Ritter--Elmer L. (Extension Faculty)
Displaying 201 - 250 of 295 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
201 | Untitled College Eye 23:26, p.3 |
Professor Ritter will speak to Christian Endeavor group. | |
202 | Summer school to be at Creston; branch session will begin on June 1; Dr. Ritter will act as director College Eye 23:25, p.1 |
203 | Creston, Iowa was selected Public Relations News Release 1931:147, p.1 |
Becomes the branch school summer location for next year. | |
204 | Approximatley fifty instructors of the Iowa State Teachers College Public Relations News Release 1931:104, p.1 |
Iowa State Teachers Association convention held next week in Des Moines. | |
205 | Fifty profs go to convention; distinguished educators will attend; twenty local teachers to speak College Eye 23:20, p.8 |
Quick description of topics to be covered. | |
206 | Five represent college at Dubuque convention College Eye 23:16, p.1 |
207 | Five members of the Iowa State Teachers College faculty Public Relations News Release 1931:31, p.1 |
Will attend Northeastern Iowa Teacher Convention in Dubuque on October 8 and 9. | |
208 | Faculty members will speak at convention College Eye 23:15, p.1 |
Five faculty will speak at ISTA meeting. | |
209 | Alumni plan reunion at N. E. A. Alumnus 15:3, p.4 |
California alumni hope to meet other ISTC alumni at NEA meeting in Los Angeles. | |
210 | Eva May Luse will attend conference at Los Angeles; will be delegate of the Iowa State Teachers College unit of the N. E. A. College Eye 23:3, p.6 |
Several other faculty members are also involved with NEA service. | |
211 | The Iowa State Teachers College unit of the National Education Association Public Relations News Release 1930:457, p.1 |
Professor Luse and other ISTC faculty are delagates to the national NEA conference in Los Angeles. | |
212 | Pi Tau Phi Old Gold 0:0, p.260 |
Sponsor, chaplain, sorores in college, and pledges; photos. | |
213 | Extension Division Old Gold 0:0, p.38 |
Description of the Extension Division; photos. | |
214 | Red Oak is branch school site Alumnus 15:2, p.9 |
Because of economic conditions, two of three summer schools will be eliminated. | |
215 | Eight members of the Iowa State Teachers College faculty Public Relations News Release 1931:243, p.1 |
Will go to Fort Dodge or Ottumwa for meetings. | |
216 | Assembly may vote funds for branch school at Red Oak; summer sessions would open June 3, with E. L. Ritter as director College Eye 22:20, p.2 |
Three branch summer schools in summer of 1930; Depression forces retrenchment to just one for summer of 1931. | |
217 | If the necessary funds are voted by the General Assembly Public Relations News Release 1930:208, p.1 |
A summer branch school in Red Oak is a possibility. | |
218 | Professors to attend meeting of National Education Association College Eye 22:19, p.6 |
A number of faculty will attend meeting in Detroit. | |
219 | Iowa State Teachers College professors Public Relations News Release 1930:205, p.1 |
Faculty to attend the National Education Association's annual meeting of the Department of Superintendence in Detroit on February 21-26. | |
220 | A. C. Fuller, associate director of the extension division Public Relations News Release 1930:194, p.1 |
Professor Fuller and other faculty members to attend the Teachers College Extension Association conference in Ypsilanti, Michigan. | |
221 | Alumni talk at state conference Alumnus 15:1, p.4 |
Roster of ISTC alumni and faculty participating in Iowa State Teachers Convention. | |
222 | Nineteen faculty members address teachers of state; Latham points out pitfalls in progressive education College Eye 22:10, p.1 |
Many faculty are on ISTA program. | |
223 | Nineteen faculty members of the Iowa State Teachers college Public Relations News Release 1930:79, p.1 |
Nineteen faculty members will travel to Des Moines for the 76th annual Iowa State Teachers Convention. | |
224 | E. L. Ritter presides at Teachers Ass'n meeting College Eye 22:5, p.8 |
225 | Charles McMullin Alumnus 14:4, p.26 |
McMullin, a member of the Junior High School at Des Moines, Iowa, visited the branch summer school at Shenandoah, Iowa. E. L. Ritter, extension professor of education at the College, is director of this school. | |
226 | Bubbles has a home College Eye 21:39, p.4 |
Professor Ritter's canary is now living in the Dean of Women's office. | |
227 | Extension school scatters education from KFNF; emanations may be heard by tuning in on Henry Fields between 3:30 and 4:00 College Eye 21:38, p.1 |
Broadcasts from Shenandoah heard daily. | |
228 | Extension Division Old Gold 0:0, p.40 |
Functions of the extension division; photos. | |
229 | Professors chosen for extension schools College Eye 21:31, p.2 |
To be held in Shenandoah, Centerville, and Spencer. | |
230 | Thirty-three prominent educators from Iowa and other states Public Relations News Release 1929:454, p.1 |
Faculty selected for branch summer schools. | |
231 | Men professors of the Iowa State Teachers college Public Relations News Release 1929:414, p.1 |
Men professors present an all surprise program for faculty women at dinner sponsored by both the College Club and Faculty Men's Club. | |
232 | Men professors plan surprise program for club women College Eye 21:27, p.1 |
Faculty Men's Club will host College Club. | |
233 | College professors join local chapter of university profs College Eye 21:20, p.1 |
Twenty-five faculty are members of the newly-organized AAUP chapter; ISTC is one of ten teachers colleges admitted to membership. | |
234 | The recently organized Cedar Falls chapter Public Relations News Release 1929:228, p.1 |
AAUP now has twenty-five members; roster of members. | |
235 | H. C. Moeller College Eye 21:15, p.2 |
Professors Moeller and Ritter named to state committees. | |
236 | H. C. Moeller, extension professor of rural education Public Relations News Release 1929:141, p.1 |
Professors Moeller and Ritter named to Iowa State Teachers Association committees. | |
237 | Professor E. L. Ritter Alumnus 14:1, p.16 |
Elected president of NE Iowa Teachers Association; short biographical sketch. | |
238 | Extension workers hold largest meeting in history of division College Eye 21:13, p.2 |
389 attend study center in Jasper County. | |
239 | Pi Tau Phi College Eye 21:13, p.7 |
Will be entertained at Mrs. E. L. Ritter's home; Dorothy Ferguson returned to classes. | |
240 | College professors receive high offices at Des Moines meeting College Eye 21:10, p.1 |
Professors Lynch, Ritter, and Brindley elected to office. | |
241 | Teachers and patrons Public Relations News Release 1929:28, p.1 |
Extension Service annual report was published; provided statistical information on its work for the year. | |
242 | Extension Division serves many teachers is shown by report College Eye 21:6, p.1 |
Deliver service to about 25,000 teachers. | |
243 | Dr. Ritter elected president at N. E. Iowa teachers convention College Eye 21:0, p.1 |
Profile of Professor Ritter. | |
244 | Extension school enrollment is 718 College Eye 20:38, p.1 |
At branch summer schools at Sheldon, Muscatine, and Corning. | |
245 | Extension Department Old Gold 0:0, p.35 |
Irving H. Hart praises the extension faculty members; photos. | |
246 | Pi Tau Phi College Eye 20:23, p.8 |
Entertain at the home of Mary Wiler. | |
247 | Pi Tau Phi College Eye 20:21, p.8 |
Hold winter formal and theatre party. | |
248 | Pi Tau Phi College Eye 20:20, p.6 |
Formal initiation, member visits, alumni contacts. | |
249 | Modern club house made possible by Woman's Club accessible to T. C . students College Eye 20:7, p.1 |
House at Third and Clay Street being remodeled; will be available for college social activities. | |
250 | Educational leaders honored at dinner; three merry wives act as hostesses College Eye 20:5, p.1 |
Presidents of University of Iowa and Iowa State University honored. |