
Displaying 251 - 300 of 307 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
251 Untitled
Northern Iowan 71:3, p.7
Students practice soccer skills; photo.
252 Just for kicks!
Northern Iowan 67:2, p.7
The Women's Physical Education Department took charge of the field outside Baker Hall for their soccer classes; photo.
253 Men, women participate in intramurals
Northern Iowan 66:10, p.11
254 Soccer club wins; Central game Sunday
College Eye 64:6, p.6
UNI beat Waterloo soccer club last Sunday.
255 Soccer club faces Central this Sunday
College Eye 63:54, p.10
The game will be on the field behind the library.
256 Soccer team records win; Knudson stars
College Eye 63:52, p.7
SCI defeated Parsons College, 1-0.
257 Soccer club has 8 games scheduled
College Eye 63:39, p.11
The spring season has been set.
258 Soccer club beats Loras
College Eye 63:9, p.10
SCI's soccer club wins their first game of the season.
259 SCI soccer team wins by default over Iowa State
College Eye 60:56, p.3
Iowa State had to forfeit the game due to a lack of players.
260 Soccer team to host ISU
College Eye 60:55, p.5
SCI will face ISU on Sunday; their ball has been returned.
261 Soccer team in trouble, all-sports banquet set
College Eye 60:53, p.4
Soccer team lost their ball; all sports banquet scheduled for May 18.
262 Soccer team loses at ISU
College Eye 60:49, p.6
SCI lost to ISU, 5-1, Sunday.
263 Soccer team will meet strong Iowa State Sunday
College Eye 60:47, p.7
SCI will face the tough Iowa State soccer team; team roster is posted.
264 Soccer team dumps Walker
College Eye 60:22, p.1
SCI defeated Walker's soccer team, 7-0.
265 Soccer team ends season tomorrow
College Eye 60:20, p.9
Will play team from Walker, Iowa.
266 SUI soccer team cancels Sunday match
College Eye 60:15, p.3
University of Iowa failed to show at the scheduled soccer match; students who would like to play are encouraged to get involved.
267 Soccer team dumps Grinnell for 2 in a row
College Eye 60:13, p.3
SCI defeated Grinnell for the second time in a row, 3-1.
268 Soccer team meets Grinnell
College Eye 60:12, p.7
Although soccer has not yet been recognized as an official campus organization, players are making efforts to do so.
269 SCI soccer team begins working out
College Eye 59:31, p.9
270 SUI first soccer victim of SCI underdogs, 2-1
College Eye 59:10, p.9
SUI had experience, SCI took win.
271 Soccer team plays at Iowa City Sunday
College Eye 59:9, p.7
New international team--SCI's first soccer team--will compete with Iowa City.
272 Men's Union to buy equipment for soccer team
College Eye 59:8, p.3
Allot $470 for team sponsored by Cosmopolitan Club.
273 Intercollegiate soccer at SCI good possibility
College Eye 59:5, p.6
Cosmopolitan Club hopes a game against SCI will spread popularity of sport
274 Activities for women's intramurals are explained
College Eye 50:13, p.7
Lists the activities, the teams, and the captains.
275 Intramural Athletics
Old Gold 0:0, p.154
Brief description of the activities; photo.
276 WRA sponsors intramurals
Old Gold 0:0, p.250
Women's intramural sports were sponsored by the Women's Recreation Association, with assistance from Women's Physical Education faculty; photo.
277 College Eye Bulletin Board
College Eye 44:10, p.6
News from student organizations.
278 Soccer teams to hold junior high play day
College Eye 42:7, p.5
279 P. E. Doings
College Eye 40:8, p.5
List of women injured while playing hockey and soccer.
280 Teachers College in '48
Old Gold 0:0, p.285
Brief description of the school year; photo.
281 Gym Gems
College Eye 39:10, p.4
Announces recent and upcoming activities, including soccer games, touch football games, dinners, and a lifesaving corps show.
282 Girls intramurals will begin September 30
College Eye 34:3, p.3
283 Sport Shorts
College Eye 29:9, p.4
TC alumnus Wendell Rider composed music for an Orchesis dance number; tennis tournament under way; soccer tournament began.
284 On a wet field
College Eye 28:9, p.4
The Independence soccer team defeated the Tutors, 2-1, Saturday morning.
285 W A. A. sponsors intramural hockey, soccer tournament
College Eye 28:8, p.4
286 Women's sports
College Eye 27:21, p.6
Ruth Nykvist won the women's tennis tournament; briefly comments on the field hockey game and the women's soccer game.
287 Women's sport
College Eye 27:20, p.6
288 Rutherford Rogers establishes a record of scholarship
Public Relations News Release 1932:324, p.1
Rogers achieved A grades in all of his studies throughout the fall, winter, and spring terms. He also participated in various extra curricular activities.
289 Women athletes to meet Monday; intramural program to be planned for fall term
College Eye 24:3, p.4
Organizing for competition.
290 Women's Athletic Association
College Eye 20:3, p.2
Field hockey game played; intramural meeting held; start of gym classes announced.
291 The Freshman and Sophomore girls
College Eye 18:14, p.3
The Training School girls will play the college sophomores in soccer.
292 Girls, attention
College Eye 17:15, p.2
Seeking women for soccer and field hockey classes.
293 Women's Athletics
Old Gold 0:0, p.235
Illustration; office roster; sports managers; Women's Athletic Association history; 1924-1925 season history; photos; candids.
294 W. A. A. tournament rounded up
College Eye 16:16, p.6
W. A. A. Field Day winds down women's athletics for the fall.
295 Little Tutors
College Eye 16:14, p.2
News from the Training School.
296 Attention--women athletes
College Eye 16:3, p.6
Women's Athletic Association announces open positions on various teams.
297 Training School
College Eye 15:13, p.2
News of the Training School.
298 Training School
College Eye 15:8, p.2
T. C. High defeats Independence in football, 3-0.
299 Training School
College Eye 15:7, p.2
News notes from the Training School.
300 Girls look at this!
College Eye 15:4, p.6
Encourages women to sign up for Women's Athletic Association.