Reineke--Martha J. (Philosophy and Religion Faculty)

Displaying 151 - 200 of 205 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
151 Northern Iowa sources for this week's topics in the news
Public Relations News Release 1991:396, p.1
Faculty members available to provide further information on current news topics.
152 Summer fellowships announced
Campus News Network 2:11, p.1
Roster of those who won awards and their topics of research.
153 Northern Iowa sources for this week's topics in the news.
Public Relations News Release 1991:343, p.1
Faculty available to provide further information on ethics, liberals in college, small school survival, and abortion are announced.
154 Women are pushing the snooze button on their biological clocks
Public Relations News Release 1991:326, p.1
Martha Reineke shares information on the increasing number of women waiting until their late twenties or thirties for marriage.
155 Northern Iowa sources for this week's topics in the news.
Public Relations News Release 1991:328, p.1
Faculty members available to provide more information on current events.
156 Northern Iowa sources for this week's topics in the news.
Public Relations News Release 1991:280, p.1
Available faculty members are listed as sources on current news topics.
157 Anita and Clarence---Now look what you've started!
Public Relations News Release 1991:274, p.1
Martha Reineke says the recent awareness of sexual harassment in the workplace will provoke healthy discussion between genders.
158 "Political Correctness" is topic of (Wednesday) December 4 debate at University of Northern Iowa
Public Relations News Release 1991:238, p.1
A panel discussion on "political correctness" will be held in Maucker Union. The debate is free and open to the public and sponsored by the Women's Studies Program.
159 Are you politically correct?
Campus News Network 2:6, p.
Panel will discuss matter.
160 Co-dependency topic of first women's studies forum, scheduled to begin Monday (September 9) at University of Northern Iowa
Public Relations News Release 1991:29, p.1
Schedule for the forum series on women's studies at UNI announced.
161 Women's equality day--improving opportunities and removing barriers.
Public Relations News Release 1991:8, p.1
Women still face discrimination when it comes to dealing with family and career issues.
162 The politically correct movement on campuses--how damaging is it?
Public Relations News Release 1990:704, p.1
Educators express concern over the liberal or politically correct views being presented to students.
163 "The future of Christianity" subject of forum Wednesday (April 10) at University of Northern Iowa
Public Relations News Release 1990:466, p.1
Forum on the future of Christianity will be held at UNI.
164 Keynote address for "Celebrating Women" month scheduled for March 28 at University of Northern Iowa; To focus on the abortion debate.
Public Relations News Release 1990:423, p.1
Faye Ginsburg will present the keynote speech for Celebrating Women Month.
165 Program recognizes women's role in society
Northern Iowan 87:41, p.11
Students and faculty talk about aims of women's studies.
166 Women's Studies program
Campus News Network 1:12, p.1
Professor Reineke comments on progress of program.
167 "Celebrating Women Month" activities planned for February and March by University of Northern Iowa Women's Studies Program
Public Relations News Release 1990:336, p.1
UNI will observe Women's History Month in March preceded by a kickoff event in February. Guest artists include Margaret Lucia and Julie Simson.
168 Reineke assumes role of director; Women's Studies receive new direction
Northern Iowan 87:5, p.8
Martha Reineke named director of the Women's Studies Program; photo.
169 Marquette native receives women's studies scholarship at University of Northern Iowa
Public Relations News Release 1990:43, p.1
Iowa native awarded annual tuition scholarship.
170 Forum series announced at the University of Northern Iowa, focusing on current research on women
Public Relations News Release 1990:37, p.1
CROW stands for current research on women.
171 Women's studies program seeks to expand role at University of Northern Iowa; Reineke assumes role of director
Public Relations News Release 1990:36, p.1
Reineke named director of women's studies.
172 Women's history month to be marked by music, drama and discussion at University of Northern Iowa Feb. 21 - March 19.
Public Relations News Release 1989:399, p.1
A production of "Letters Home" based on poet Sylvia Plath's letters to her mother. "Women Composers Concert" will feature the award winning Montclaire String Quartet. Angeleita Floyd on flute and Marleta Matheson on piano will perform.
173 Regents approve Professional Development Leaves for 23 Northern Iowa faculty.
Public Relations News Release 1988:236, p.1
Thirteen leaves planned for the fall semester, six for the sping semster and four for the academic year.
174 Economies of child care--not emphasized in the U.S., but once was in Iowa.
Public Relations News Release 1988:3, p.1
Martha Reineke says women aren't compensated vry well in the U.S. in terms of maternity leaves. "Utopian" societies recognized traditional women's jobs, like child care, as part of society's labor.
175 Feminist theology essay published at University of Northern Iowa.
Public Relations News Release 1988:503, p.1
Students of "Women and Chistanity" publish five student essays; list of authors.
176 'Witchcraft Craze' topic of next University of Northern Iowa history lecture March 9
Public Relations News Release 1987:294, p.1
Professor Martha Reineke speaks in Maucker Union on the witch hunts of New England, Scotland, and Germany. The presentation is part of the Women's History Month celebrations.
177 Not convinced pornography has direct relationship to violence
Northern Iowan 83:59, p.2
Feels pornography does not cultivate violent attitudes toward women.
178 Pornography rapes women of respect
Northern Iowan 83:58, p.11
Professor Reineke expresses strong views against pornography.
179 Position on suttee defended
Northern Iowan 83:55, p.2
Professor Reineke defends her recent lecture on Indian widow sacrifice.
180 Sati no longer practiced, outlawed in India today
Northern Iowan 83:53, p.2
Criticizes Professor Reineke's lecture "Religion and Feminism: Friends or Foes?".
181 Conference to highlight history, beliefs, lifestyle, of the Amish society April 25
Public Relations News Release 1987:300, p.1
A conference on the religious practices, history, and lifestyle of the Amish was held in the Education Center. The conference included presentations from faculty members on Amish crafts, games, and history.
182 Course justification 'interesting'
Northern Iowan 83:17, p.3
Believes faculty member's recent statements did not show sensitivity to all religions.
183 Senate OKs gen. ed. courses, including Religions of World
Northern Iowan 83:15, p.3
Approves 47-hour general education program; arguments for and against inclusion of Religions of the World; reject laboratory course requirement.
184 Poster controversy continues as panel discusses implications
Northern Iowan 82:55, p.1
Faculty panel discusses propriety of wrestling team poster.
185 UNI wrestling poster creates controversy
Northern Iowan 82:53, p.1
Some object to the portrayal of the wrestling team in military uniforms; others dislike the inclusion of a women in the poster; photo.
186 Panel topic to address women's role in religion
Northern Iowan 82:48, p.11
187 Gen. ed. requirements discussed
Northern Iowan 82:45, p.6
Discusses the different options available to fill the Humanities and Fine Arts general education classes.
188 A rebuttal
Northern Iowan 82:26, p.3
Responds to a letter to the editor written by Mildred Rugger in the November 26 issue of the Northern Iowan.
189 Women's identities preserved by keeping name
Northern Iowan 82:25, p.14
Professor Reineke presents legal and social background for marital name changing.
190 Homosexuality--another view
Northern Iowan 82:24, p.2
Responds to a Guest Viewpoint written by Professor Reineke in the November 19 issue of the Northern Iowan; cites Bible to support her contentions..
191 New course to be offered
Northern Iowan 82:23, p.7
Professor Reineke talks about her new course, Women and Christianity.
192 Homosexuality--what does the Bible say?
Northern Iowan 82:22, p.3
Discusses some of the differences between the Bible we have today and the original Hebrew and Greek versions.
193 Quakers group organized
Northern Iowan 82:9, p.7
Professor Reineke helps to organize Society of Friends group.
194 Untitled
Northern Iowan 82:4, p.2
Believes writer may not be correct in her assertions about abortion.
195 Non-traditional student group formed; part-time, older students welcomed
Alumnus 70:1, p.8
NINTSA will provide social and academic support.
196 Presentation to focus on sexist church language
Northern Iowan 81:40, p.6
Professor Reineke will make presentation.
197 Women's history events
Northern Iowan 81:38, p.11
Glenda Riley talks about upcoming events; photo.
198 Pornography discussed at forum
Northern Iowan 81:35, p.7
Excerpts from the discussion.
199 Pornography forum and film tonight
Northern Iowan 81:34, p.4
Preview of the event.
200 Panel to discuss pornography
Northern Iowan 81:33, p.1
Panel will discuss film on pornography and the matter of pornography in general; photo.