930:7, p.1
First debate of the school year is against Great Britain's Cambridge University.
57 Plans for oratory contest completed
College Eye 21:41, p.3
Professor Brindley announces competition schedule.
58 Life's realities are faced at Geneva
College Eye 21:36, p.4
At YMCA meeting.
59 Roger Ranney will head YMCA again
College Eye 21:35, p.4
60 Junior B. A.
Old Gold 0:0, p.100
Class roll for Class of 1931; photo.
61 Hamilton Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.206
Officers and chapter roll; photos.
62 Debate
Old Gold 0:0, p.207
Schedule of debates and students who participated; photos.
63 Oratory
Old Gold 0:0, p.210
Results from contests; photos.
64 Minnesingers
Old Gold 0:0, p.216
Personnel; photos.
65 The Band
Old Gold 0:0, p.220
Personnel; photos.
66 Westminster House
Old Gold 0:0, p.254
Members of the Westminster Men's Club; photos.
67 Y. M. C. A.
Old Gold 0:0, p.255
Officers; photos.
68 Delta Sigma Rho
Old Gold 0:0, p.269
Candidates for membership and brief history; photos.
69 Iowa Chapter of Pi Gamma Mu
Old Gold 0:0, p.272
Officers, faculty members, and student members; photo.
70 Roger Ranney wins second in contest
College Eye 21:30, p.1
Takes second place in interstate extemporaneous contest.
71 Harriet Brindley and Roger Ranney, both of Cedar Falls
Public Relations News Release 1929:457, p.1
Will compete in an interstate debate in DeKalb, Illinois, with students from Wisconsin, Illinois, and Michigan.
72 An unexpected argument between the word masters
Public Relations News Release 1929:329, p.1
The debate team deliberated last week.
73 Y. M. cabinet members attend state convention
College Eye 21:25, p.1
Will attend three day meeting in Boone.
74 Four debates in three days on three different
Public Relations News Release 1929:292, p.1
Debate team travels to Michigan and Wisconsin
75 Debate warriors trek eastward for big battle; four debates in three days make stiff schedule for men; questions new to Tutor squad
College Eye 21:22, p.1
Schedule of competition.
76 Six star debaters of the Iowa State Teachers college
Public Relations News Release 1929:284, p.1
Debate teams travels to Michigan to argue with four colleges.
77 Roger Ranney and Hervey Shutts
Public Relations News Release 1929:262, p.1
Ranney and Shutts debate Cental College.
78 Debaters prepare to argue in Michigan; six to make trip
College Eye 21:21, p.1
Will engage in four debates against Michigan schools.
79 Four oratorical contest winners will enter finals
College Eye 21:21, p.1
Winners from a field of eight announced.
80 Fraternity stages a Lincoln program.
College Eye 21:20, p.3
Pi Gamma Mu observed Lincoln's birthday at recent meeting and initiation.
81 Contestants chosen for final speaking contest in March
College Eye 21:20, p.1
Roster of speakers and topics.
82 College debaters close busy week
College Eye 21:20, p.1
Conclude three day tour of southern Iowa.
83 Robert L. Ebel and Robert Huntoon, both of Waterloo
Public Relations News Release 1929:235, p.1
Debaters argue against Penn, Simpson, Central, and Parsons.
84 Debaters continue fight; two teams leave for contest; negative team of men, and affirmative team of women will workout
College Eye 21:16, p.1
Results of recent debate in Mason City.
85 Varsity debaters at Iowa State Teachers College won
Public Relations News Release 1929:155, p.1
The debate team beat Western Union College.
86 Hurl hot words
College Eye 21:15, p.3
I. S. T. C. debaters; photo.
87 Iowa State Teachers College debaters will open the season
Public Relations News Release 1929:142, p.1
The debate team is up against Western Union College tomorrow night in the season opener.
88 Debaters primed for first battle of words
College Eye 21:14, p.1
Will debate junior colleges in pre-season competition.
89 Y. M. C. A.
College Eye 21:13, p.5
Program for recent meeting; Munn Whitford will speak at next meeting.
90 Y. M. launches drive at dinner Monday eve
College Eye 21:11, p.1
$60 pledged at dinner.
91 "Service" stressed by organization
College Eye 21:10, p.1
YMCA outlines plans.
92 Student's oration receives high honor
College Eye 21:8, p.1
Roger Ranney's work published.
93 Pi Gamma Mu
College Eye 21:8, p.5
Roster of people elected to membership.
94 Westminster Foundation
College Eye 21:7, p.5
News and updates about events.
95 Twenty survivors will enter next elimination contest
College Eye 21:6, p.1
Roster of those who made the first oratory competition cut.
96 Director announces membership list for Minnesingers and Troubadours
College Eye 21:4, p.1
Roster of members.
97 Westminster Foundation
College Eye 20:46, p.6
Will hold Japanese lawn party and Christian Endeavor meeting.
98 Men's Debate
Old Gold 0:0, p.190
Nineteen people participated in sixteen debates, all but three resulted in a victory for T. C.; photos.
99 Oratory
Old Gold 0:0, p.193
Iowa Collegiate Women's Forensic League; photos.
100 Sophomore B. A.
Old Gold 0:0, p.90
Officers and class roll; photo.