
Displaying 1 - 50 of 118 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Student Health Center calls for health supplies donations for cold and flu season
Northern Iowan 119:27, p.1
The Student Health Center is hosting a health drive and is asking people to donate anything from hand sanitizer to pain relievers. Any items donated are sent to the Panther Pantry for students in need of health supplies throughout the semester; photo.
2 Be mindful of the effects of climate change
Northern Iowan 116:11, p.3
Wiggins discusses the effects of climate change throughout history in relation to events such as the fall of the Roman Empires, plagues, and the movement of people. In the author's opinion, this recent work on climate change and environmental history should lead today's society to reflect on the future; photo.
3 Winter weather survival: health
Northern Iowan 115:35, p.1
Student Health Clinic resource nurse Salem Fauser discusses good health practices for winter; photo.
4 Why we must believe women
Northern Iowan 115:12, p.3
The author argues that individual choices regarding who and what to believe are important, especially in cases where others are expressing pain. Ave argues that a disregard for others' pain, particularly women, has serious consequences; photo.
5 Why I relay: A collection of stories of why students decide to relay for life
Northern Iowan 114:43, p.5
Katrina Ganschow talks about how her life has been affected by cancer and why she relays for life; photo.
6 Attendance policies hurt students
Northern Iowan 114:11, p.3
Columnist Wolfe argues that professors should not have an attendance policy. Wolfe claims it can be detrimental to sick students, students with mental health struggles, and many others. Instead she claims professors should find a more creative solution than an attendance policy; photo.
7 Disease of the week; Ebola, Hemmorhagic Fever
Northern Iowan 111:4, p.5
A look at the current Ebola outbreak.
8 Colds, bugs and viruses, oh my!
Northern Iowan 107:13, p.8
Exposure to the common cold is everywhere on a college campus. Washing your hands frequently is helpful. If you have a temperature over 100 degrees or a persistent cough, you should not attend classes.
9 Student battles cystic fibrosis
Northern Iowan 106:52, p.7
Graduate student Kelsey Wegner talks about how she deals with cystic fibrosis; Great Strides walk benefits research on the disease.
10 On tissues
Northern Iowan 105:56, p.3
Believes that tissues should be provided and available in all classrooms; presents alternative methods of attending to a runny nose.
11 Sick days, college style
Northern Iowan 105:10, p.5
Germs are everywhere on a college campus. Students reminded to wash their hands often. When illness strikes, drinking plenty of water, taking vitamin C, and using over-the-counter remedies for headaches are all helpful.
12 Taking care of each other
Northern Iowan 104:42, p.7
The death of a Loras College student brings home the need to look out for neighbors, friends, roommates, or classmates. Don't be afraid to intervene if necessary.
13 Outbreak fear factor
Northern Iowan 103:9, p.7
Too much coverage of potential serious health risks, such as SARS and bird flu, has served to make Americans less likely to pay attention, because no actual outbreaks have been reported in the U.S.
14 Mumps menace: one shot not enough
Northern Iowan 103:4, p.1

Students reminded that a second measles, mumps, and rubella shot is recommended; photo.

15 Public health alert; mumps
Northern Iowan 102:44, p.4
One confirmed case of mumps at UNI.
16 Fending off the avian flu
Northern Iowan 102:38, p.7
Believes that tax dollars should be used to find vaccine for avian flu.
17 Preventing the common cold: staying hydrated, eating healthy
Northern Iowan 102:22, p.9
Health clinic director Sue Courts gives tips on how to prevent a cold, and also how to get rid of one; photo.
18 Vaccinations recommended to stop spread of deadly bacteria
Northern Iowan 101:39, p.1
Vaccinations are highly recommended to prevent meningitis; photo.
19 Untitled
Northern Iowan 100:27, p.1
Students sign up for meningitis and flu vaccinations in Schindler Education Center; photo.
20 UNI student dies over weekend
Northern Iowan 100:8, p.6

Elizabeth Huddleson contracted bacterial meningitis and died.

21 SARS hits home for UNI grad
Northern Iowa Today 87:2, p.3
Kevin Hessel talks about his experience in China during outbreak of SARS.
22 Meningitis sends shivers through UNI
Northern Iowan 99:26, p.1
Two cases of meningitis have been confirmed on campus.
23 Red Cross gives answers to West Nile virus concerns
Northern Iowan 99:2, p.6
Theresa Roche, representative for the American Red Cross, assures the public that the blood supply is safer than it has ever been.
24 Spring Break 2001 not all fun and games
Northern Iowan 97:54, p.1
Describes a disease that has been found among students who visited Acapulco, Mexico, over Spring Break.
25 Hepatitis A virus spreads nationwide
Northern Iowan 93:47, p.5
Comments on strawberries contaminated with hepatitis A virus in Iowa schools.
26 Get Funky!
Northern Iowan 86:20, p.9
Recounts recent bout of illness.
27 Achoo!
Northern Iowan 85:38, p.1
Colds and flu are going around; photo.
28 Virus hits students like a 'Mack truck'
Northern Iowan 85:28, p.19
Illness has been sweeping through campus.
29 UNI prof seeks to confirm Lyme disease in Iowa with final evidence
Public Relations News Release 1988:513, p.1
Nixon Wilson has isolated the tick and found cases of the disease in humans. Now he may have the third element, the microscopic spirochete that causes the syndrome.
30 'Chaos' caused here by colds, coughs and ills
Northern Iowan 83:37, p.13
Staff talk about the history and the services at the Health Center; photo.
31 Grandma's remedy still rated high
Northern Iowan 82:34, p.13
Joan Thompson gives tips on taking care of colds and flu.
32 Counteract the common cold
Northern Iowan 82:22, p.11
Tips on taking care of oneself.
33 An ounce of prevention is still worth a pound of cure for colds
Northern Iowan 79:22, p.8
Joan Wageman and Ken Caldwell talk about colds.
34 Tips for relief of common cold
Northern Iowan 78:26, p.13
35 Bitten by cold, flu bugs, SCIans fill health center
College Eye 59:18, p.7
Doctors offer health tips; photo.
36 Less milk, no nose blowing, a variety of pills part of Dr. Henn's prescription
College Eye 57:21, p.1
A look at the staff and services of the health center; advice on taking care of minor illnesses; photo.
37 Flu cuts back Homecoming activities
Alumnus 41:4, p.7
Seven hundred students, 30% of campus, ill.
38 Shoo, flu
College Eye 49:6, p.2
The yearly common cold has taken hold to TC students.
39 Flu wave hits TC campus!; total cases reach 500
College Eye 49:6, p.1
Most are being treated in their rooms; some are being sent home; nurses may be vaccinated.
40 New policy on sick excuses will become effective for fall quarter
College Eye 45:29, p.3
Students will report illnesses to residence hall director, who will tell student to report to Health Services for examination.
41 SLB announces new appointments
College Eye 42:5, p.9
Men may request tray of food brought to their rooms if they are sick.
42 Cold drug obtainable from health service
College Eye 41:13, p.6
Alvalda McCarty and Rita Dial are in the College Hospital.
43 College doctor warns students about cold drugs
College Eye 41:12, p.7
New antihistamine cold pills prove effective if taken as soon as cold symptoms appear.
44 Protection of sinus urged by Dr. Gamet
College Eye 41:9, p.7
Encourages the use of ear muffs and scarves.
45 Sore throats, colds respiratory infections prove most frequent
College Eye 39:33, p.7
Dr. Giffen offers advice for good health.
46 Mixed colors irritate the sick, finds committee
College Eye 24:21, p.4
Advice on visiting sick friends.
47 Correspondence and visiting committees lay plans for work
College Eye 24:17, p.3
Groups will visit those who are ill.
48 Ma! Where's the towel?
College Eye 18:47, p.4
Author suggests the installment of sanitary towels on campus to prevent the spread of diseases.
49 Official notice
College Eye 18:45, p.6
Those who are absent from class must see the Dean of Women or the Dean of Men for excuses.
50 Foot infection rampant among T. C. students
College Eye 17:37, p.1
College sees epidemic of athlete's foot.