Starbeck--Clyde L. (Buck) (Physical Education Faculty; Athletics Staff)

Displaying 251 - 300 of 306 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
251 Official notice
College Eye 30:28, p.1
Corrects impressions about salaries for physical education faculty.
252 Gridders in spring drill
College Eye 30:27, p.4
Football early practices are beginning. This will give a chance for the coaches to size up the squad and to work with the new squad members.
253 Early spring football
College Eye 30:25, p.4
Warm weather starts off an early football practice.
254 Panthers await KoHawks
College Eye 30:7, p.1
Starbeck is shown with five ace Panther lettermen who will encounter Coe College; photo.
255 The Panther prowl
Alumnus 22:4, p.10
Sports seasons previews and wrap-ups
256 Football mentor
College Eye 30:4, p.5
C. L. Starbeck; photo.
257 Tutors meet Grinnell; Pioneers play here tomorrow
College Eye 30:4, p.1
Only three seniors of the team will be starters for the first game; photo.
258 The men behind the scenes
College Eye 30:3, p.6
This year's sports coaches; photo.
259 Starbeck tells of grid hopes
College Eye 30:1, p.8
Coach Starbeck gives season preview; gives 1938 football schedule.
260 Sports Chatter
College Eye 29:37, p.4
Campus and national sports news.
261 Football 1937
Old Gold 0:0, p.82
Overview of the football season and list of players; photos.
262 Starbeck likes four gridmen
College Eye 29:28, p.4
Still needs strong players at center and fullback.
263 Spring football practice awaits only firm sod
Alumnus 22:2, p.18
Once ground dries, practice will start and continue until the weather gets too hot; photo.
264 These men tutor Tutors
College Eye 29:23, p.4
Members of the men's athletic faculty and staff; photo.
265 Stars are born
College Eye 29:12, p.4
Coach Starbeck and Professor Horns both have new additions to their families.
266 Sorority doin's
College Eye 29:10, p.2
Several sororities have new sponsors.
267 Pepsters out to show dads
College Eye 29:9, p.1
Noel Bacon outlines pep activities.
268 Here are the Panthers
College Eye 29:8, p.5
1937 football team photo; photo.
269 The Line
College Eye 29:4, p.2
Campus gossip.
270 "Iowa State can be beaten"--Coach Starbeck
College Eye 29:3, p.4
Coach Buck Starbeck comments on the Panthers' upcoming game against Iowa State.
271 1937 Tutor grid campaign gets under way; forty men report for initial drill session; eleven lettermen back
College Eye 29:1, p.8
Panthers will play their first game of the 1937 season against Iowa State; photo.
272 Nodaks favored in conference preview as season opens
College Eye 29:1, p.8
Coach Starbeck makes predictions for the 1937 football season.
273 Panther coaching staff increased to seven
College Eye 28:42, p.4
Oliver Nordly is latest addition.
274 Panther staff boasts more than 160 years experience
College Eye 28:42, p.4
The ISTC athletics staff; photo.
275 Summer scoops--on fall sports
Alumnus 21:3, p.4

1937 football season preview; photo.

276 Kittenball team
College Eye 28:37, p.4
Forty men under the leadership of Coach Starbeck met in the gym to organize teams for the summer kittenball schedule.
277 Baker Hall
Old Gold 0:0, p.32
Brief history, description, guests, and sponsors; photos.
278 Physical Education for Men
Old Gold 0:0, p.51
Sports highlights; photos.
279 Panther eleven wins five
Old Gold 0:0, p.60
Season schedule and highlights; photos.
280 College hails athletes at fifth assembly
College Eye 28:33, p.1
Sixty-five athletes will receive awards.
281 All out for badminton; Starbeck launches two men's classes
College Eye 28:26, p.4
College students find out that badminton is a competitive sport requiring good footwork, timing, and endurance.
282 Every grid post wide open in spring football practice
Alumnus 21:2, p.18
1937 spring practice analysis.
283 Starbeck previews 1937 grid season
College Eye 28:24, p.4
Coach Starbeck is keeping an open mind during spring drills as he looks for players to contribute to next year's football team.
284 Baker Hall council holds reception for two new sponsors
College Eye 28:24, p.3
Harold Bosley and Buck Starbeck honored.
285 1937 grid eleven depends on spring practice sessions
College Eye 28:23, p.4
Coach Buck Starbeck is optimistic about the fall season but went on to say that their success this fall would be determined by the spring practices that are currently underway.
286 New course in Badminton offered
College Eye 28:22, p.4
Badminton will be offered for men as a new physical education course; will be taught by Coach Buck Starbeck.
287 Four requisites for good gridder listed by Coach Starbeck
College Eye 28:22, p.4
As Coach Starbeck starts spring football practices, he notes the requirements to be a Tutor football player: good constitution, courage, desire to play, and speed.
288 Fifty-four asked to turn out for spring grid drill
College Eye 28:21, p.4
Coach Clyde L. (Buck) Starbeck is already getting ready for the next football season as he issued fifty-four invitations to players requesting them to report for practice at the start of the spring quarter.
289 Called Shots
College Eye 28:15, p.4
New Year's resolutions for sports.
290 The Line
College Eye 28:14, p.2
Students talk about Santa Claus.
291 North Central officials meet
College Eye 28:12, p.4
ISTC coaches attend league meeting.
292 Capacity crowd at Friday assembly
College Eye 28:5, p.5
President Latham and others spoke at pep rally.
293 "Elected captain in mid-ocean" says Starbeck
College Eye 28:5, p.6
Clyde L. Starbeck recounts his playing days.
294 Cedar Falls merchants
College Eye 28:4, p.5
Merchants support ISTC football team; photo.
295 Homecoming to see Panther-Maroon battle
Alumnus 20:4, p.15
Schedule of events.
296 Dickinson and McCuskey will assist Starbeck
Alumnus 20:4, p.19
1936 football season preview; photo.
297 Panthers encounter Iowa State eleven tomorrow in season grid opener; dopesters concede tutors little chance against Ames team
College Eye 28:3, p.4
An undersized Panther team will give Iowa State a run for their money in season opener.
298 Coach 1936 Tutor football edition
College Eye 28:3, p.4
This Saturday's game will be the first test for new Panther teamed turned out by the three Tutor coaches pictured here; photo.
299 Starbeck opens football practice this morning with squad of forty
College Eye 28:1, p.5
Coach Clyde L. Starbeck prepares for first game against Iowa State.
300 Football staff is announced; Dickinson, McCuskey assist in backfield; Starbeck builds line
College Eye 27:9, p.4
Football staff for the 1936 season is posted.