Reninger--H. Willard (English Faculty)
Displaying 151 - 200 of 309 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
151 | Seventeen student debaters face a busy weekend in debate tournaments at Eau Claire, Wisconsin and Denver, Colorado Public Relations News Release 1952:433, p.1 |
The students will be accompanied by Lillian Wagner, of the English and speech department and the college debate coach; Oliver Skalbeck, English and speech department, and Jean Hughes, assistant in charge of public school relations. | |
152 | Second section of writing opens College Eye 43:15, p.8 |
James Hearst will teach both sections. | |
153 | 100 Iowa debaters here College Eye 43:15, p.1 |
For Brindley Debate. | |
154 | Student fees raised from $36 to $40 per quarter submitted by the board by President J. W. Maucker Public Relations News Release 1951:207, p.1 |
Maucker's recommendation to the board read, in part, "recognizing the general increase in the price level of about ten percent since the beginning of the war in Korea, I believe it is equitable for students and their parents to bear their fair share. | |
155 | A convocation for all new students at 7 p.m. Sunday, September 16, in the auditorium will be the first event of orientation week Public Relations News Release 1951:22, p.1 |
Another convocation for all new students will be held in the auditorium at 9 a.m. Thursday. H. W. Reninger, head of the English and Speech department will speak on "What Should I Expect from College." | |
156 | Students, profs rate humanities College Eye 42:41, p.6 |
Professors talk about the new class. | |
157 | Grad Council meets, plans new program College Eye 42:41, p.1 |
First Graduate Council meeting; photo. | |
158 | Bishop, Guillaume attend workshop College Eye 42:40, p.4 |
159 | The Newly-Formed Graduate Council at the college pauses so the photographer can record the groups first meeting held recently Public Relations News Release 1950:421, p.1 |
During the coming year the council will formulate graduate policy. Actual instruction in courses leading to the degree of master of arts in education will begin with the 1952 summer session. Council members are listed. | |
160 | New humanities program combines history, literature to study values College Eye 42:34, p.1 |
Professors Lang and Reninger initiate new Humanities 111 course this summer. | |
161 | English and Speech Old Gold 0:0, p.48 |
Brief description of the department; photo. | |
162 | The spotlight will be focused on a famous Russian-trained drama teacher and Broadway actress next Saturday, April 28 Public Relations News Release 1950:324, p.1 |
The eighteenth annual Drama conference will focus on Madame Tamara Daykarhanova, molder of such stars as William Prince and Mildred Dunnock (of Death of a Salesman fame), and, since 1935, director of the School for the Stage in New York City. | |
163 | April 5-7 to be full weekend at ISTC Public Relations News Release 1950:277, p.1 |
Conferences on Science, special education, hearing and speech and a national wrestling tourney will share the spotlight. Iowa's needs for special education, the education of handicapped and gifted children, will be a topic at Friday's one-day conference. | |
164 | English majors to meet Monday College Eye 42:19, p.6 |
Will explain new curriculum. | |
165 | Hilltopics College Eye 42:11, p.2 |
Celebrates 'democracy in action'--anonymous ranking of professors. | |
166 | Beg your pardon College Eye 42:4, p.2 |
Corrects earlier errors. | |
167 | Dr. H. W. Reninger, head of the English department at Iowa State Colege, will speak Oct. 14 Public Relations News Release 1950:47, p.1 |
Reninger will speak in Minneapolis at the University of Minnesota's second fall conference for college teachers of language and literature. His topic will be "Theme Assignments in Freshman Composition." | |
168 | Reninger speaks at Minnesota U College Eye 42:3, p.6 |
Will speak on freshman composition. | |
169 | Three of faculty to attend confab at Minnesota U College Eye 41:37, p.4 |
170 | Faculty Old Gold 0:0, p.208 |
List of faculty; photo. | |
171 | Mahan reports on workshop in series of meetings Monday College Eye 41:14, p.4 |
Will report on the last workshop sponsored by the North Central Association Subcommittee on Institutions for Teachers Education. | |
172 | Approve journalism minor Alumnus 34:1, p.3 |
Seven courses totaling twenty-six hours will constitute minor. | |
173 | Reninger, O. Thompson will attend workshop College Eye 40:38, p.1 |
Given by NCA. | |
174 | Program opens quarter; new students addressed by Dr. Reninger College Eye 40:31, p.1 |
Excerpts from Professor Reninger's address; outlines aims for the college; photo. | |
175 | English Old Gold 0:0, p.28 |
Brief description of the department; photo. | |
176 | Earnest Mahan here January 10 College Eye 40:14, p.5 |
Will speak to faculty on the NEA study of teacher education. | |
177 | Dr. Reninger to speak to Humanists on ethics College Eye 40:12, p.3 |
178 | Humanist's Club plans discussion of ethics College Eye 40:11, p.8 |
Professor Reninger will speak. | |
179 | Council of English teachers to hold annual convention College Eye 40:10, p.4 |
Professor Reninger and Stageberg will attend. | |
180 | Committee will study problems of integration College Eye 40:8, p.3 |
Will discuss problems of integrating teacher education work with work in other departments. | |
181 | English Old Gold 0:0, p.33 |
Every student gets acquainted with the rooms on the first floor of the Auditorium building, and the speech department has new requirements to insure a more thorough coverage of the many activities of this field; photo. | |
182 | Instructional Staff Old Gold 0:0, p.57 |
This page lists and shows some of the Instructional Staff; photo. | |
183 | 900 are expected at drama meet College Eye 39:27, p.3 |
ISTC faculty will lead discussions. | |
184 | Reninger to speak to Humanists Club College Eye 39:8, p.8 |
185 | College to be used says H. W. Reninger College Eye 38:36, p.3 |
Believes college is an instrument rather than a monument. | |
186 | Convocation to be called Tuesday College Eye 38:35, p.3 |
H. W. Reninger will be speaking at the upcoming convocation; photo. | |
187 | Lecture-Concert Series set; eight events for summer announced Old Gold 38:34, p.1 |
Will feature ISTC faculty. | |
188 | Theta Alpha Phi Old Gold 0:0, p.178 |
Brief description of the group; photo. | |
189 | Faculty Old Gold 0:0, p.111 |
List of faculty; photo. | |
190 | English Old Gold 0:0, p.89 |
Brief description of the department; photo. | |
191 | Miss Woodhull resigns from English post College Eye 38:33, p.9 |
Professor Reninger praises work of Gladys Hearst and Winifred Hart. | |
192 | Sage announces Lecture-Concert summer program College Eye 38:32, p.8 |
Will feature ISTC faculty. | |
193 | Senior Day is cancelled by committee College Eye 38:27, p.1 |
Committee believes that many students are already brought to campus by other means. | |
194 | Letters to the editor College Eye 38:17, p.2 |
Discuses Warren Smith's pronunciation of the words piano and pianist; in a second letter, Charles Stark responds negatively to the photo of women in their swimsuits presented in last week's campus paper. | |
195 | Musical Notes College Eye 38:17, p.2 |
Discusses music students, faculty members and upcoming musical events. | |
196 | Reninger speaks on education here; a Navy vet, he's author, researcher College Eye 38:15, p.2 |
Profile of Professor Reninger. | |
197 | Regulations affecting all car owners begin Monday College Eye 38:13, p.1 |
Description of parking areas; rules will be enforced. | |
198 | Untitled College Eye 38:13, p.1 |
Professor Reninger will speak on "What is College For?"; Hans Kohn will speak at a later assembly. | |
199 | Campus Commentary College Eye 38:5, p.3 |
Discusses the responses to the campus commentary column on September 27, 1946, which discussed the atmosphere of I.S.T.C.; photo. | |
200 | Faculty Old Gold 0:0, p.61 |
Photos of the faculty. |