Street Railway

Displaying 1 - 50 of 120 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 More facts about former Seerley Blvd. electric trolley
Northern Iowan 92:15, p.8
Recounts facts about local trolley service.
2 New and expanded curricula and services (1913 through April, 1917); the Claxton Commission
A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.318
The college expands its services to include extension, rural education, Bible study, student health, and dormitories; a close look at the Claxton Commission Report and the Inside Survey; photo.
3 Living conditions varied
Alumnus 61:3, p.16
Life at college for early students; photo.
4 30 years ago Poetry: Street cars, yellow slickers
College Eye 63:29, p.7
A poetic look at life in the 1920's.
5 Extracurricular activities
First 75 Years 0:0, p.146
Broad survey of the history of literary societies, campus publications, music and athletics, Greek organizations, and religious groups on campus.
6 Completion time for new pavement on College St. set
College Eye 39:42, p.4
Hope to complete work by September 15; experience some difficulties in locating old sewer and in acquiring supplies; street from 20th Street to Seerley Boulevard will be fifteen feet wider than the old street.
7 Tom of the 'loop' is back with us after hay fever got the best of him
College Eye 37:8, p.3
Profile of Tom Flaherty, who has driven public transportation vehicles for thirty years; photo.
8 It's a long story from birth
College Eye 33:21, p.1
A look at some of the major stories covered by the student newspaper in its first 50 years.
9 Farewell to the trolleys
Alumnus 25:3, p.4
Trolleys will no longer run to College Hill; new bus system took over in May.
10 Yellow Zephyrs go off duty
College Eye 32:33, p.2
Last trolley ran on Sunday, May 18, 1941; will be replaced by buses.
11 Trolley car no longer 'clangs'
College Eye 29:39, p.2
Brief history of the street railway near campus; history of its routes on campus.
12 The Line
College Eye 29:8, p.2
Campus gossip.
13 On to Coe
College Eye 29:6, p.1
Arrangements made for special railroad rate for trip to Cedar Rapids on the interurban.
14 Absentminded student spends a nickel for her errors
College Eye 28:14, p.1
Student takes the trolley home after she forgets that she drove to campus.
15 Panic breaks out among students as street cars collide
College Eye 28:5, p.5
Street car runs into another street car; cars were filled with students coming home from the football game in Waterloo; minor damage; no injuries.
16 Why walk?
College Eye 28:4, p.6
Ride the street railway anywhere in Cedar Falls for five cents.
17 "Overcoat" bridge, "fifty-fifty" ride feature Coe trip
College Eye 27:21, p.4
Account of trip to Coe College for football game.
18 Students formerly were obliged to get drinking water from windmill; the first college boarding house was located on "Berg's Corner"
College Eye 24:16, p.2
History of the early campus.
19 Once upon a time a kerosene lamp
Alumnus 17:1, p.14
History of heat, light, and power at ISTC; succession of boilers culminates in new power plant; alternating current now replacing direct current; street railway waiting room is now ticket office; central campus smokestack is now a thing of the past.
20 Direst interurban street car service curtails bus line
College Eye 23:53, p.4
Schedule for the interurban line to Waterloo.
21 Alpha Theta Beta
College Eye 20:18, p.6
Members home visits, street car excursion.
22 The pop off
College Eye 19:5, p.8
Student writes about trolley experience.
23 Miss Mary Haight
College Eye 17:35, p.3
Mary Haight fell and broke her arm as she was departing the interurban in Waterloo.
24 Since January first
College Eye 14:28, p.4
Street cars available for trip to Waterloo.
25 Editorially speaking; ride the street cars
College Eye 12:25, p.4
Wants students use the street cars so the rates won't keep going up.
26 Editorially speaking; attention! Hunt up your street car receipts!
College Eye 12:17, p.4
Fares will go down from ten cents to seven cents for six months.
27 Editorially speaking; students affected by new rates
College Eye 12:5, p.4
Street railway rates doubled; students upset.
28 Why not a special to Coe?
College Eye 12:3, p.3
Encourages students to go to the game in Cedar Rapids; perhaps enough will want to attend so that they can hire a car on the interurban railway.
29 General exodus to Waterloo "movies"
College Eye 10:19, p.1
Went to Waterloo to see "Shepherd of the Hills."
30 What the Teachers College has done for Cedar Falls
College Eye 10:18, p.2
Believes ISTC has made many significant contributions to the community including street railway, water works, sewage system, and faculty investments
31 Our obligations to the motor-man
College Eye 8:18, p.4
Urges students not to develop unsafe habits around the street cars.
32 Our car service
College Eye 7:17, p.4
Running out of patience with the unreliability of the Cedar Falls Car Service.
33 Girls injured on interurban; walking off of interurban while in motion causes injuries
College Eye 4:27, p.5
Mabel Gentile and Ethel Booth were injured getting off of the interurban car just after Bluff Station.
34 We wonder if on the first of January that--
College Eye 4:14, p.5
Makes predictions about what people's New Year's resolutions will be.
35 Untitled
College Eye 4:5, p.5
Football player traveled on the train to Iowa City.
36 Mr. Minor Castor
College Eye 3:16, p.278
Confined to the hospital after having his foot crushed by a street car.
Old Gold 0:0, p.350
Humorous quotes and poems.
38 Expected criticisms
Old Gold 0:0, p.352
Criticisms of the Old Gold.
39 Chresto initiation
College Eye 2:10, p.7
Took interurban to Chautauqua Park.
40 Untitled
Old Gold 0:0, p.8
View of campus looking toward 23rd and College Streets; photo.
41 The Waterloo girls report
Normal Eyte 21:7, p.119
Particularly appreciate that there were two cars waiting for them on Thirteenth Street instead of the usual one car.
42 Chrestos at Sans Souci
Old Gold 0:0, p.116
Drawing of the members of the Chresto society getting off the trolley at Sans Souci for initiation.
43 Editorial
Normal Eyte 20:17, p.279
New mail system is absurd; reduced to one delivery per day; Cedar Falls street cars performing well this winter; senior class participation lacking.
44 We are indebted
Normal Eyte 20:15, p.261
Jennie Berg provides details about the tragic death of Elsie Long.
45 Many were saddened
Normal Eyte 20:14, p.245
Elsie Long died after being struck by a streetcar in Denver.
46 The old street car waiting station
Normal Eyte 20:6, p.112
Has been moved to the south end of the Gymnasium; will be used to store bicycles and fire hose.
47 Cartoons
Old Gold 0:0, p.182
Cartoons about the Normal School.
48 Miss Ward
Normal Eyte 19:25, p.397
A Normal School student will assist kindergarten students who ride the streetcars.
49 Death of Prof. Fitzgerald; former musical instructor killed while riding in his automobile
Normal Eyte 19:1, p.3
Car stalled on streetcar track in Covina, California; Professor Fitzgerald died a few hours after the accident.
50 Normal trustees in sessions
Normal Eyte 18:29, p.453
Trustees consider sidewalks, change in railroad tracks, location of President's House, late registration fees, school seal, museum collection expansion, library instruction, and college hospital.