Seerley--Homer Horatio (President of ISNS and ISTC)

Displaying 951 - 1000 of 1916 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
951 Official Notes
College Eye 4:6, p.3
News of important Iowa educators.
952 President Seerley
College Eye 4:4, p.8
Attended education meeting in Chicago.
953 President Seerley and Mr. Roger Leavitt
College Eye 4:3, p.8
Attended a board meeting in Iowa City.
954 Untitled
College Eye 4:3, p.5
Comments on faculty, students, and happenings on campus.
955 Pres. Seerley
College Eye 4:2, p.8
Attended State Board of Examiners meeting in Des Moines.
956 Alumni gathering at Boone
College Eye 4:1, p.7
Cedar Falls College Club met at Viola Leese's home.
957 Graduating exercises
College Eye 4:1, p.7
Thomas Huston Macbride gave Commencement address.
958 Alumni day
College Eye 4:1, p.7
Review of Alumni Day events.
959 Baccalaureate service
College Eye 4:1, p.1
President Seerley spoke on "The Noble Greatness of Sublime Living."
960 Homerian
Old Gold 0:0, p.263
Illustration of one room schoolhouse; society motto, colors, emblem, and yell provided; roster of officers, society members, and honorary members; poem by Veda Stryker; Photos.
961 Homer H. Seerley
Old Gold 0:0, p.26
962 President Seerley
College Eye 3:31, p.518
Gave an address before a joint meeting of the parent-teachers associations of two schools in Cedar Rapids.
963 President H. H. Seerley
College Eye 3:30, p.502
Gave an address before the Western Drawing and Manual Training Teachers Association at Milwaukee.
964 The Homerian Literary Society
College Eye 3:30, p.504
Enjoyed a four course dinner at the Gymnasium.
965 The Irving and Homerian literary societies
College Eye 3:29, p.488
Were entertained at President Seerley's home.
966 President and Mrs. Seerley entertain seniors Monday evening
College Eye 3:28, p.460
Over 250 students attended.
967 Last Thursday evening
College Eye 3:27, p.456
President Seerley gave an address to open a new school building; met with the state Board of Educational Examiners in Des Moines.
968 Miss Oliver, Mr. Meyerholz and President Seerley
College Eye 3:27, p.456
Represented the faculty at the T. C. dinner given at Iowa City.
969 Mr. and Mrs. Seerley
College Eye 3:25, p.424
Left for New York City to attend the annual convention of the National Simplified Spelling Board.
970 Prof. Seerley
College Eye 3:24, p.406
Elected vice-president of the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools at Chicago.
971 Prof. Seerley
College Eye 3:23, p.392
Returned from the annual convention of the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools.
972 Christian Associations
College Eye 3:23, p.387
President Seerley will address N. C. A. at the next meeting.
973 Pres. H. H. Seerley
College Eye 3:21, p.360
Delivered an address to the Y. M. C. A.
974 Pres. Seerley
College Eye 3:19, p.326
Spent time in Iowa City with his mother and brother.
975 One of the important social events of the season
College Eye 3:19, p.325
Esther Seerley married Claude E. Culley of Marshalltown.
976 Official Notes
College Eye 3:18, p.302
Kansas adopts Seerley textbook; Extension Service bulletin out; summer term will be six weeks; Training School will continue during the summer; Sarah Peters runs course of Bible study for women.
977 President Seerley's co-operation proposition received favorably
College Eye 3:17, p.283
Rural schools within a few miles of Cedar Falls will be supervised by ISTC; plan for assisting with rural education.
978 President Seerley
College Eye 3:16, p.280
Gave an address at Bagley and Forest City, met with the state board of examiners.
979 On the evening of Tuesday, Jan. 13
College Eye 3:16, p.267
Faculty holds reception for college men.
980 Official Notes
College Eye 3:15, p.257
News about study centers, Iowa education, and faculty appointments; Professors Hart and Eels will joint faculty sometime this spring.
981 A banquet was given last Friday
College Eye 3:15, p.264
Knights Templar held banquet in honor of H. H. Seerley.
982 C. C. Seerley and family
College Eye 3:14, p.246
Visited President Seerley.
983 Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Seerley
College Eye 3:14, p.248
Called to Cedar Rapids to attend the funeral of their daughter's father-in-law.
984 Christian Associations
College Eye 3:12, p.206
Held meeting with all Protestant church organizations; will hold special meetings to talk about international concerns.
985 Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Seerley
College Eye 3:11, p.196
Enjoying a visit from their daughter and grandson.
986 President H. H. Seerley
College Eye 3:9, p.164
Addressed two teachers meetings at Allerton.
987 Courses in state schools will be coordinated
College Eye 3:8, p.136
Will help students transfer between state schools more easily.
988 Official Notes
College Eye 3:7, p.120
Training School Building may be ready by December 1913; several ISTC alumni are studying at Columbia University; Professor Campbell is continuing his survey of rural education; news about Harriet Elizabeth Gunn.
989 Official Notes
College Eye 3:5, p.88
President Seerley will speak on rural school matters; a new secretary will be appointed; faculty considering changes in academic calendar, meeting rules, and curriculum.
990 Mrs. H. H. Seerley
College Eye 3:4, p.82
Visited their daughter in Cedar Rapids.
991 A telegram received by President and Mrs. H. H. Seerley
College Eye 3:1, p.21
Received news of a grandson; new baby is son of Dr. and Mrs. Clem Seerley.
992 The christenin' of th' bairns
College Eye 3:1, p.13
Two new literary societies, Homerian and Irving, were incorporated.
993 Graduating exercises
College Eye 3:1, p.15
Brief excerpts from the Commencement speech by the Honorable Claude R. Porter.
994 President Seerley
College Eye 3:1, p.22
Gave an address to the literary society graduates at the State University of Iowa.
995 Alumni luncheon
College Eye 3:1, p.6
Concluded Alumni Day; over five hundred attended.
996 Our Honored President, 1886-1913
College Eye 3:1, p.5
Homer Horatio Seerley; photo.
997 Baccalaureate Service
College Eye 3:1, p.20
Program of service.
998 Alumni literary program
College Eye 3:1, p.3
Commencement reunions resulted in a literary program conducted by alumni.
999 Photos
Old Gold 0:0, p.102
Faculty and their children, photo.
1000 Professional Department
Old Gold 0:0, p.81
Faculty with their professional credentials; photo.