Soviet Union

Displaying 301 - 310 of 310 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
301 Dr. Charles Clayton Morrison speaks Saturday evening; "What is happening to Russia?" will be topic
College Eye 18:11, p.1
Planning for Lecture and Entertainment Course now underway.
302 Students of I. S. T. C.
College Eye 15:24, p.2
Encourages students to donate money to starving students in Soviet Union.
303 Cliosophic Literary Society
College Eye 14:28, p.2
Will send money to Russian relief instead of having a Christmas party; roster of officers.
304 Miss Quayle
College Eye 14:26, p.8
Missionary from Russia; visited campus in the interest of the Student Friendship Fund.
305 Mr. Colton speaks of conditions in Russia
College Eye 14:20, p.1
Speaks of relief efforts there.
306 Educational notes
College Eye 13:27, p.4
Maud Bozarth continues her career as a social worker.
307 Russian girls adopt American club plan; girl reserve manual translated for Russian workers
College Eye 12:20, p.3
308 The Soviet ark
College Eye 11:17, p.4
Supports the recent deportation of several illegal aliens of Russian descent.
309 Major Frank Ward
College Eye 10:25, p.5
Former student has been reassigned from France to Russia.
310 Professor Campbell speaks on "bolshevism"
College Eye 10:16, p.3
Text of his address to the Social Science Club.