Royer--Zillah Mae (Class of 1930)
Displaying 1 - 25 of 25 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Mrs. Everett Ford (Zillah Mae Royer) Alumnus 24:2, p.26 |
Resides in in Waterloo. Her husband is salesman for the Double Cola Bottling Co. They have one son, Richard Lee. | |
2 | Zillah Mae Royer Alumnus 15:1, p.29 |
Zillah Royer married Everett F. Ford. They will reside in Coon Rapids, Iowa. | |
3 | Graduates Old Gold 0:0, p.65 |
Graduate photos. | |
4 | Kappa Phi Old Gold 0:0, p.288 |
Sponsor, patronesses, and members; photo. | |
5 | Zillah M. Royer Alumnus 14:2, p.29 |
Royer of Coon Rapids, Iowa, married to Everett F. Ford, on June 5. He is a student of the Teachers College. | |
6 | Bartlett Hall Council Old Gold 0:0, p.41 |
Officers, members, and matrons of Bartlett Hall; photos. | |
7 | Kappa Phi Old Gold 0:0, p.270 |
Brief history, sponsor, patronesses, honorary member, members, and pledges; photos. | |
8 | Kappa Phi College Eye 20:29, p.6 |
Members visit homes, obtain jobs, and officers elected. | |
9 | Kappa Phi College Eye 20:27, p.5 |
Members spend Easter at home. Member hospitalized. | |
10 | Kappa Phi College Eye 20:13, p.5 |
Sorority happenings. | |
11 | Kappa Phi College Eye 20:9, p.8 |
Dinner meeting, Ames Homecoming, visits, and visitors. | |
12 | Kappa Phi College Eye 20:8, p.8 |
Visitors, visits home, sympathy. | |
13 | Bartlett Hall news College Eye 20:2, p.3 |
Activities and events in Bartlett Hall; officers named. | |
14 | Bartlett Hall Council Old Gold 0:0, p.199 |
Council members; matrons; photos. |
15 | Delta Gamma Lambda Old Gold 0:0, p.268 |
Honorary members; sponsor; patronesses; members; photos. | |
16 | Zeta Literary Society Old Gold 0:0, p.256 |
Society officers; members; honorary members; society colors, motto, mascot and flower; photos. | |
17 | Aeolian Glee Club Old Gold 0:0, p.203 |
Club officers; members; photo. |
18 | Delta Gamma Lambda College Eye 19:33, p.8 |
Sorority happenings. | |
19 | Zetalethean College Eye 19:31, p.5 |
Society meeting information; initiations. | |
20 | Zetalethean College Eye 19:5, p.4 |
Society happenings; office roster. | |
21 | Delta Gamma Lambda Old Gold 0:0, p.269 |
Roster of the honorary members, patronesses, sponsor, and members; photo. | |
22 | Zeta Literary Society Old Gold 0:0, p.254 |
Roster of officers, members and honorary members; individual photos; photo collection. | |
23 | Aeolians Old Gold 0:0, p.167 |
Roster of officers and members; photo. | |
24 | Delta Gamma Lambda College Eye 18:38, p.8 |
Entertained at a tea in honor of the rushees; roster of patronesses present. | |
25 | Delta Gamma Lambda College Eye 18:16, p.8 |
Announces pledges; held formal initiation and a dinner. |