
Displaying 51 - 100 of 138 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
51 Teachers Association
Normal Eyte 13:8, p.113
Lengthy account of Northeastern Iowa Teachers Association meeting on campus.
52 Notes by the way
Normal Eyte 13:5, p.65
Letter from President Seerley on other schools' buildings and plans.
53 Teachers' association; speakers if both state and national reputation will be present
Normal Eyte 13:3, p.36
Program highlights.
54 Teachers Association
Normal Eyte 13:2, p.19
Northeast Iowa Teachers Association will meet on campus.
55 Official: notes and comments on State Teachers convention (concluded)
Normal Eyte 10:15, p.352
Highlights of the Iowa State Teachers Convention.
56 There has been a call
Normal Eyte 10:6, p.128
New edition of Henry Sabin's book, "Talks to Young People", available.
57 The Educational Exchange
Normal Eyte 10:1, p.16
Henry Sabin promotes the work of his teacher placement agency.
58 Editorial
Normal Eyte 9:26, p.611
General Assembly allocates $100,000 to ISNS for new buildings; looks forward to large chapel, many classrooms, and literary society halls; Henry Sabin publishes book.
59 Feb. 24
Normal Eyte 9:21, p.499
Henry Sabin came to campus and spoke on George Washington.
60 Editorial
Normal Eyte 9:11, p.253
Explanation of the success of ISNS debaters; Henry Sabin publishes book; Normal Eyte staff looking forward to Thanksgiving.
61 There is in the hand of the printers
Normal Eyte 9:7, p.155
Henry Sabin publishes "Talks to Young People".
62 On the program
Normal Eyte 9:3, p.62
Several Normalites will make presentations at conference.
63 J. R. Byers
Normal Eyte 9:3, p.59
Superintendent in Parker, South Dakota.
64 Hon. Henry Sabin
Normal Eyte 8:14, p.193
Will give course of lectures in summer.
65 Maud Kling
Normal Eyte 8:13, p.184
Entered school.
66 The State Teachers Association
Normal Eyte 8:11, p.152
Many Normal faculty and alumni on program; President Seerley is to address the subject, "Does the School meet the demands of the people?".
67 The Southwest Iowa Teachers Association
Normal Eyte 8:10, p.138
Report on the meeting.
68 Hon. Henry Sabin
Normal Eyte 8:10, p.138
Applauds recent address by Mr. Sabin.
69 Hon. Henry Sabin and Hon. Ira C. King
Normal Eyte 8:4, p.53
Organizing correspondence classes.
70 Summer term
Normal Eyte 8:2, p.22
Lengthy report on the summer session; 339 enrolled.
71 The summer term
Normal Eyte 7:33, p.8
Faculty will offer special lectures and entertainment programs during the summer.
72 The Southeastern Iowa Teachers Association
Normal Eyte 7:28, p.10
Brief report.
73 This week gives to our readers
Normal Eyte 7:23, p.5
Commends final portion of Henry Sabin's farewell address.
74 Mr. Sabin's farewell address
Normal Eyte 7:23, p.8
Conclusion of address.
75 Mr. Sabin's farewell address
Normal Eyte 7:22, p.6
76 Mr. Sabin's farewell address
Normal Eyte 7:21, p.8
77 The biennial report of the State Superintendent's office
Normal Eyte 7:20, p.9
Henry Sabin put together a welcome assessment of education in Iowa.
78 Honorable Henry Sabin
Normal Eyte 7:20, p.9
Re-opened teacher employment agency.
79 Mr. Sabin's farewell address
Normal Eyte 7:20, p.8
80 Mr. Sabin's farewell address
Normal Eyte 7:19, p.9
Text of address.
81 Mr. Sabin's farewell address to the Iowa State Teachers Association
Normal Eyte 7:18, p.9
Text of address.
82 Mr. Sabin's farewell address
Normal Eyte 7:17, p.11
83 Professor J. C. Gilchrist as an educator and as a public official of the state
Normal Eyte 7:16, p.9
Henry Sabin's tribute.
84 Miss Lillian Goodwin
Normal Eyte 7:16, p.11
Appointed secretary to President Seerley; had worked for Henry Sabin.
85 Program of the Gilchrist Memorial Exercises
Normal Eyte 7:15, p.175
Ceremony schedule.
86 Official News and Notes
Normal Eyte 7:6, p.61
Board of Directors changed to Board of Trustees; extensive look at new certification laws; new Student Battalion appointments; will hold memorial service for Principal Gilchrist in December.
87 State Teachers Association
Normal Eyte 7:5, p.58
Program for the December meeting.
88 The most successful year in the history of the State Normal School
Normal Eyte 6:34, p.476
Account of Commencement exercises.
89 Henry Sabin, L. L. D.
Normal Eyte 6:33, p.393
Tribute to Henry Sabin and his influence on the Normal School.
90 Never in the history of Iowa
Normal Eyte 6:29, p.338
Praise for Henry Sabin.
91 Honorable Henry Sabin
Normal Eyte 6:27, p.314
Delivered address in Des Moines.
92 First class certificate
Normal Eyte 6:27, p.315
Henry Sabin says that certification in the new subjects requires lengthy study rather than simply institute work.
93 On the program
Normal Eyte 6:23, p.273
Several Normalites will speak at teachers association meeting.
94 Presumably there is no month
Normal Eyte 6:20, p.229
Notes significance of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.
95 Every teacher in Iowa
Normal Eyte 6:19, p.217
Should read recent addresses of Henry Sabin.
96 The visiting committee
Normal Eyte 6:17, p.201
On campus.
97 The State Teachers Association
Normal Eyte 6:15, p.171
Highlights of the meeting.
98 Fore-father's Day
Normal Eyte 6:15, p.169
Program features address by Henry Sabin.
99 Honorable Henry Sabin
Normal Eyte 6:11, p.122
Will speak on rural schools at NEA.
100 Honorable Henry Sabin's article
Normal Eyte 6:10, p.111
Publishes article on health in the schools.