Street Railway

Displaying 51 - 100 of 120 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
51 Miss Edith Barbour
Normal Eyte 18:5, p.77
Still cannot walk because her knee was sprained in a streetcar accident.
52 $1000 Reward
Old Gold 0:0, p.221
Humorous recount of a professor running to the carline.
53 View showing superintendent's cottage and street car depot
Old Gold 0:0, p.267
Photo of two new campus buildings.
54 Milo Denny
Normal Eyte 17:27, p.427
Injured in streetcar accident.
55 Notice
Normal Eyte 17:17, p.271
Street railway will run extra cars for Sunday church crowds.
56 A scene on Normal St.
Normal Eyte 17:15, p.228
Return of the students after Christmas vacation.
57 Last Wednesday
Normal Eyte 17:10, p.156
Overloaded coal car causes street railway problem.
58 The students of the Normal
Normal Eyte 16:28, p.446
John Cherney had a humorous incident on the streetcar.
59 A letter to dad
Normal Eyte 16:6, p.81
Fictional letter home by a new student.
60 Miss Dorothy Scott
Normal Eyte 15:26, p.414
Was injured by a street car, but is doing much better.
61 An accident occurred
Normal Eyte 15:18, p.286
Street railway cars collided at the corner of 23rd and Normal streets; no one was hurt.
62 Mailboxes on the street cars--why not?; schedule of principal mail trains make present system of collection 'very' unsatisfactory;
Normal Eyte 15:6, p.81
Article discusses the need for change in the current mail services on the hill.
63 Mr. C. E. Norton
Normal Eyte 14:30, p.473
Motorman injured in street railway accident.
64 On Monday
Normal Eyte 14:30, p.474
Nell House was struck by a streetcar but not seriously injured.
65 Untitled
Normal Eyte 14:7, p.107
The women paid for the fares of the men on the streetcar.
66 Wednesday afternoon
Normal Eyte 13:5, p.75
Streetcar and telephone wires cross; wires broke and electrocuted horse.
67 Fay Samson
Normal Eyte 13:5, p.75
Injured in streetcar accident.
68 Some people have the mistaken idea that the "trailers" are merely play houses
Normal Eyte 13:3, p.37
69 Tuesday evening a happy crowd
Normal Eyte 12:32, p.506
Enjoyed a party at the home of Lucy Miller.
70 Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Allison
Normal Eyte 12:30, p.473
Moved to Mason City.
71 Official
Normal Eyte 12:28, p.435
Board met and adopted a plan of tenure for the faculty; legislature makes summer session permanent; streetcar track to be installed; boiler house to be re-built; alumni Commencement reunion permanent.
72 The street car company
Normal Eyte 12:4, p.58
Has begun grading work for a line and depot on campus; will run near new Auditorium Building.
73 The reception given the Alpha Society
Normal Eyte 11:34, p.836
Jeannette Cushman gives reception.
74 B. J. Lambert
Normal Eyte 11:34, p.834
Doing civil engineering work in Waterloo.
75 The sleighing was fine
Normal Eyte 10:16, p.381
Snow and ice conditions are good for sleighing, but everyone should be careful about catching the runners in the street railway tracks.
76 The cars
Normal Eyte 10:7, p.153
Began running around the loop.
77 Zeta reception
Normal Eyte 10:6, p.134
Enjoyed trolley party.
78 Editorial
Normal Eyte 10:6, p.125
The value of the Lecture Course as part of a student's education; laments loss of trees in landscaping project to accommodate tracks of street railway.
79 Official
Normal Eyte 10:3, p.54
Will continue with Museum collections; Athletic Association granted instructor with director to follow; Auditorium Building work continues; extensive grading on northeast corner of campus in connection with extension of street railway onto campus.
80 The construction railway
Normal Eyte 10:2, p.34
Completed to Auditorium Building construction site; will allow material to be delivered close to the work site.
81 Official
Normal Eyte 10:2, p.31
Class schedule includes six periods; military work will be done three afternoons per week; Auditorium Building foundation nearing completion; material will be delivered by extension of street railway onto campus; waiting room to be built.
82 The party started
Normal Eyte 9:30, p.715
Group went to Waterloo for banquet.
83 The fourth year class
Normal Eyte 9:30, p.715
Visited Waterloo.
84 Official
Normal Eyte 9:27, p.636
Mary Simmons will teach English at the Normal School; news of other additions to the faculty; street railway loop to College Hill considered; new departments to be organized; faculty promoted; summer session fees decreased.
85 The Clio society
Normal Eyte 9:22, p.523
Celebrated victory with trip to Waterloo.
86 The snowstorm
Normal Eyte 9:13, p.307
Blocked the street railway.
87 A pleasant trip
Normal Eyte 9:10, p.230
Shakespeareans and Aristos enjoy trip by street railway to Waterloo.
88 The Shakes and Aristos
Normal Eyte 9:10, p.235
Had trolley party to celebrate debate victories.
89 Editorial
Normal Eyte 9:6, p.125
Men selected for debate against Ames; asks for news to be sent to the newspaper; controversy over possible reduced rates on the street railway.
90 The street railway
Normal Eyte 9:6, p.131
Back to twenty minute service.
91 To students who walked to town in the old days
Normal Eyte 9:3, p.61
Appreciate trolley service.
92 A large number of students from Waterloo
Normal Eyte 9:3, p.61
Take rapid transit car to campus each day.
93 Mr. Gralton
Normal Eyte 9:2, p.37
Offers students discounted three cent fares on street railway.
94 The Neos enjoyed a trolley ride to Waterloo
Normal Eyte 8:34, p.486
95 Nineteen ladies of the faculty
Normal Eyte 8:33, p.469
Took trolley to Waterloo for a meal.
96 The Cedar Falls and Normal Electric Street Car Company
Normal Eyte 8:22, p.308
Has eighteen miles of track.
97 Mrs. L. S. Cass
Normal Eyte 8:22, p.308
Entertains group with trolley party; visited Normal campus and received by President Seerley.
98 In case the street car
Normal Eyte 8:15, p.210
Might need fan.
99 A large number of our Normal people
Normal Eyte 8:15, p.210
Attended Leland Powers show; needed extra street car for return trip.
100 The new parlor car
Normal Eyte 8:14, p.197
Elegant street railway car reaches the Normal.