Silvey--Ina Mae Brown (Mathematics Faculty)
Displaying 1 - 25 of 25 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Staffing A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.309 |
The difficulties in recruiting and retaining highly-qualified faculty in the 1950s and 1960s; photo. | |
2 | Retired faculty recall math at UNI Alumnus 66:4, p.10 |
Seminar brings back faculty to discuss history of math at UNI; photo. | |
3 | Math conference set Northern Iowan 79:5, p.8 |
Former professors will be guests. | |
4 | Retiring math teachers recall many memories Northern Iowan 74:55, p.3 |
Ina Mae Silvey and E. W. Hamilton look back at UNI history; remember work in Extension and closed circuit television classes. |
5 | Recollections on math teaching careers Alumnus 63:2, p.16 |
Profiles of Professors Silvey and Hamilton, who are retiring this year after many years of service; photo. |
6 | Math workshop Northern Iowan 73:42, p.1 |
Will focus on trends in mathematics. | |
7 | Metric, UNI and you UNI Century 3:4, p.4 |
Survey of efforts at UNI to teach metric system; photo. | |
8 | UNI faculty at convention Northern Iowan 71:14, p.5 |
List of faculty and staff who will be involved in the meeting. | |
9 | Evening math courses to be offered during spring semester Northern Iowan 69:27, p.5 |
Designed for local elementary teachers. | |
10 | Challenges in education Northern Iowan 65:25, p.5 |
Professor Silvey talks about the ways in which the Math Department has attempted to make its televised courses into sound instructional experiences. | |
11 | A decade of closed-circuit TV Alumnus 53:4, p.11 |
Professor Hake outlines the history and uses of closed circuit television on campus; photo. | |
12 | Dorm room TV classes foreseen for future UNI Northern Iowan 65:12, p.5 |
Speculation about the possibility of classes broadcast to dormitories via television. | |
13 | 'Saturation point reached' for closed circuit classes Northern Iowan 65:4, p.1 |
Brief history of the use of closed circuit television classes on campus; photo. | |
14 | Ina Silvey to speak on algorithms at math meeting Northern Iowan 64:33, p.6 |
Discusses purposes of her work. | |
15 | It's not just man's world claim SCI female faculty College Eye 59:37, p.1 |
Women faculty give their views on their responsibilities; photo. | |
16 | A changing mathematics at SCI Alumnus 48:4, p.2 |
Description of math department personnel, curriculum, and innovations; photo. | |
17 | SCI staff members publish new books Alumnus 48:4, p.5 |
List of authors and their work. | |
18 | General education courses to be reviewed, KYTC College Eye 56:31, p.4 |
Faculty will talk about their classes. | |
19 | Two and two are still four--but . . . . Alumnus 46:4, p.1 |
Professor Crumley discusses the new math; recounts history of achievements of Math Department; photo. | |
20 | AWS Day features faculty panel here College Eye 52:4, p.1 |
Panel will discuss "The Definition of Woman"; program highlights. | |
21 | Math Department Plans New Content Old Gold 0:0, p.101 |
As rising standards in Iowan schools rise, the Math Department rises to meet it and raise their own standards in the classroom. Both Kappa Mu Epsilon and the Mathematics Club have helped the department with multiple activities and helped join the staff meet visiting mathematicians. Staff; Photo. | |
22 | Math Department Maintains Contact With High Schools Old Gold 0:0, p.107 |
The Mathematics Department aims to attract and keep students of high quality, and maintain contacts with the public schools of Iowa; the department sponsored Kappa Mu Epsilon and the Math Club; photo. | |
23 | Math Club, Kappa Mu Epsilon Further Mathematics Program Old Gold 0:0, p.176 |
The Math Club is open to all who are interested in furthering their knowledge in mathematics; also, Kappa Mu Epsilon is a national honor fraternity that helps undergraduates appreciate the beauty of mathematics and its important role in our world; photo. | |
24 | Math Department Maintains Contact With High Schools Old Gold 0:0, p.107 |
The mathematics Deparment, headed by Mr. Haroldl Trimble, has two primary aims¿.to attract and keep students of high quality and to maintian contacts with the public schools of Iowa. Mrs. Ina Silvey experimented with film-strips | |
25 | Department of Mathematics Old Gold 0:0, p.49 |
A National Mathematics Institute was held on campus, the first to be held on any teachers college campus in the United States; the department is experimenting to see if students can obtain as much from larger classes as they can from smaller ones; photo. |