Student League Board

Displaying 101 - 150 of 758 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
101 Chairman defends policies of Union Policy Board
College Eye 58:10, p.2
Disagrees with John Finnessy's arguments that the Union Policy Board is soaking up the powers of the student government.
102 Letter by SLB proposes Union Policy Board Limits
College Eye 58:9, p.6
SLB has concerns with the responsibilities and powers of the new presidential committee.
103 We have tried--we have failed
College Eye 58:9, p.2
Responds to comments made by John Finnessy regarding editorials printed in EYE.
104 Homecoming spirit praised by Student League Board
College Eye 58:8, p.6
Also hear plans to clean Prexy's Pond.
105 Frana restates: 'It is time for change'
College Eye 58:7, p.2
Responds to Carol Du Toit's statements on the recognition, not criticism, that SLB deserves.
106 Student-Faculty committee lists two-fold plan
College Eye 58:7, p.5
One group will investigate problems; second group will compile list of professors to participate in discussions.
107 Need reorganization, definition of powers
College Eye 58:7, p.2
Claims that student groups and committees are not organized.
108 Criticism of SLB not fair, needs second look: Du Toit
College Eye 58:6, p.2
Points out that SLB participants work very hard and deserve recognition for their efforts.
109 SLB changes rule for Purple Key honor
College Eye 58:6, p.8
Also consider coat check room in Union and reports of racial discrimination.
110 All not fine, well in student government
College Eye 58:5, p.2
Claims that the promises made by the student government, such as those for better communication, were not kept.
111 Iowa legislators to visit SCI campus Oct. 7 and 8
College Eye 58:2, p.1
SLB will acquaint legislators with campus problems.
112 SLB reports Homecoming, benefit, campus problems
College Eye 58:2, p.3
113 Finnessy: SCI students have inferiority complex
College Eye 58:1, p.1
Points out strengths of the institution; urges students to take part.
114 Future plans discussed at SLB meeting Monday night
College Eye 58:1, p.8
115 Cosmopolitan Club and American Civil Liberties Union request recognition
College Eye 57:29, p.6
116 SLB officers set office hours in Commons
College Eye 57:28, p.3
117 John Finnessy new president of SLB
Alumnus 48:2, p.8
Winners of recent student elections.
118 Student League Board hears budget report, passes by-laws amendments
College Eye 57:27, p.8
119 Member removal was important
College Eye 57:25, p.2
Disagreement with earlier letter.
120 Proposed change in by-laws heard by SLB
College Eye 57:25, p.4
Will pertain to authorization of proxy members.
121 Good that few see SLB meeting
College Eye 57:24, p.2
Disappointment when attending an SLB meeting.
122 Six members suspended from SLB for repeated absences without proxy
College Eye 57:24, p.5
Also consider change in by-laws; Union Policy Board will begin functioning in June.
123 Finnessy, Vernon, Worm named to top student offices
College Eye 57:23, p.1
John Finnessy elected head of SLB; Jane Vernon elected head of AWS; Richard Worm elected head of MU; vote tallies; 56% of students vote.
124 We're the ones who can evaluate instructors and courses
College Eye 57:23, p.2
Instead of voting for elections, students should vote for courses and instructors.
125 Book exchange totals $2,451.56
College Eye 57:23, p.6
SLB and Purple Arrow split the 10% profit.
126 Complete slate listed for government positions
College Eye 57:22, p.1
List of candidates.
127 New party is for: flag, honesty, liquor by the drink
College Eye 57:22, p.2
Sarcasm describes the two parties in the running.
128 Means for goal must be considered
College Eye 57:22, p.2
Students deserve a hard-working student government without having to pay them.
129 Time for SLB to realize its power
College Eye 57:22, p.2
SLB can throw its weight around with sixty percent of the students behind it.
130 AIM platform proposes reorganization government
College Eye 57:22, p.5
Text of platform; photo.
131 ROC party sees need for government activity
College Eye 57:22, p.5
Text of platform; photo.
132 SLB, MU, AWS party candidates define duties of respective office
College Eye 57:22, p.4
Candidates speak about their plans.
133 SLB approves bookstore proposal
College Eye 57:22, p.3
Favors inclusion of bookstore in new Union.
134 Consider party platforms, but talk to the candidates
College Eye 57:22, p.2
Students seem to be voting without knowing what they are voting for.
135 Elections Wednesday decide new government officers
College Eye 57:22, p.1
Candidates state views; photo.
136 Do need campus-wide government
College Eye 57:21, p.2
Reply to previous letter about student government.
137 AIM adds two to party slate
College Eye 57:21, p.1
List of those running for office; photo.
138 ROC names more party candidates
College Eye 57:21, p.1
List of those who are running for office; photo.
139 Poage challenges SLB to be really effective
College Eye 57:21, p.3
Also considering school ring.
140 Student government could be a great and wonderful thing
College Eye 57:21, p.2
Better goals need to be set by the student government.
141 'I mean I know what the letters, SLB stand for. . .'
College Eye 57:21, p.2
The letters SLB are well known but what the group does is not.
142 SLB consults with ring firm on college ring proposal
College Eye 57:20, p.6
Talks with Josten representative.
143 Paid SLB officials advocated by AIM
College Eye 57:20, p.1
Part of AIM platform.
144 Set application deadline for campus election
College Eye 57:20, p.1
List of offices available.
145 Candidates for student offices apply Monday
College Eye 57:19, p.1
Applications available.
146 Political parties should not by-pass basic considerations
College Eye 57:18, p.2
Students who run for office should follow through with the commitment.
147 Applications available for SLB positions
College Eye 57:18, p.8
148 New SLB party nominates Finnessy
College Eye 57:18, p.1
John Finnessy outlines his views.
149 Registration procedure topic for SLB forum discussion
College Eye 57:17, p.6
150 Role of SCI's student government is not clearly defined
College Eye 57:16, p.2
No one truly knows what the student government is suppose to do.