
Displaying 51 - 100 of 118 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
51 Ironical Ike says--; Cynical Sylvia says--
College Eye 16:19, p.4
Jokes and commentary on campus life.
52 Nearly 600 vaccinated during past week; all are urged to cooperate in prevention of epidemic
College Eye 16:17, p.1
For small pox.
53 Sarah N. King
Alumni News Letter 6:3, p.
Sarah N. King dies of pneumonia on March 9, 1922. The remains are to be buried at Dellas Center, Iowa.
54 Training School High School items
College Eye 9:15, p.8
Will play basketball against West Waterloo and Marion; will hold debate; twenty-three students have reported cases of mumps.
55 Economy or ?
College Eye 9:15, p.4
Believes better ventilated classrooms will slow the spread of sicknesses.
56 Detention hospital closed
College Eye 8:28, p.8
Hospital closed last week for the first time since Christmas.
57 Training School exhibition
College Eye 8:21, p.3
Training School exhibition postponed a week due to the scarlet fever outbreak.
58 Training School closed last week
College Eye 8:20, p.1
Training School closed for a week in order to fumigate the building after an outbreak of scarlet fever.
59 An observation
College Eye 7:19, p.4
Wishes people would cease the rash of coughing fits during chapel and class periods.
60 Measles, scarlet fever, tonsillitis
College Eye 7:14, p.7
Many illnesses are plaguing the community.
61 Ruth McCormick, Muriel Swanson, and Helen Spellman
College Eye 4:10, p.7
Suffered from ptomaine poisoning.
62 Official notes
College Eye 1:17, p.5
Recognizes the life and mourns the death of librarian Ellen D. Biscoe, who died January 29, 1912.
63 College hospital annex is closed.
College Eye 1:15, p.5
College had rented a vacant house on Walnut Street for seventy days during typhoid fever epidemic; last three patients transferred to College Hospital.
64 Two members of student body called beyond
College Eye 1:13, p.3
Etta M. George and Agnes Whitacre died of typhoid fever.
65 In memoriam
College Eye 1:12, p.7
Resolutions on the deaths of Mary Gregory and Bessie Dial.
66 The silent messenger calls three members of the student body
College Eye 1:11, p.9
Three students, Mary Gregory, Bessie Dial, and Leslie Compton, died of typhoid fever.
67 Mrs. Walker's last lecture
College Eye 1:11, p.7
Marion McFarland Walker's last lecture to the men was cancelled due to sickness; may be scheduled for next term.
68 The Evans House
College Eye 1:10, p.7
Was opened and put in charge of the nurses.
69 State will care for the sick; Gymnasium will be converted into hospital, if necessary; inoculation offered by Board of Health
College Eye 1:10, p.1
At least twenty ISTC students have typhoid fever; College Hospital full; also using College Hill rooming house; will use Gymnasium if more cases develop.
70 Professor Geiser seriously sick
College Eye 1:7, p.118
Professor Geiser has typhoid fever.
71 Editorial
College Eye 1:4, p.57
Editorial encourages the enforcement of a thirty day quarantine for people sick with small pox or scarlet fever.
72 To the victors
College Eye 1:3, p.45
Article gives credit to the janitors of the school who clean the buildings and help reduce the spread of scarlet fever.
73 Most of the people at Chapman Hall
Normal Eyte 21:16, p.286
Outbreak of sickness and injury has befallen Chapman Hall.
74 Although it is hard
Normal Eyte 20:17, p.290
There are no serious illnesses going around right now.
75 Pressed meats served
Normal Eyte 19:4, p.62
Several students suffered from ptomaine poisoning.
76 Measles, grip, tonsillitis
Normal Eyte 18:18, p.276
Many sicknesses going around.
77 The cases of typhoid fever
Normal Eyte 18:5, p.78
City officials think typhoid may have been in the water; sent samples to Ames to be analyzed.
78 The quarantine for scarlet fever has been raised
Normal Eyte 17:30, p.478
Professor Newton returned to his family.
79 Prof. Newton
Normal Eyte 17:28, p.443
Family quarantined for scarlet fever.
80 The happiest looking people
Normal Eyte 14:25, p.400
Quarantine lifted at Spicer Hall.
81 Ten girls are quarantined
Normal Eyte 14:23, p.367
Due to a case of scarlet fever.
82 Rownd's Hall
Normal Eyte 12:21, p.330
Quarantine lifted.
83 The amount of sickness
Normal Eyte 12:20, p.314
Many substitute teachers have been needed.
84 Tonsillitis seems to be quite a frequent visitor
Normal Eyte 12:17, p.269
Many students seem to have it.
85 Anna E. Williams
Normal Eyte 11:27, p.667
A number of students have left school due to poor health.
86 Clara Pope
Normal Eyte 10:22, p.539
A number of Normalites have gone home due to poor health.
87 A few symptoms
Normal Eyte 10:18, p.439
Humorous look at the symptoms of the grippe.
88 Dr. Hillis postpones his lecture
Normal Eyte 10:17, p.410
Cites epidemic of the grippe in his congregation.
89 The schools of Lovilla
Normal Eyte 9:5, p.105
Closed due to diphtheria; James Treasure is principal there.
90 One was entirely out of fashion
Normal Eyte 9:3, p.60
If he did not have a cold.
91 The last faculty meeting of the winter term
Normal Eyte 8:21, p.292
Term going well except for the unprecedented numbers of students with the grippe.
92 The following are a few
Normal Eyte 8:18, p.250
Many students have been sick with the grippe.
93 Have you had the grippe?
Normal Eyte 8:16, p.224
Urges everyone to be careful.
94 Apron Strings
Normal Eyte 6:20, p.237
Casper Schenk thanks mother for help during illness.
95 Sleighing parties are fashionable
Normal Eyte 6:18, p.213
So are colds and grippe.
96 The Normal Eyte staff
Normal Eyte 6:17, p.201
Sick with the grippe.
97 Several students
Normal Eyte 5:27, p.253
Have pink eye.
98 Ventilation is an important matter
Normal Eyte 5:19, p.167
Should air out school rooms to prevent sickness and improve atmosphere.
99 If you are enjoying a cold
Normal Eyte 5:4, p.30
Many students have colds.
100 After a six weeks' siege
Normal Eyte 4:24, p.378
Alice Rhine recovering from typhoid fever.