Seerley--Homer Horatio (President of ISNS and ISTC)

Displaying 1751 - 1800 of 1916 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1751 President Seerley
Normal Eyte 6:19, p.219
Attends NCA meeting.
1752 The following is a clipping
Normal Eyte 6:19, p.226
Tribute to President Seerley.
1753 On Wednesday and Thursday
Normal Eyte 6:17, p.198
President and Mrs. Seerley hold reception for Class of 1897.
1754 President Seerley
Normal Eyte 6:17, p.201
Went to Des Moines.
1755 The Des Moines reunion
Normal Eyte 6:15, p.170
Description of recent ISNS reunion at ISTA meeting; four hundred attended.
1756 Others of the faculty
Normal Eyte 6:15, p.178
Roster of faculty who attended ISTA meeting.
1757 Mr. and Mrs. Seerley
Normal Eyte 6:14, p.165
Entertained the faculty.
1758 Mr. Seerley
Normal Eyte 6:14, p.165
Went to Chicago on business.
1759 President Seerley's good bye to the November section, Class of 1896
Normal Eyte 6:12, p.134
Text of speech.
1760 The State Teachers Association
Normal Eyte 6:11, p.122
Roster of Normalites who will be part of program.
1761 Y. M. & Y. W. C. A.
Normal Eyte 6:11, p.125
President Seerley addresses meeting; union meetings held in Cedar Falls.
1762 The Cottage Literary Society
Normal Eyte 6:11, p.128
Met at President Seerley's house.
1763 Students will do well
Normal Eyte 6:11, p.129
Should read articles by Professor Page and President Seerley.
1764 In the September number of Iowa Normal Monthly
Normal Eyte 6:8, p.93
President Seerley wrote an article on child study.
1765 Mr. Seerley
Normal Eyte 6:7, p.82
Enjoying visit from family.
1766 The following teachers went to Dubuque
Normal Eyte 6:6, p.69
1767 President Seerley and family
Normal Eyte 6:4, p.45
Attends parents' golden wedding anniversary.
1768 Athletic Department
Normal Eyte 6:3, p.31
Large group of men report for football; game against Upper Iowa scheduled; President Seerley suggests limiting practice to one hour per day.
1769 President Seerley
Normal Eyte 6:2, p.21
Seeking certain issues of the Normal Eyte.
1770 On Tuesday P. M.
Normal Eyte 6:2, p.22
Seniors receive instruction on chapel orations; some will receive credit for participation in debates.
1771 Faculty
Normal Eyte 5:35, p.354
Individual photos of faculty; photo.
1772 Alumni banquet
Normal Eyte 5:35, p.372
Description of program.
1773 Baccalaureate address
Normal Eyte 5:35, p.364
Excerpts from President Seerley's address.
1774 President Seerley
Normal Eyte 5:35, p.348
Will attend National Council of Education in Buffalo, New York; will then teach institutes for remainder of summer.
1775 Civics and economics
Normal Eyte 5:34, p.337
Professors Parish and Seerley are offering a new course.
1776 President Seerley
Normal Eyte 5:33, p.331
Gave lecture to men.
1777 President Seerley
Normal Eyte 5:33, p.327
Speaks at Sioux City Training School.
1778 Horace Mann
Normal Eyte 5:30, p.284
Henry Sabin presents address in honor of Mann's 100th birthday.
1779 Board meeting items
Normal Eyte 5:29, p.268
Board elects faculty and arranges them into departments; new laboratories established; museum will get new cases; C. P. Colegrove will take over President Seerley's classes.
1780 Y. W. & Y. M. C. A.
Normal Eyte 5:28, p.260
Thirty-two new members join YMCA; hold missionary meeting on South America; lengthy YMCA annual report.
1781 The North Central Association
Normal Eyte 5:27, p.248
President Seerley presents a lengthy report on the meetings and intentions of the new association.
1782 The program
Normal Eyte 5:27, p.251
Northwestern Iowa Teachers Association meets; many Normalites attend.
1783 U. of M.
Normal Eyte 5:27, p.247
Professor Beeman, from the University of Michigan, visits the Normal School on an inspection trip.
1784 President Seerley
Normal Eyte 5:26, p.245
Began series of lectures to seniors.
1785 On Thursday evening
Normal Eyte 5:24, p.224
Cadet Band plays for President Seerley and Major Dinwiddie; plays ISNS March written by J. C. Sanders.
1786 President and Mrs. Seerley
Normal Eyte 5:22, p.205
Held reception for Class of 1896.
1787 President Seerley
Normal Eyte 5:22, p.204
Was in Des Moines.
1788 President Seerley
Normal Eyte 5:18, p.163
Went to Des Moines.
1789 Y. W. & Y. M. C. A.
Normal Eyte 5:18, p.162
Meetings announced.
1790 Society notes
Normal Eyte 5:18, p.161
A description of the Zeta and Philo programs.
1791 On Friday evening
Normal Eyte 5:16, p.138
Excerpts of debate between University of Iowa and University of Chicago on annexation of territory to the US.
1792 President Seerley
Normal Eyte 5:16, p.144
Meets enthusiastic Normalites on visit to University of Iowa.
1793 Society notes
Normal Eyte 5:16, p.139
Description of Alpha program; program for Philomathean public session.
1794 Normal reunion at Des Moines, January 1, 1896
Normal Eyte 5:15, p.130
About one hundred attended program.
1795 The new office furniture
Normal Eyte 5:15, p.133
President Seerley enjoying new furniture.
1796 The last members of the Class of 1895
Normal Eyte 5:14, p.122
President Seerley addresses them.
1797 Pres. Seerley's class
Normal Eyte 5:13, p.113
Will teach in new building.
1798 The Cottage Literary Society
Normal Eyte 5:12, p.106
Met at Miss Baker's home.
1799 The State Teachers Association
Normal Eyte 5:12, p.102
Several ISNS faculty will participate in the meeting.
1800 President Seerley
Normal Eyte 5:10, p.77
Goes to Cedar Rapids.