Sexually Transmitted Disease

Displaying 1 - 50 of 69 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 National STD Awareness Month: Get yourself tested!
Northern Iowan 117:49, p.3
Student Wellness Services urges students to get tested for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) during STD Awareness Month; photo.
2 HPV vaccines available at Student Health Center
Northern Iowan 117:37, p.4
Vaccines for human papillomavirus (HPV), a sexually transmitted infection, are now available through the Student Health Center; photo.
3 SWS: protect yourself with HPV vaccine
Northern Iowan 116:36, p.3
Student Wellness Services urges students of all genders to get the Gardasil 9 vaccination, which helps prevent cancers caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV), a sexually transmitted infection; photo.
4 STD Awareness: get yourself tested
Northern Iowan 115:47, p.3
Student Wellness Services urges students to get tested for sexually transmitted diseases and discusses safer sex; photos.
5 April is National STD Awareness Month
Northern Iowan 111:44, p.3
Health promotion coordinator Shawna Haislet offers up resources students can take to ensure that they are STD free; photo.
6 Let's talk about sex, UNI
Northern Iowan 111:9, p.5
YouTube sex educator Laci Green came to the Maucker Union Ballroom and gave students a lesson on safe sexual practices.
7 Response to "Awareness Month: is hooking up letting you down"
Northern Iowan 107:51, p.11
Points out the assumptions made by the previous author. The lack of coverage for homosexual, bisexual, or pansexual hookups noted. Students urged not to judge those who hook up safely.
8 Awareness Month: is hooking up letting you down?
Northern Iowan 107:50, p.12
April is STD Awareness Month. Men and women are urged to get tested.
9 'Because I want to"
Northern Iowan 107:41, p.9
Students need to take the responsibility to be prepared with best knowledge needed to make safe decisions. Getting tested for sexual transmitted disease and practicing safe sex are basic pieces of information needed.
10 'Because I want to'
Northern Iowan 107:39, p.8
Risking future plans for a few moments of enjoyment is not the brightest idea in the world. Wants and needs are seldom the same thing. We all have choices and must remember there are consequences to choices.
11 Health and Sexuality Q & A's
Northern Iowan 105:46, p.5
Questions asked and answered concerning health and sexual issues.
12 Curing cancer requires cure for culture?
Northern Iowan 103:7, p.5
Science has discovered a vaccine for HPV, a virus that has the capability to become cancer in women. The drug must be given prior to a woman's becoming sexually active.
13 The century's most influential invention
Northern Iowan 102:48, p.7
Believes that birth control has had powerful influence on life; also believes that the pill has created many problems.
14 UNI students face one more test
Northern Iowan 102:42, p.10
A look an human papilloma virus and its effects; photo.
15 HPV vaccine a good idea for today's youth
Northern Iowan 102:11, p.8
Laura Rutt explains that HPV vaccine will not prompt kids to have sex if parents raise their children with good morals.
16 Student Voices
Northern Iowan 102:8, p.11
Students respond to the question," What is your opinion on giving vaccines to 11 year-old children for STD's?"
17 Education is the cure
Northern Iowan 102:8, p.7
With new vaccine for human papilloma virus ready for the market, writers believe education must also play large role to prevent young adults from being infected.
18 STD testing no longer free service
Northern Iowan 101:48, p.1
The Black Hawk County Health Department will no longer offer free STD testing to low or no-risk patients; photo.
19 Human error in bed
Northern Iowan 101:11, p.7
Gives facts and statistics on birth control and pregnancy.
20 Will wonders never cease
Northern Iowan 101:10, p.5
Believes people should not use technology as a crutch or as an excuse to remove themselves from responsibility.
21 Will boys just be boys in the bedroom?
Northern Iowan 101:10, p.5
Refutes commonly heard male arguments against wearing condoms.
22 Sex story and STD situations
Northern Iowan 101:8, p.6
Expresses concerns about the spread of sexually-transmitted diseases due the mindset of college-age individuals regarding sex and relationships.
23 Myth vs. reality: college sex
Northern Iowan 101:4, p.9
Spotlight on sexual activity in college and its consequences; photo.
24 Irresponsible sex at all ages
Northern Iowan 100:50, p.7
Students encouraged to be aware of the dangers of unprotected sex.
25 True tale of one man's visit to the STD clinic
Northern Iowan 99:11, p.7
Describes his experience of being tested for sexually transmitted diseases.
26 Let's talk about sex
Northern Iowan 98:43, p.11
Reports show that teenagers are waiting longer to have sex, possibly because of negative repercussions.
27 Missing report on sex education
Public Relations News Release 2000:391, p.1
Joel Wells will discuss a report by Surgeon General David Satcher concerning sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancies.
28 'Love Me Safely'--use a condom
Northern Iowan 94:36, p.9
Theme for 1998 National Condom Day is "Love me Safely."
29 What's Up
Northern Iowan 93:50, p.2
Activities and meetings.
30 What's Up
Northern Iowan 93:48, p.3
Activities and meetings.
31 What¿s Up
Northern Iowan 93:46, p.5
Activities and meetings.
32 What's Up
Northern Iowan 93:43, p.3
Activities and meetings.
33 'A healthy UNI'
Northern Iowan 93:41, p.14
Health Center has home HIV test kits; testing for chlamydia and gonorrhea are easier now.
34 'A healthy UNI'
Northern Iowan 93:22, p.8
Sexually transmitted disease human papilloma virus affects both men and women.
35 Condom Olympics promote safer sex
Northern Iowan 92:39, p.14
Attempts to show that condoms work; photo.
36 STD's pose threat to college students
Northern Iowan 92:38, p.4
Health Center can test for many sexually transmitted diseases; photo.
37 Care enough to be safe
Northern Edition 2:25, p.4
Choices Month addresses sexually transmitted diseases.
38 America's Least Wanted
Northern Edition 2:12, p.1
Sexually transmitted diseases are treated at a Black Hawk County clinic.
39 Thirty-five percent of UNI students sexually active
Northern Iowan 89:8, p.7
NI poll results regarding sexual activity at UNI.
40 Condoms may be found next to candy; vendo-land may never be the same
Northern Iowan 87:32, p.9
UNI recently made condoms available to students in the Student Health Center and are considering other locations.
41 Syphilis outbreak in Black Hawk County
Northern Iowan 87:30, p.7
Fifty-six of the sixty-nine cases of syphilis reported in Iowa are located in Black Hawk County.
42 AIDS Education month; Activities include 'Sex on Campus'
Northern Iowan 84:13, p.4
Description of activities.
43 Disease symptoms are given
Northern Iowan 83:59, p.18
Symptoms of chlamydia; tips on avoiding it.
44 VD presentation today
Northern Iowan 80:36, p.18
Norman Story talks about the program.
45 County gonorrhea rate is decreasing
Northern Iowan 79:41, p.5
46 Herpes common despite knowledge
Northern Iowan 79:6, p.12
Article warns students of the dangers of herpes and gives facts and figures for proof.
47 Herpes is an increasing problem; sexually transmitted virus spreading rapidly
Northern Iowan 77:47, p.4
Dr. Tenney talks about the disease.
48 Affects of the pill
Northern Iowan 76:40, p.2
Believes that students should be aware of the risk of taking contraceptive pills.
49 V. D. causes defects
Northern Iowan 75:51, p.10
Sexually transmitted diseases can cause damage to unborn children.
50 UNI advertising class honored for
Northern Iowan 75:20, p.12
Professor Denton's class honored for campaign on sexually transmitted disease.