Red Cross

Displaying 1 - 50 of 365 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Red Cross looking for blood donations
Northern Iowan 111:8, p.2
The Red Cross has set up thirty-three blood drives in the Cedar Falls/Waterloo area; photo.
2 Greek chapter of the week: Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Northern Iowan 110:40, p.4
The fraternity Sigma Alpha Epsilon is recognized for being involved in the community. Their philanthropic events on campus every semester are one of the many great things about the fraternity.
3 UNI Wellness and Recreation Services to offer new swimming course for youth
Public Relations News Release 2012:4, p.1
GaurdStart fulfills a basic knowledge and skill set in successful completion of the Red Cross Lifeguarding course. A swimming pretest is required.
4 Sigma Alpha Epsilon sponsoring blood drive
Northern Iowan 108:8, p.2
Brad Meek states that this is the first fall blood drive for Sigma Alpha Epsilon. The blood drive will be held in the West Gym on September 29 between 10:00am and 5:00pm.
5 UNI students, faculty remember professor of education
Northern Iowan 107:23, p.5
A candlelight vigil honored Janet McClain near the fountain at the Schindler Education Center. Professor McClain lost her fight with cancer on October 27, 2010; photo.
6 Blood Drive opportunities in the Cedar Valley
Northern Iowan 107:5, p.6
The need of blood is constant. September blood drive locations and times noted.
7 Panther Portraits
Northern Iowan 105:35, p.9
Scenes from the blood drive and trial of Trevor Boeckmann and Anthony Palomo for allegedly breaking campaign rules; photo.
8 Volunteering worth its weight in gold
Northern Iowan 105:1, p.2
Volunteer Fair to be in Maucker Union September 4. Fifty organizations will be looking for volunteers.
9 Mother Nature breaks all records
Northern Iowan 104:55, p.1
Coverage of the flood of 2008; photo.
10 Tornado assistance from many sources
Northern Iowan 104:55, p.7
Those who were affected by recent tornado find assistance.
11 Fast Facts
Northern Iowan 104:55, p.2
Flood of 2008 information.
12 UNI classes and normal work activities cancelled today and tomorro; Red Cross to open evacuation center in McLeod Center at 5 p.m. today, June 10
Public Relations News Release 2007:719, p.1
Due to local flooding and the need to reduce utility use, classes are cancelled beginning at 3 p.m. today and also tomorrow. The Red Cross will open an evacuation center in McLeod Center today. The West Gym is being used to house evacuees.
13 Panther Portraits
Northern Iowan 104:50, p.5
Scenes from leisure time and the blood drive; photo.
14 Goossen named publisher of Ames Tribune
Northern Iowan 104:2, p.6
Assistant Vice President for Marketing and Public Relations named publisher of the Ames Tribune and President of Iowa Newspapers, Inc.; photo.
15 Local firefighters add element to saving skills
Northern Iowan 103:44, p.1
UNI lifeguards and Cedar Falls firefighters meet to learn about water rescues in joint meeting; photo.
16 News Brief/Calendar of Events
Public Relations News Release 2006:0, p.1
Lifeguards at the Wellness and Recreation Services and the Cedar Falls Fire Department will work together during in-service training March 5-6.
17 Non-profit pay-offs for college students
Northern Iowan 103:38, p.5
Volunteering can lead to full time employment following graduation. Volunteer work is a positive on resumes.
18 Katrina's victims find help at UNI
Northern Iowan 102:23, p.4
After the media hype about Hurricane Katrina stopped, so did some of the support, but not at UNI, where some victims are being housed.
19 Hurricane benefit a laughing matter
Northern Iowan 102:14, p.11
Barmuda Corporation organized a comedy show that was attended by more than six hundred people; the event raised over $6000 for the local branch of the Red Cross; photo.
20 Students want to help victims of Katrina
Northern Iowan 102:4, p.1
Students and legislators are both working to help victims of the recent hurricane disaster; photo.
21 Tuesday, Feb. 8
Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1
Blood drive will take place; Vitalii Kantor will present lecture; energy seminar to take place at the CEEE.
22 Blood bank shortages call for increased need of donors
Northern Iowan 100:61, p.3
The Red Cross calls for community members to donate blood at the upcoming blood drives.
23 Red Cross volunteers serve community and nation
Northern Iowan 100:19, p.9
The Red Cross provides assistance with housing, food, and clothing during disasters; photo.
24 Week-long UNI homecoming celebration, Oct. 5 - 11, culminates with weekend activities
Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1
"Paint the Town Purple" homecoming activities described.
25 Local Red Cross thanks volunteers and organizations
Northern Iowan 99:52, p.10
Alan McKean, Executive Director of the Hawkeye Chapter of the Red Cross, expresses gratitude for all volunteers who have given their all during these difficult times.
26 Increased awareness raises blood drive goal
Northern Iowan 99:50, p.13
Sigma Alpha Epsilon and American Red Cross will sponsor blood drive in Maucker Union tomorrow.
27 SAE blood drive takes place today
Northern Iowan 99:33, p.9
Sigma Alpha Epsilon will sponsor Red Cross blood drive in the Maucker Union Expansion.
28 Red Cross reaching out for volunteers
Northern Iowan 99:12, p.9
Due to lower numbers of volunteers, Red Cross seeks UNI students to help fill the ranks.
29 Truegs team up to assist victims devastated by Hurricane Isidore
Northern Iowan 99:12, p.9
Roger and Barb Trueg, of Dike, drove an emergency response vehicle to the disaster area left by Hurricane Isidore; photo.
30 Homecoming committee, fraternity join forces
Northern Iowan 99:8, p.13
The Homecoming committee and Sigma Alpha Epsilon are sponsoring a blood drive on campus; students, faculty, and staff are strongly encouraged to give.
31 Red Cross gives answers to West Nile virus concerns
Northern Iowan 99:2, p.6
Theresa Roche, representative for the American Red Cross, assures the public that the blood supply is safer than it has ever been.
32 Gallagher-Bluedorn Performing Arts Center presents Sept. 11 concert; tickets still available
Public Relations News Release 2002:51, p.1
Proceeds from the GBPAC's Remembrance concert will be donated to the local American Red Cross.
33 Area nonprofit groups in desperate need during holidays
Northern Iowan 98:24, p.13
Students who want to volunteer or donate items can contact the Red Cross, Cedar Valley Unite Way, or area churches; photo.
34 UNI students donate to Red Cross after national terrorist attacks
Northern Iowan 98:8, p.10
By donating money students have found a way to help out victims of the terrorist attacks on the U. S.
35 Giving a helping hand: top ways UNI students can help victims of Tuesday's attack
Northern Iowan 98:4, p.14
Students can help victims by donating blood, volunteer, and making cash contributions.
36 What's up
Northern Iowan 97:35, p.4
Meetings and activities; assertiveness workshop; National Alliance for the Mentally Ill will meet; beginners cooking class.
37 What's up
Northern Iowan 97:33, p.4
Activities and meetings; surviving college workshop; Panther's master swimming class; Beth Kirkpatrick will speak at the WRC; National Alliance for the Mentally Ill will meet.
38 CPR/First aid instructor course
Northern Iowan 97:15, p.4
Classes offered.
39 Bloodborne pathogens course available
Northern Iowan 96:46, p.2
American Red Cross will offer Bloodborne Pathogens course.
40 Untitled
Northern Iowan 96:46, p.1
Kurt Warner signs his autograph for the American Red Cross fundraiser; photo.
41 Warner comes back to Cedar Falls for charity
Northern Iowan 96:44, p.1
Kurt Warner to appear at two fund raisers for American Red Cross.
42 Media advisory: University of Northern Iowa--on the job Dec. 31
Public Relations News Release 1999:157, p.1
UNI has been preparing for Y2K and has set up a management team to monitor problems on campus.
43 Sigma Alpha Epsilon sponsors blood drive
Northern Iowan 96:6, p.3
Fraternity is sponsoring blood drive with National Red Cross Tuesday in Maucker Union.
44 Midwest keeps blood supply flowing; Heartland supplies most blood in U.S.
Northern Iowan 95:35, p.1
Red Cross states that 11% of the people in the Midwest donate blood compared to national average of 5%; SAE blood drive will be today in Union.
45 Blood drive today
Northern Iowan 95:23, p.3
SAE blood drive will be today in Union.
46 Blood flows in Union
Northern Iowan 95:8, p.1
Sigma Alpha Epsilon sponsored blood drive with Red Cross this week; 197 units of blood collected; photo.
47 Good at giving
Northern Iowan 94:36, p.1
Aaron Witt enjoys refreshments after giving blood at Tuesday's Red Cross Blood Drive; photo.
48 SAE lends helping hand in Red Cross blood drive
Northern Iowan 93:59, p.2
Forty-four people gave blood at Red Cross Blood drive with SAE and Gamma Phi Beta assisting.
49 Blood Drive needs donors to help save lives
Northern Iowan 93:58, p.4
Student encourages others to give blood at Red Cross blood drive July 1 in Schindler.
50 American Red Cross Benefits From University of Northern Iowa Individual Events Speech Team Results on Swing Tournament.
Public Relations News Release 1996:257, p.1

University of Northern Iowa's speech team traveled to two Illionois tournaments. The teams success earned a donation to the red cross. List of students