Richman--Luther Anton (Music Faculty)

Displaying 101 - 150 of 326 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
101 Twenty-four will represent college at music convention concert tonight; Rudolph Ganz to present recital immediately after concert
College Eye 24:33, p.1
Students and faculty will participate in Iowa Music Teachers convention.
102 110 piece symphony at the Iowa Music Teachers convention
Public Relations News Release 1932:313, p.1
Composed of music teachers and pupils from across Iowa, the orchestra will perform Friday in the West High School auditorium at 8:15 p.m.
103 Personals
College Eye 24:32, p.2
New notes on students, alumni, and faculty.
104 Slacks is chosen Men's Club President
College Eye 24:29, p.1
Defeated Professor Richman.
105 Marian Baie appears in voice recital here
College Eye 24:28, p.3
106 Two instructors tie for Presidency in Men's Club election
College Eye 24:27, p.1
Will need run-off election between Professors Richman and Slacks.
107 Dr. Niven speaks at fellowship luncheon
College Eye 24:27, p.1
At Westminster House.
108 Glee Clubs will present sacred cantata Sunday
College Eye 24:27, p.1
Will present "The Seven Last Words of Christ".
109 Internationally famous lecturer and religious leader
Public Relations News Release 1932:280, p.1
Dr. Charles W. Gilkey, is the principle speaker during the city and campus wide Passion week, April 9 through April 16. Approximately eight-thousand people are expected to take part in the weeks various services.
110 Milton Moore to present recital Tuesday evening
College Eye 24:26, p.1
Profile of Milton Moore.
111 'Pagliacci' to be shown here next Thursday
College Eye 24:26, p.1
Will show film version.
112 Nine students are presented in recital
College Eye 24:26, p.3
List of performers.
113 Three faculty portray comic 'Mikado' roles; stage, painted by Stanley Wood, to represent Japanese print
College Eye 24:24, p.1
Preview of the presentation.
114 Violin student to broadcast tonight
College Eye 24:24, p.1
Horace Lund and Virginia Fish will perform.
115 College movie will show Richard Dix in 'Hell's Highway'
College Eye 24:22, p.3
116 Aeolians will give annual concert at regular music hour
College Eye 24:21, p.1
Michael Klinoff and Robert Dunkelberg will be soloists.
117 Latham to speak to graduates Thursday night; forty-eight will receive diplomas and degrees
College Eye 24:21, p.1
Description of Commencement activities.
118 Faculty members join in free-will concert
College Eye 24:21, p.3
In Waterloo.
119 Movie version of 'Pagliacci' is set for April 6; two hundred subscribers assure presentation here
College Eye 24:20, p.1
Professor Richman believes that he can bring the movie to campus.
120 Mrs. Parrott will present organ recital
Public Relations News Release 1932:255, p.1
Nellie Law Parrott will present a organ recital on Tuesday February 28, at 8:15 p.m.
121 Dr. Latham to address winter term graduates; commencement exercises are set for March 2; dinner March 1
College Eye 24:19, p.1
Preview of the ceremony.
122 Milton Moore to be soloist at Waterloo symphony concert
College Eye 24:19, p.3
123 Movie version 'Pagliacci' may be shown here; if you want to see it, sing on the bulletin board
College Eye 24:18, p.1
Need one hundred signatures to get the film.
124 Tickets for college movie are reduced to fifteen cents
College Eye 24:17, p.3
Will show "Secrets of the French Police".
125 Mystery hovers round choice of 'Campus Tutors'
College Eye 24:17, p.1
Trying to figure out who will be selected " Well-Known Tutors" in the Old Gold.
126 45 candidates to be announced as "Well Known Tutors"
Public Relations News Release 1932:218, p.1
A list of the names of 45 students selected by the Old Gold as candidates for "Well Known Tutors", will be given places of honor in a special feature section of the annual.
127 Luther Richman wins annual faculty golf tournament finals
College Eye 24:13, p.1
Defeated C. S. Cory.
128 College movie will include double bill of Saturday night
College Eye 24:12, p.4
Special deal will include two movies at the college movie on Saturday.
129 One contest remains in third flight of faculty golf tourney
College Eye 24:11, p.1
Results of play thus far.
130 Music instructors appear in Waterloo
College Eye 24:11, p.3
Will play at Woman's Club meeting.
131 Approximately five hundred "dads"
Public Relations News Release 1932:114, p.1
Fourth annual Dad's Day celebration is this weekend.
132 Dad's Day will feature Ypsilanti game tomorrow
College Eye 24:10, p.1
Schedule of activities.
133 Frank Miles will be speaker at Armistice program
College Eye 24:10, p.1
Description of the ceremony.
134 Roush recital
College Eye 24:10, p.3
Lois Roush performed.
135 College movie is filmed from story by local author
College Eye 24:9, p.2
Will show "The Woman who was Forgotten", based on story by Bess Streeter Aldrich.
136 Fourth annual Dad's Day will be celebrated next weekend; luncheon, football game, show included in program
College Eye 24:9, p.1
Short description of the program.
137 Four from college will meet tonight in radio audition
College Eye 24:7, p.1
138 Honor fraternities and literary groups have initiation, meetings and luncheons
College Eye 24:5, p.3
Campus social calendar; list of literary society pledges.
139 College movie will admit Johnsons free
College Eye 24:4, p.4
Will show "The Roar of the Dragon"; Cedar Falls Danes will also be admitted free.
140 Fourteen local professors will address group; faculty members invited to Teachers Association Convention
College Eye 24:2, p.1
A number of faculty will participate in local teachers meetings.
141 Women's League, Y. W., Student Council begin social affairs for fall term
College Eye 24:1, p.3
Campus social calendar.
142 Helen M. Waters resigns; to be married soon; professor will wed faculty member of New York institute
College Eye 23:54, p.1
Will marry Lloyd F. Rader; announcement made over private radio broadcast.
143 Richman, Jackson to compete for Faculty Men's Club golf title
College Eye 23:54, p.1
144 Metropolitan pastors will give addresses at Bible Conference
College Eye 23:53, p.4
Several ISTC faculty will assist with music.
145 Music professors will clash in finals of golf tournament
College Eye 23:53, p.1
Luther A. Richman will compete against George W. Samson, Jr.
146 Faculty members present musical program at 'sing'
College Eye 23:52, p.1
Present short program of songs.
147 Student choir will present cantata at Clear Lake conclave
College Eye 23:52, p.1
Group from First Methodist Episcopal Church will perform.
148 College symphony will offer free concert Tuesday night; evening program features Olive Barker, contralto, as soloist
College Eye 23:51, p.1
Performance program.
149 Student choir gives cantata performance
College Eye 23:51, p.3
Luther Richman directed Methodist group.
150 Orchestra will appear twice this summer; faculty singers will be soloists for symphony programs
College Eye 23:48, p.1
Will play on campus at Bible Conference.