Simmons--Mary E. (Class of 1895; Latin Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 128 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Come to order
College Eye 43:21, p.5
Shows a group gathered to discuss the Campus World Student Service Fund.
2 The English Department
Fifty Years at the Teachers College 0:0, p.201
Brief history of the department, including debate and oratory.
3 Miss Mary E. Simmons
College Eye 4:24, p.7
Visited Myra Call.
4 Zida Frost
College Eye 4:21, p.9
Stayed with Mary Simmons in Shell Rock.
5 The president's relations to the faculty
College Eye 1:12, p.7
An address by Anna McGovern expressing the faculty's appreciation of President Seerley.
6 Faculty surprise President Seerley
College Eye 1:12, p.7
Faculty honors President Seerley on his twenty-five years of service to the college; several make addresses; present President Seerley with twenty-five roses.
7 Changes at the Normal; changes in faculty
Normal Eyte 18:1, p.2
New faculty appointments; brief profiles.
8 Miss Mary E. Simmons
Normal Eyte 18:1, p.11
Serving as private secretary to President Main of Grinnell.
9 Y. W. C. A.
Old Gold 0:0, p.135
Recent happenings in the YWCA; cabinet members; photo.
10 The English Department
Old Gold 0:0, p.12
Faculty assignments and brief description of department; photo.
11 The families
Normal Eyte 17:5, p.78
Faculty families spend Saturday at Big Woods.
12 Young Women's Christian Association
Pedagog 0:0, p.106
525 women are members; several representatives attended conferences; photo.
13 Miss Simmons
Normal Eyte 16:34, p.548
Purchased house owned by Robert Fullerton.
14 Miss Call and Miss Simmons
Normal Eyte 16:31, p.495
Gave a Dickens party.
15 During Miss Simmon's absence
Normal Eyte 16:28, p.446
Gertrude Decker and Miss Walker conducted her classes.
16 Miss Childs left Wednesday
Normal Eyte 16:28, p.446
Went to Chicago to enjoy opera.
17 Miss Simmons
Normal Eyte 16:8, p.124
Visited Winthrop.
18 Last week Miss Call and Miss Simmons
Normal Eyte 16:4, p.62
Entertained Professor Loughridge with dinner.
19 Normal's Young Women's Christian Association
Normal Eyte Annual 0:0, p.59
Follows the advancements of the YWCA since it began at ISNS in 1886; photo of cabinet members.
20 Triangular Debate; the societies break even, each winning three points
Normal Eyte 15:31, p.483
In the intersociety debate, the three men's societies each earned three points.
21 Drake preliminary; Weber, Colegrove, Orios; Miller, Philo; to meet Drake--Robinson, Philo, alternate
Normal Eyte 15:27, p.417
The I. S. N. S. debate team that will take on Drake has been chosen.
22 Miss Simmons
Normal Eyte 15:24, p.381
Was called to Racine because of her uncle's death.
23 Last Saturday evening
Normal Eyte 15:20, p.320
Clios host banquet for Orios.
24 Thursday evening
Normal Eyte 15:5, p.79
Professors Patt, Call, Simmons, and Oliver greet new women faculty.
25 Shake
Normal Eyte 15:3, p.45
The Shakespearean Literary Society held a meeting at which Mary Simmons gave advice.
26 Debaters were chosen; the team to meet Kansas has been selected
Normal Eyte 14:29, p.449
Raymond Dix, Percival Magee, and Ernest Walker were selected; C. O. Ruggles will be alternate.
27 Miss Simmons
Normal Eyte 14:25, p.399
Sister-in-law ill.
28 Y. W. C. A.
Normal Eyte 14:22, p.338
Nominating committee named; personal worker's class underway; fifty-two Bible study classes organized; Sunday School doing well.
29 Miss Simmons
Normal Eyte 14:13, p.206
Professors Simmons and Buck went to Grinnell.
30 Several of the faculty.
Normal Eyte 14:11, p.174
Several faculty traveled to Des Moines.
31 Miss Carrie B. Parker
Normal Eyte 14:6, p.94
Carrie Parker left for Massachusetts.
32 Theodore Thomas Orchestra
Normal Eyte 13:31, p.481
Performance preview.
33 One of the week's happenings that was extremely enjoyable
Normal Eyte 13:31, p.490
Women faculty hold party for Stella Satterthwait.
34 A most delightful complimentary
Normal Eyte 13:30, p.478
Professors Call and Simmons held party for Stella Satterthwait.
35 A linen shower is to be given Miss Satterthwait
Normal Eyte 13:29, p.461
Hosted by Professors Call and Simmons.
36 The last meeting of the year of the Reading Circle
Normal Eyte 13:28, p.444
Will discuss Rousseau.
37 The Reading Circle
Normal Eyte 13:26, p.410
Robert Fullerton and Mary Simmons led discussion.
38 Miss Buck and Miss Simmons
Normal Eyte 13:24, p.378
Visited Grinnell.
39 Pre-nuptial
Normal Eyte 13:21, p.331
Emma Ridley Colegrove gave party for Stella Satterthwait.
40 Triangular debate
Normal Eyte 13:21, p.322
Aristos defeat Philos; Orios defeat Philos.
41 One of the pleasant social events of the year
Normal Eyte 13:14, p.221
YWCA advisory board entertained women of Cedar Falls.
42 Thursday evening
Normal Eyte 13:12, p.190
Friends honored Jennie Landis.
43 Society oratorical contest; three men's societies contest for points--Orio five points--Aristos four points--Philos one point--an interesting program
Normal Eyte 13:11, p.164
Account of the contest; score sheet.
44 Society
Normal Eyte 13:10, p.156
Chrestos elect officers; Aristos hear papers; Zetas enjoy Halloween program; Ossolis present Gibson program. Orios hold literary program; Alphas present parody.
45 Society
Normal Eyte 13:9, p.138

Orios held debate; Shakes have German program; Chrestos and Aristos hear papers; Zetas gave French program; Clios enjoy humor.

46 Resolution of sympathy
Normal Eyte 13:9, p.136
On the death of Leonard Parish, Jr.
47 Judges chosen for thought and composition of oration to be given
Normal Eyte 13:8, p.124
Professors Pierce, Simmons, and Walters will serve as judges.
48 Miss Simmons
Normal Eyte 12:31, p.490
Visited relatives in Grinnell.
49 The following were among those who attended
Normal Eyte 12:27, p.425
Many Normalites attended the Beloit course in Waterloo.
50 Misses Call and Simmons
Normal Eyte 12:27, p.425
Gave reception.