Student League Board

Displaying 1 - 50 of 758 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Students elect officers
Alumnus 50:2, p.8
Dan Jorgensen elected student body president; Dianne Akers is AWS president; Gary Reid is MU president; pass amendment changing name of Student League Board to Student Senate.
2 Students' election interest encouraging
College Eye 59:30, p.2
Fight over SLB control shows more interest than in past ten years.
3 Final decision fair but wrong
College Eye 59:30, p.2
Voting procedure could have been handled better, but final decision was made fairly.
4 Controversial voting decides winners of top SLB offices
College Eye 59:30, p.1
Graduating women allowed to cast ballots; Dan Jorgensen defeats Wes Barnett, 1084-1065.
5 Charge of bad timing mars bigger, better '65 elections
College Eye 59:29, p.2
350 women students didn't receive ballots; call for their votes is too late.
6 Nagle calls for special election
College Eye 59:29, p.1
Women who will not be on campus next year were apparently not allowed to vote; results of elections.
7 SLB president gives views on election
College Eye 59:28, p.2
Nagle would vote for Jorgensen, Reid.
8 Claims EYE shows political bias
College Eye 59:28, p.2
AIM party has received more positive attention than has ROC party.
9 AIM, ROC finish race
College Eye 59:28, p.5
Quick round-up of all candidates; photo.
10 Pendergraft: Gov. Hughes' education budget is low
College Eye 59:28, p.3
Daryl Pendergraft explains budget problems.
11 Student government election today
College Eye 59:28, p.1
Quick look at candidates.
12 Election results highlights dance tomorrow night
College Eye 59:28, p.1
Will be announced at dance.
13 Several trends observed in election campaign
College Eye 59:28, p.2
Development of a two-party system has generated more interest in student government.
14 Student League Board begins revising constitution, by-laws
College Eye 59:28, p.3
A look at the proposed changes.
15 State interest in betterment of college
College Eye 59:27, p.2
Plea to student body to vote for AIM party representatives.
16 Offers evaluation of candidates
College Eye 59:27, p.2
Shows drastic difference in voting policies of AIM and ROTC candidates for SLB.
17 Coffee hour for candidates tonight at 7:30
College Eye 59:27, p.1
18 Official Notice
College Eye 59:27, p.2
States proposed amendment to Constitution of Student League Board, which would change name to Student Senate.
19 AIM, ROC fill slates
College Eye 59:25, p.3
List of candidates.
20 AIM, ROC select full slate of candidates for elections
College Eye 59:25, p.1
Candidates state their views.
21 Ebb tide of confusion drenches SCI
College Eye 59:25, p.2
Students are disinterested in student politics; must unite to create a dynamic government.
22 SLB in discussion of controversial speakers
College Eye 59:24, p.8
Committee set up to work on matter.
23 ROC statement stresses numerous specific changes
College Eye 59:24, p.3
Text of platform.
24 AIM platform emphasizes communications as 1st step
College Eye 59:24, p.3
Text of platform.
25 Students must be aware of candidates, platforms
College Eye 59:24, p.2
Students have two weeks to become educated on election.
26 Barnett declares SLB candidacy
College Eye 59:24, p.1
Profile and platform of Wes Barnett; photo.
27 Election forms are due Friday
College Eye 59:23, p.1
Candidacy rules.
28 Support for off-campus gov't
College Eye 59:23, p.2
Election should provide candidates who are willing to strengthen off-campus government.
29 Lesser positions important also
College Eye 59:23, p.2
Senator positions in SLB and hall officers should be recognized in election propaganda.
30 Some students may now attend faculty meetings
College Eye 59:23, p.4
Representative of SLB may apply to attend certain faculty meetings.
31 We've just started in the right direction
College Eye 59:22, p.2
Student government is in a transition period.
32 Student gov't needs re-evaluation
College Eye 59:21, p.2
Students in program should know their policies and power, and should be willing to devote their resources to them.
33 AIM, ROC name more candidates
College Eye 59:21, p.1
Expanding list of candidates; photo.
34 Many steps lead to decisions
College Eye 59:20, p.2
Outlines procedures of Student League Board.
35 Greek man can supply leadership in government
College Eye 59:20, p.2
Several fraternity men would make excellent leaders; fraternities should be more involved in student government.
36 SLB considers name change to Student Senate of SCI
College Eye 59:20, p.6
Also discuss distribution of funds to student organizations.
37 Applications for campus politics open Monday
College Eye 59:20, p.6
38 Union forum to introduce political parties to students
College Eye 59:19, p.1
Representatives of student political parties will speak.
39 AIM Party states political policies
College Eye 59:19, p.4
States platform; photo.
40 Be aware of issues, let voice be heard
College Eye 59:19, p.2
Student government should take advantage of its untapped power.
41 Union forum starts campus campaigning
College Eye 59:18, p.3
Candidates for student government office will speak.
42 SLB decision shows two significant points
College Eye 59:18, p.2
Decision not to suspend by-laws was wise, but not unanimous.
43 Graham banned from presidency
College Eye 59:18, p.1
Bob Graham does not meet SLB's 2.25 GPA requirement; will seek Men's Union presidency instead.
44 AIM, ROC tell SLB candidates
College Eye 59:17, p.1
Dan Jorgensen and Bob Graham run for president; photo.
45 Graham states ROC party platform
College Eye 59:17, p.2
Party will work to represent students, to work in all aspects of college life, and to be a permanent and active political force.
46 Important SLB meeting Tuesday: Nagle
College Eye 59:17, p.10
Will discuss major issues.
47 SLB votes to pay president, discusses foreign students
College Eye 59:16, p.1
Will receive $200 annually; recommend ways to integrate international students into campus activities; photo.
48 Vote coming on student gov't pay
College Eye 59:15, p.2
Pros and cons of paying student government officers.
49 SLB asks for reversion to former Commons policy
College Eye 59:14, p.3
Urge restoration of furniture to original locations; also consider Gilbert Green as controversial speaker.
50 SLB: SCI pay exceeds most area school rates
College Eye 59:13, p.10
Report on survey of student employment at nearby colleges