
Displaying 101 - 150 of 152 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
101 Twenty-four graduates of Kossuth county high schools are attending Iowa State Teachers college this fall, according to Registrar Marshall R. Beard
Public Relations News Release 1950:108, p.1
The students and home high schools are listed.
102 Mother of TC Registrar dies in Illinois
Public Relations News Release 1950:104, p.1
Funeral services for Gertrude M. Beard were held Tuesday (Oct. 31) in Marion, Indiana. She died Saturday evening in Hinsdale, Ill., where for several years she had lived in the home of her daughter, (Theodore Dierks).
103 Registrar discusses credit balance sheet, course credit, certificates
College Eye 41:27, p.2
Discussion of required courses and record keeping.
104 Merrill Fink appointed assistant to Registrar
College Eye 40:31, p.1
Has been instructor in English; will replace Tom Lamke, who will be doing graduate study.
105 Registrar
Old Gold 0:0, p.16
Brief description of the position; photo.
106 The Registrar's Office will make microfilm copies of documents
College Eye 40:15, p.8
Filming process has been underway since January 1945.
107 Registrars hold convention here
College Eye 40:5, p.4
108 Registrars will hold convention
Public Relations News Release 40:4, p.1
Regional group will meet on campus.
109 Brave students steal grade books attempting to learn grades received
College Eye 39:33, p.3
Around 1920, students broke into the Registrar's Office and stole the grade books so that they could see their grades; books were recovered; vault built as a result.
110 College Services in Action
Old Gold 0:0, p.29
Scenes from the extension office, registration, and business office; photo.
111 Administration in Action
Old Gold 0:0, p.23
Assistant Registrar Tom Lamke takes time off for a bit of profound explanation; photo.
112 Dr. M. R. Beard
Old Gold 0:0, p.20
Marshall Beard is the registrar, which some of his duties include keeping academic records and issuing grades. Dr. Beard also supervises the sending of credit balance sheets to junior students, showing progress of the student; photo.
113 Final registration for spring quarter
Public Relations News Release 1946:57, p.1
Two hundred more students are expected to register for the spring quarter during final enrollment. Early enrollment resulted in 1,268 students enrolled.
114 R to nine is count used by registrar
College Eye 37:9, p.4
Uses duodecimal system for certain data.
115 And how many times . . . we followed the "six steps"
Old Gold 0:0, p.6
Outlines the six steps and difficulties of the registration process; photo.
116 Marshall R. Beard, Registrar
Old Gold 0:0, p.24
An overview of the duties of the Registrar Marshall Beard as compared to his work in the social science department; photo.
117 Deans and officials
Old Gold 0:0, p.15
Summary of the duties of the deans and administrative officials; photo.
118 The Administration Building
Old Gold 0:0, p.43
Old Administration Building houses president, deans, registrar, and business office; photo.
119 New college catalogues at Registrar's office
College Eye 34:20, p.1
120 Dr. Beard is Registrar
Alumnus 27:1, p.6
Replacing Selmer Larson, who is teaching math and science courses required by war emergency; photo.
121 Beard replaces Larson as new Registrar
College Eye 34:9, p.1
Selmer Larson will teach courses in mathematics and science.
122 Speed deserves compliment
College Eye 32:23, p.2
Praise for registrar for improving registration and for speeding up delivery of grades.
123 A Social 'I'
College Eye 31:23, p.3
Comments on the beginning of a term, and the performances of the Placement Bureau and Registrar's office
124 Machines detect students easily
College Eye 30:37, p.1
Selmer Larson talks about the new IBM sorting machines.
125 No recreational dancing Monday; women's dormitory progresses; install index filing machines
College Eye 30:37, p.1
No recreation because of vacation; dormitory is moving toward completion; new machines installed at the office of the Registrar.
126 Winter quarter over, grades in, Registrar busy
College Eye 29:23, p.1
A look at the process of recording and posting grades.
127 New registrar, dep't heads
Alumnus 21:3, p.3
Selmer C. Larson replaces C. S. Cory as Registrar; Department of Mathematics and Commercial Education splits with Professor Van Engen heading the former and Lloyd V. Douglas heading the latter; other new staff members added.
128 New registrar
College Eye 28:38, p.1
Selmer Larson will assume duties on July 1.
129 Administration
Old Gold 0:0, p.24
Description of duties of the various administrative officials; photos.
130 Students mob office getting term grades
College Eye 27:25, p.1
131 College offices and bookstore to be rebuilt; tentative plans also cal for landscaping of Commons
College Eye 25:37, p.1
Will accommodate changes in administrative organization and beautification plans for Back Circle.
132 Registrar
Alumnus 17:3, p.5
Brief profile of Registrar C. S. Cory and description of functions of his office; photo.
133 Placement Bureau
Old Gold 0:0, p.40
History, aims, and description; photos.
134 Registrar
Old Gold 0:0, p.19
History and description of duties; work done by President's secretaries until 1901; then done by faculty members until 1913, when C. S. Cory became Registrar; photos.
135 Increased enrollment
Public Relations News Release 1931:449, p.1
Number of students seeking bachelor's degrees increased by 94 in 1931-1932 school year.
136 Silent man of campus succumbs to queries of College Eye interviewer; administration officer does not seek to encourage popularity
College Eye 23:50, p.1
Interview with Registrar Cory.
137 Attendance records of recent years for college students
Public Relations News Release 1929:534, p.1
Enrollment for the summer term is at an all time high, at 2800 students.
138 System and order have been marching into the offices and clerical departments
Public Relations News Release 1929:323, p.1
President Latham reorganizes and modernizes services and facilities for greater efficiency; new lighting, office equipment, and arrangesment for many offices.
139 Increased educational efficiency
Public Relations News Release 1929:66, p.1
President Latham re-arranges classrooms, offices, and mechanical equipment.
140 Beatrice Wilbur
College Eye 14:49, p.1
Beatrice Wilbur will move to Duluth.
141 Registrar's report
Alumni News Letter 6:4, p.1
Statistics for student enrollment in degree courses.
142 Echoes from the manual training department
Old Gold 0:0, p.259
143 New vault for records
Alumni News Letter 6:1, p.1
A fireproof room is installed west of the Administration Building which will house the Registrar and Examiner's office as well as the Bureau of Appointments.
144 Department of Administration
Old Gold 0:0, p.32
Roster of registrar, deans of men and women; library staff; photos.
145 State Board of Education business
College Eye 8:19, p.6
Agenda for meeting provided.
146 Things we would like to know
College Eye 4:28, p.8
Campus gossip.
147 Nellie had a little box
Old Gold 0:0, p.287
Poem and illustrations about a girl and her camera.
148 Prof. George S. Dick
College Eye 1:31, p.6
Will meet with other registrars in Ames.
149 Changes and plans for the coming year
College Eye 1:12, p.4
News about changes for past and present faculty; ISTC students will assist in domestic science in Cedar Falls schools; excavation for Training School may begin soon; may also build a "detention hospital; will let $10,000 contract for pipe organ..
150 Dick made Registrar
College Eye 1:11, p.189
Professor George S. Dick has been named Registrar for I. S. T. C.; will continue to teach part-time.