Simmons--Mary E. (Class of 1895; Latin Faculty)
Displaying 51 - 100 of 128 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
51 | Triangular debate Normal Eyte 12:20, p.307 |
First intersociety debates held in new halls. | |
52 | Miss Simmons Normal Eyte 12:14, p.218 |
Visited home in Grinnell. | |
53 | The following is the list of delegates Normal Eyte 12:9, p.142 |
Roster of those who will attend the YWCA convention in Cedar Rapids. | |
54 | Inter-collegiate debate I. S. N. S., vs. I. S. C. Normal Eyte 12:9, p.132 |
Description of the debate, which Ames won. | |
55 | The members of the faculty Normal Eyte 12:9, p.141 |
Professors Simmons, Oliver, Call, and Gist attended the Ames debate. | |
56 | Twenty-fourth triangular debate Normal Eyte 12:8, p.114 |
Detailed account of recent debate involving the men's literary societies. | |
57 | Misses Simmons and Call Normal Eyte 12:6, p.91 |
Entertained students. | |
58 | Miss Simmons Normal Eyte 12:3, p.40 |
Visited Grinnell. | |
59 | Three rhetorical divisions have been organized Normal Eyte 12:3, p.41 |
Placed in charge of Professors Simmons, Carpenter, and Gist. | |
60 | Twenty-seven people went in a special car Normal Eyte 11:31, p.764 |
Group traveled to oratorical contest. | |
61 | The successful society Normal Eyte 11:26, p.625 |
Mary Simmons presents her views on a good literary society. | |
62 | Misses Call and Simmons Normal Eyte 10:18, p.437 |
Entertained guests. | |
63 | A series of talks Normal Eyte 10:13, p.312 |
To be sponsored by YWCA; aimed at women. | |
64 | Miss Mary Simmons Normal Eyte 10:12, p.286 |
Returned to school. | |
65 | The faculty and the students Normal Eyte 10:11, p.264 |
Sympathy for Mary Simmons on the death of her brother, | |
66 | Official Normal Eyte 10:1, p.6 |
Announces changes and additions in the faculty and staff; preparing foundation for the Auditorium Building. | |
67 | Official; new faculty members Normal Eyte 9:34, p.804 |
Roster of new faculty members; schedule for summer session lectures. | |
68 | Official Normal Eyte 9:27, p.636 |
Mary Simmons will teach English at the Normal School; news of other additions to the faculty; street railway loop to College Hill considered; new departments to be organized; faculty promoted; summer session fees decreased. | |
69 | The Geneva summer school Normal Eyte 9:17, p.400 |
Mary Simmons describes what may be gained from attending the Geneva school. | |
70 | News was this week received Normal Eyte 9:6, p.132 |
Father of Mary Simmons died. | |
71 | The Board of Trustees Normal Eyte 9:1, p.6 |
Received resignations of Professors Simmons and Frederick; approved appointments of Eva Gregg, Mamie Hearst, and S. F. Hersey. | |
72 | It is greatly to be regretted Normal Eyte 9:1, p.7 |
Regrets that Mary Simmons and Charles Frederick have left the faculty. | |
73 | The Neos enjoyed a trolley ride to Waterloo Normal Eyte 8:34, p.486 |
74 | Bible study program Normal Eyte 8:34, p.483 |
Schedule of program. | |
75 | Misses Satterthwait and Simmons Normal Eyte 8:33, p.469 |
Give party for Miss Ridley. | |
76 | The Iowa Normal Monthly Normal Eyte 8:30, p.416 |
Contains articles by Professor Wright and Miss Simmons. | |
77 | Several of our exchange editors Normal Eyte 8:29, p.411 |
Have used Miss Simmons' article on plagiarism. | |
78 | Y. M. C. A. Normal Eyte 8:29, p.408 |
Hear presentation on the Brethren Church. | |
79 | The teachers reading circle Normal Eyte 8:29, p.407 |
Mary Simmons led discussion. | |
80 | Plagiarism Normal Eyte 8:24, p.337 |
Miss Simmons points out the different kinds of plagiarism. | |
81 | Miss Simmons Normal Eyte 8:22, p.310 |
Attended funeral. | |
82 | Y. W. C. A. Normal Eyte 8:7, p.100 |
Account of recent meetings. | |
83 | Orio Normal Eyte 8:6, p.87 |
Account of recent meeting. | |
84 | The coming event for this part of the state Normal Eyte 8:6, p.78 |
Looking forward to Northeast Iowa Teachers Association meeting in Waterloo; several faculty will speak. | |
85 | Misses Simmons and Ridley Normal Eyte 8:4, p.56 |
Spoke to Cedar Rapids churches. | |
86 | Y. W. C. A. Normal Eyte 8:3, p.44 |
Mission class re-organizes; YWCA and YMCA hold term reception. | |
87 | Miss Simmons Normal Eyte 8:2, p.28 |
Visited Lake Geneva. | |
88 | Faculty notes Normal Eyte 7:36, p.17 |
Outlines of faculty plans for the summer. | |
89 | Faculty--Group 1 Normal Eyte 7:35, p. |
Faculty in 1898; photo. | |
90 | Friday evening Normal Eyte 7:31, p.13 |
A. M. Nichelson is Iowa representative to interstate oratorical contest at Normal, Illinois. | |
91 | Prof. Bartlett Normal Eyte 7:31, p.14 |
Back at work after being sick. | |
92 | Miss Simmons Normal Eyte 7:30, p.13 |
Spoke to the men students. | |
93 | Clio Normal Eyte 7:28, p.16 |
Account of recent meeting. | |
94 | Miss Buck, Miss Simmons, and Miss Ridley Normal Eyte 7:24, p.14 |
Visited Grinnell. | |
95 | Exercises in honor of Frances E. Willard Normal Eyte 7:23, p.12 |
Given in chapel. | |
96 | The Class Day Committee Normal Eyte 7:19, p.12 |
Making plans for program. | |
97 | Thursday afternoon Normal Eyte 7:19, p.12 |
Mary Simmons talked to the young women. | |
98 | Society Notes Normal Eyte 7:15, p.181 |
News about recent meetings and programs. | |
99 | Miss Mattie Bartlett Normal Eyte 7:10, p.113 |
Will assist Miss Simmons and Miss Pierce. | |
100 | Official news and notes Normal Eyte 7:1, p.3 |
President Seerley's tribute to James Gilchrist; a look at improvements made on buildings and on campus with the help of a professional landscape planner; library classified; changes in faculty. |