Ritter--Elmer L. (Extension Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 295 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Administrative reorganization
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.201
President Maucker seeks to resolve matters of faculty governance and authority; organizes and establishes administrative lines for units in Division of Field Services.
2 Curriculum and related matters, 1940-1950
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.132
Detailed coverage of curriculum change, especially the movement to reformulate general education.
3 Elmer Ritter
Alumnus 59:2, p.14
Died January 17, 1974.
4 Consultants tell rural school story
Alumnus 51:4, p.2

Professors Shepherd and Ritter retire; talk about early days in school consulting work; photo.

5 Service award winners named
Alumnus 44:3, p.13
Eleven receive service awards.
6 Pi Tau Phi Alumnae Receive Newsletter
Old Gold 0:0, p.250
Pi Tau Phi send out yearly newsletters to the alumnae, and won third prize with their Homecoming float; an overnight party, alumnae breakfast, Mother's Day luncheon, a graduates dinner, and a Christmas party were some of the highlights of the year; photo.
7 Local ISEA members finish teacher appreciation drive
College Eye 46:16, p.6
Local faculty will be memorialized in Salisbury House fund drive.
8 Fred D. Cram
Old Gold 0:0, p.22
Administration; photo.
9 Pi Tau Phi
Old Gold 0:0, p.224
Brief description of the group; photo.
10 Four of faculty at ISEA meet
College Eye 45:20, p.6
11 Representatives visit IFTA delegate assembly in Des Moines this weekend
College Eye 45:18, p.1
12 Ritter shows slides to Language club
College Eye 45:10, p.2
Of trip to Europe.
13 Students earn credit through mailbox courses
College Eye 44:37, p.1
Correspondence study procedures.
14 All ISEA officers invited to lunch
College Eye 44:34, p.3
Professor Brune extends invitation.
15 Administration
Old Gold 0:0, p.22
Administrators; photo.
16 Special workshop to be held next Monday, Tuesday
College Eye 44:11, p.1
Highlights of the meeting for education supervisors.
17 Founder's Day
College Eye 43:29, p.7
Governor Beardsley visits campus; photo.
18 An informal author's tea honoring Irving H. Hart will be held in the Georgian Lounge of the Commons, April 16
Public Relations News Release 1951:611, p.1
Hart's book "The First 75 Years" is a history of ideas fundamental to the development of the college. Hart is college archivist and historian. Favors in the form of book marks will be presented to those attending.
19 Twenty-nine members of the instructional and administrative staffs are listed in the 1952 edition of Who's Who in the Midwest
Public Relations News Release 1952:498, p.1
According to the compilers those included in the publication are of significant reference interest nationally and sectionally, but are identified with the central and midwestern states. Biographical material is given for some of those listed.
20 Who's Who lists eleven from here
College Eye 43:19, p.1
A number of faculty listed in Midwest Who's Who.
21 President J. W. Maucker will preside tonight at a dinner meeting of the 14th annual National Farm Institute in Des Moines
Public Relations News Release 1952:428, p.1
Other engagements scheduled for the president this month include the annual meeting of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE) in Chicago and the 1952 regional convention of the American Association of School Administrators.
22 Four in attendance at Des Moines meet
College Eye 43:16, p.7
Attend ISEA meeting.
23 Faculty travels
College Eye 43:15, p.8
Attend teacher standards meeting in Des Moines.
24 Who was Ritter's red-haired pupil?
College Eye 43:11, p.3
Ernie Pyle was a student of E. L. Ritter.
25 Student fees raised from $36 to $40 per quarter submitted by the board by President J. W. Maucker
Public Relations News Release 1951:207, p.1
Maucker's recommendation to the board read, in part, "recognizing the general increase in the price level of about ten percent since the beginning of the war in Korea, I believe it is equitable for students and their parents to bear their fair share.
26 Prof. Zoild D. T. San Andres, National Teachers college, Manila, Philippines, is a visitor this week on the campus
Public Relations News Release 1951:70, p.
The emphasis of San Andres observations of elementary education in colleges and universities in the United States will be in the areas of rural education and laboratory schools.
27 Ritter to Greenfield
College Eye 43:2, p.7
Will organize extension class.
28 College activities to commemorate 75th Anniversary
College Eye 43:1, p.4
Description of scheduled activities.
29 Extension classes to be conducted weekly in Denison
College Eye 43:1, p.4
Description of classes.
30 Five events commemorating the 75th anniversary of the college will take place on campus during the 1951-52 academic year, E. L. Ritter announced today
Public Relations News Release 1951:24, p.1
The events will include: A matriculation convocation; homecoming weekend; presentation of the oratorio, "Elijah"; "Founder's Day"; and Commencement week.
31 Five events commemorating the 75th anniversary of the college will take place on campus during the 1951-52 academic year
Public Relations News Release 1951:30, p.1
E. L. Ritter, chairman of the anniversary steering committee, announced today that a matriculation convocation in the men's gymnasium will be Friday morning, September 21. President J. W. Maucker will be the featured speaker.
32 A plan calling for weekly extension classes to be conducted in Denison (Crawford County) this fall was announced today by Dr. E. L. Ritter
Public Relations News Release 1951:16, p.1
The plan marks a cooperative effort between Edwin Coen, Crawford county superintendent of schools, and the college to extend instructional service to the teachers of Crawford and adjoining counties.
33 News in brief
College Eye 42:34, p.2
News about ISTC faculty and alumni.
34 New Curriculum
Public Relations News Release 1950:402, p.1
A major curriculum revision for degree students began with this summer's instruction. Daryl Pendergraft will coordinate the new program, which required seven years of faculty committee preparation.
35 Missouri Valley-Several faculty members from the Cedar Falls campus of Iowa State Teachers college will present assembly programs during the summer
Public Relations News Release 1950:398, p.1
Director William Dreier announced these assembly appearances from June 22 to August 13: E. L. Ritter, H. A. Riebe, J. W. Maucker, Herbert V Hake, E. W. Hamilton, J. Duke Elkow, Jane Mauck, Jvone Maxwell, Maurice Gerow, John Powell, and Hazel B. Strayer.
36 Branch school has 77 enrolled
College Eye 42:33, p.4
Several faculty will visit.
37 Administration
Old Gold 0:0, p.39
Brief description of the extension service and radio studio; photo.
38 Professor Lou A. Shepherd, of the bureau of extension service will serve as the 1951-52 vice-president of Extension and Field Services
Public Relations News Release 1950:361, p.1
Shepherd was elected at the associations's 26th annual meeting last week at Arkdelphia, Arkansas. She will automatically become president next year.
39 The 1951 summer session of the Iowa State Teachers college branch school in Missouri Valley will be the fourth such session held there
Public Relations News Release 1950:296, p.1
William H. Drier, instructor in education, will direct the June 11 to August 17 session. The first session held in Missouri Valley, in 1923, was under the direction of H. L. Eells. The sessions of 1943 and 1945 were directed by J. B. Paul.
40 Faculty members to attend meet
College Eye 42:17, p.3
Will attend regional meeting on teacher education.
41 Education extension work to be PDK panel topic
Public Relations News Release 1950:195, p.1
In training service for public school teachers will be the panel subject at the meeting of the Alpha Phi field chapter of Phi Delta Kappa, national professional education fraternity. The meeting will be in the Faculty room, Gilchrist Hall.
42 President J. W. Maucker of Iowa State Teachers College will speak in Des Moines Monday at a convention of the Iowa Council on Better Education
Public Relations News Release 1950:132, p.1
His topic will be "Recent Developments in Teacher Education." A panel to discuss recent current administrative reorganization of Illinois school districts is also included on the program, said E. L. Ritter, director of the extension service at the college
43 Iowans visit reorganized school districts in Illinois
Public Relations News Release 1950:77, p.1
Eighteen Iowans included representatives from the Farm Bureau federation, Farmer union, a women's club, state public instruction department, I.S.T.C., and county boards of education and county school superintendents. They visited school district #271.
44 Statewide Industrial Arts Conference will be held on campus tomorrow
College Eye 42:3, p.8
First of three conferences to be held this year.
45 Extension Service revises text book
College Eye 41:31, p.6
Written by Professors Ritter and Shepherd.
46 Pre-workshop planners . . .
College Eye 41:31, p.6
School superintendents meet.
47 News in Brief
College Eye 41:31, p.2
Campus news notes.
48 Denison Branch School addressed by Ritter
College Eye 41:31, p.5
49 Administration
Old Gold 0:0, p.33
List of faculty and brief description of their work; photo.
50 Ritter attends annual extension board meet
College Eye 41:30, p.7