Seerley Hall for Men (now Baker Hall)

Displaying 201 - 243 of 243 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
201 Untitled
Alumnus 24:4, p.7
Latham tribute issue of Alumnus features photos scattered throughout the issue of most of the new buildings on campus; photo.
202 Many new faces are on staff
College Eye 32:1, p.1
Brief profiles of new faculty and staff.
203 New Seerley head's duties begin in fall
College Eye 31:42, p.1
Brief profile of Mae B. DePree; photo.
204 Director of Seerley resigns, accepts positions in Illinois
College Eye 31:39, p.1
Will be succeeded by Mae B. DePree; photo.
205 Improvements made by late president
College Eye 31:38, p.1
Notes changes on campus for which President Latham was responsible.
206 Residents of men's halls to frolic at Farmer's Ball in Commons this evening
College Eye 31:23, p.3
207 Fire, fire! And there goes 309!
College Eye 31:21, p.4
Short in lamp causes fire in Seerley Hall for Men; occupants' belongings destroyed or damaged.
208 Baker-Seerley game, aquatic exhibition, are play night's highlights
College Eye 31:15, p.3
209 Seerley wins inter-dorm touch football
College Eye 31:9, p.4
Seerley Hall defeats Baker Hall in intramural football.
210 Bartlett, Seerley plan decorations
College Eye 31:6, p.1
Several dorms reveal plans for Homecoming decorations.
211 Men's Union play day to be tomorrow
College Eye 31:4, p.3
Will hold Baker-Seerley tug of war.
212 For men only
Alumnus 23:4, p.4
Close look at facilities and features of new men's dormitories; photo.
213 Plan announced
College Eye 30:25, p.4
Baker and Seerley Halls will attempt to beautify campus.
214 Seerley Hall sponsors Friday varieties tonight at Commons
College Eye 30:25, p.3
215 Baker, Seerley men hosts tonight at Farmer's Frolic
College Eye 30:23, p.3
216 Sportsmanship winner
College Eye 30:22, p.4
Seerley Hall wins this honor; believes being named the best sports should be just as important as being the best basketball players.
217 Farmers' Frolic, Baker-Seerley dance, March 10
College Eye 30:22, p.3
218 Round-Robin volley ball headlines
College Eye 30:16, p.4
Intramural tournament will be held with Seerley Hall vs. ADA, Phi Sigs vs. Beans, and Alpha Chi vs. Xanho.
219 Seerley in upset
College Eye 30:16, p.4
Seerley was outplayed in intramural basketball with ADA for three and one-half quarters, but then Seerley went on a scoring spree and made four baskets in less than two minutes.
220 Alpha Chis, Beans rank as favorites
College Eye 30:15, p.4
Intramural basketball game will begin and coached by Clyde.
221 Tickler directors select acts; R. Ashley wins as Ringmaster
College Eye 30:14, p.1
Description of some of the acts.
222 Gadgets do his bidding
College Eye 30:11, p.4
Gadgets help Cecil Teeter wake up in the morning.
223 Seerley residents have first autumn dinner
College Eye 30:10, p.3
224 Seerley, A. D. A. win decorations contest
College Eye 30:9, p.3
Rho Epsilon Rho sponsors Homecoming contest.
225 This year's celebration . . . .
Alumnus 22:4, p.1
Fall 1938 enrollment is 1900; 650 men and 1250 women; 525 women live in Bartlett; 111 men live in Baker; 119 men live in Seerley.
226 The builder
Alumnus 22:4, p.
Worker on steel girder in Seerley Hall for Men; photo.
227 Seerley residents triumph
College Eye 30:4, p.6
In Men's Union recreational activities.
228 Seerley resident "baptizes" new hall
College Eye 30:3, p.2
Water main problems produces small flood.
229 Seerley Hall prexy
College Eye 30:2, p.1
Ray Shepard is elected.
230 Seerley Hall completed
College Eye 29:34, p.4
Will be occupied in fall 1938; will house 121 men.
231 Summer students find three new buildings completed
College Eye 29:34, p.4
Will find new Greenhouse, men's dormitory, and swimming pool; photo.
232 Seerley Hall plastered; paint next
College Eye 29:21, p.1
Description of the new building; will be at least two months before it is ready for use; photo.
233 The buildings
Alumnus 22:1, p.4
Additions to campus in 1937: swimming pool and men's dormitory nearly completed.
234 Maze of blueprints reveals building progress
College Eye 29:7, p.1
Report of progress on Seerley Hall for Men and the Women's Gymnasium swimming pool; hope to complete Seerley Hall by May 1, 1938; photo.
235 Youth and age
Alumnus 21:4, p.4
Speculations on large boulder unearthed in Seerley Hall construction.
236 My, how it's changed!
Alumnus 21:4, p.12
Survey of recent changes on campus for those who will visit during Homecoming; photo.
237 Unearth giant boulder
College Eye 29:1, p.7
Contractor discovers five ton boulder while excavating for Seerley Hall for Men; puzzling what to do with it.
238 New dorm, pool well under way
College Eye 29:1, p.5
New Seerley Hall for Men should be completed by May 1938; swimming pool adjacent to Women's Gymnasium should be ready by December 1937.
239 Trucks roar at Seerley Hall
College Eye 28:42, p.1
Construction progressing on Seerley Hall for Men and the women's swimming pool.
240 Student Council revisions
Alumnus 21:3, p.3
Council members to be nominated by Men's Union and Women's League; question about future of fraternities in light of Baker and Seerley Hall facilities.
241 "Seerley Hall", new dorm
Alumnus 21:3, p.2
New dorm named for President Seerley will be built next to Baker Hall; will resemble Baker Hall and cost $155,000; construction will start July 1, 1937.
242 Work will begin immediately on new Seerley Hall
College Eye 28:38, p.1
Kucharo Construction selected from eighteen bidders to be general contractor; contract to be completed in three hundred days; will be similar to Baker Hall, but have some differences.
243 New men's dormitory opens June, 1938
College Eye 28:33, p.1
Seerley Hall for Men will house 121 men; will be paid for by earnings from Baker and Bartlett Halls.