Red Cross

Displaying 201 - 250 of 365 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
201 R. Gloria Parrott
Alumnus 29:2, p.17
Is doing Red Cross hospital recreational work in New Guinea.
202 Kathryn E. McComb
Alumnus 29:2, p.17
Is serving the Armed Forces in India as an American Red Cross staff assistant. Until her Red Cross appointment, she was a postal censor in Los Angeles.
203 Harriett D. Damborg
Alumnus 29:2, p.17
American Red Cross, England.
204 Beth Louise Dailey
Alumnus 29:2, p.17
Is with the Red Cross in Australia, working as Assistant Staff Director in recreation.
205 Flora Jane Bromley
Alumnus 29:2, p.17
Is doing recreational work with the Red Cross in Belgium.
206 Helen Sturdevant
Alumnus 29:2, p.23
Is serving with the American Red Cross unit in England. Recently she met Pharmacist Mate Second Class Harold Yeoman in an American Red Cross Club.
207 College totals $405.50 in Red Cross drive
College Eye 36:25, p.1
208 To keep your Red Cross at his side
College Eye 36:23, p.2
Discusses the importance of the Red Cross.
209 'Sticker for two' slogan of Red Cross drive next week
College Eye 36:23, p.1
Goal is to raise $300 for Red Cross.
210 Students aid drive
College Eye 36:22, p.1
Ruth Coburn and Joyce Bertness speak on behalf of Red Cross.
211 Student speakers asked to aid Red Cross drive
College Eye 36:21, p.3
Public Speaking class members preparing presentations.
212 Red Cross visitor to conduct tests beginning Monday
College Eye 36:16, p.4
For water safety proficiency.
213 Red Cross water safety instuctor to give life saving examinations
Public Relations News Release 1945:16, p.1
Wheeler Van Steinburg will teach a course on first aid, water safety, and accident prevention.
214 Ralph S. Pearson
Alumnus 29:1, p.21
Has been assistant field director of the American Red Cross in Hawaii since May.
215 Grad gardens in Burma
Alumnus 29:1, p.13
Joy Knowles works for Red Cross in Burma; photo.
216 Mae E. Ruppel
Alumnus 28:4, p.20
Will be in Australia as Red Cross recreation worker.
217 Wilhelmine L. Haley
Alumnus 28:3, p.23
Serving overseas with the American Red Cross.
218 She's in North Africa
Alumnus 28:2, p.22
Theresa Rohwer Hordeman is working for the Red Cross.
219 Red Cross drive nets $330 total
College Eye 35:25, p.3
220 'Thank God for the Red Cross' is almost a battlefront slogan
College Eye 35:23, p.2
Praises the work of the Red Cross chapters in the United States and across the seas.
221 Red Cross drive begins this week
College Eye 35:22, p.1
222 Campus School counts Red Cross in war activities
College Eye 35:22, p.3
Completes several projects and raises money.
223 War activities organized
Alumnus 28:1, p.1
Student War Activities Committee organizes to keep up morale of former ISTC students now in military service, promote campus spirit, and to sponsor Red Cross and War Chest drives.
224 Campus high school organizes victory corps
Alumnus 27:3, p.2
Survey of curricular and extracurricular efforts bent toward winning the war; includes recycling waste, physical fitness, guidance toward critical occupations, and Red Cross work; photo.
225 College war activities
Old Gold 0:0, p.6
Student and faculity war efforts; photo.
226 Delta Phi Delta
Old Gold 0:0, p.119
This sorority holds various social events throughout the year such as a football dinner-dance and a "Ration Party" and they hosted the WAVES for tea in the fall; photo.
227 Theta Gamma Nu
Old Gold 0:0, p.127
With a purpose to promote friendship, sholarship and leadership, this sorority was founded in 1926. Homecoming saw a lot of activities and a scavenger hunt helped kick off the winter term, the group also wrote letters and helped out the Red Cross; photo.
228 Tau Sigma Delta
Old Gold 0:0, p.126
This social sorority was formed in 1912 to further the social activity on campus with Homecoming luncheons and a Valentine dinner-dance as an example of events put on by the group and writing letters to servicemen; photo.
229 Pi Tau Phi
Old Gold 0:0, p.124
Founded in 1925, the sorority has a purpose for students to seek friendship and to promote cultural development. The group held dinner parties throughout the year and helped the Red Cross, as well as wrote to servicemen; photo.
230 Nu Omicron Nu Sigma Phi
Old Gold 0:0, p.121
Originally two sororities, they united in 1918. They were the first two social sororities on campus and the groups holds several gatherings during the year, including a Christmas party in the commons; photo.
231 Teachers College wages war on home front
Alumnus 27:2, p.16
Survey of college efforts on campus to train, serve, and raise money to aid in the war effort includes military drilling, Red Cross work, bond drives, and keeping up morale; curriculum turned to war effort; photo.
232 Red Cross drive donations double
College Eye 34:23, p.1
Report on efforts of War Council and Red Cross.
233 Activites to Support the Troops
Public Relations News Release 1943:48, p.2
The "War Council" was created two days after the bombing of Pearl Harbor in order to increase efforts to support the troops. Nine different divisions are responisible for these efforts.
234 Girls of Lawther Hall answer demand for Red Cross dressings
College Eye 34:22, p.3
Fold about 400 bandages every Tuesday evening.
235 Twenty-one earn Red Cross life saving certificates
College Eye 34:19, p.3
List of those who passed test.
236 Lawther Hall girls initiate regular Red Cross night
College Eye 34:17, p.1
Will fold surgical bandages.
237 Red Cross classes in water safety opened January 25
College Eye 34:15, p.3
238 Red Cross opens nutrition class
College Eye 34:7, p.3
Home economics students assisting Professor Sutherland.
239 Knitting, sewing quota completed
College Eye 33:40, p.3
Red Cross group completes eight sweaters, eight skirts, and eight shirts.
240 Coeds find new dates
Alumnus 26:3, p.2
Spend more time in Red Cross work room.
241 Red Cross class to study 'vitamins'
College Eye 33:37, p.3
242 Beginners learn to knit
College Eye 33:36, p.3
243 Red Cross sewing room will open next Monday
College Eye 33:35, p.3
Will give instruction on sewing and knitting.
244 Sutherland heads Red Cross classes in nutrition
College Eye 33:35, p.3
Miss Sutherland will emphasize the importance of nutrition.
245 Red Cross sewing and weekly nutrition class are for summer workers
College Eye 33:34, p.3
Professor Sutherland will conduct nutrition classes.
246 Red Cross room opens
College Eye 33:29, p.2
247 Earl J. Stout
Alumnus 26:2, p.20
Now assistant director of the branch offices for the Red Cross; stationed in St. Louis, Missouri.
248 Winifred Morton-Palmer
Alumnus 26:2, p.13
Completed a course in nutrition and canteen work for the Red Cross.
249 Home front launches offensive in World War II, 1942
Alumnus 26:2, p.5
Survey of college efforts to meet defense demands include speeding up curriculum, recycling, Red Cross classes, physical fitness, and letter-writing; photo.
250 Red Cross room will open Monday
College Eye 33:24, p.3
Sewing machines will be available to make skirts, shirts, and sweaters.