Study Abroad
Displaying 601 - 650 of 674 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
601 | Mix vacation with work--Spend the summer abroad College Eye 50:14, p.6 |
602 | "Jolly well done" say TC students of Oxford education College Eye 50:5, p.5 |
Students talk about their experiences in the Social Science Seminar; photo. | |
603 | T. C. leaves its mark on Oxford Alumnus 42:3, p.16 |
Description of experiences of students studying abroad; photo. | |
604 | Bon Voyage to seminar travelers College Eye 49:33, p.5 |
Fifty-one students and two professors will board ship in Montreal for trip to Europe. | |
605 | Fifty-three students will sail Alumnus 42:2, p.10 |
Social Science Seminar group will travel on the Arkadia. | |
606 | TC's Kay Dryden to Switzerland College Eye 49:29, p.6 |
Will study in Geneva for one year. | |
607 | Summer school plus vacation! College Eye 49:19, p.8 |
608 | Students and teachers may visit in Russia this summer College Eye 49:18, p.6 |
609 | Social Science Seminar at Oxford University Alumnus 41:4, p.7 |
Will study in Oxford in summer 1958; side trips planned. | |
610 | The trek abroad College Eye 49:5, p.2 |
Author narrates a visit to Europe. | |
611 | Oxford site for seminar College Eye 49:3, p.3 |
Professors Sage and Plaehn will lead summer tour; photo. | |
612 | Europe or bust! College Eye 49:2, p.2 |
Europe offers vacation opportunities for those of every income and background. | |
613 | Tour to Mexico completed Alumnus 41:3, p.7 |
Thirty students return from six thousand mile trip. | |
614 | Europe study seminar for summer 1958 College Eye 48:38, p.1 |
Will spend about five weeks in Europe; will cost about $1100. | |
615 | Social Science Department plans European tour for summer 1958 College Eye 48:34, p.1 |
Lengthy look at the plans; photo. | |
616 | TC students in Mexico College Eye 48:33, p.4 |
Thirty students on trip; a look at the purposes and the itinerary. | |
617 | Mexico tour College Eye 48:25, p.3 |
Thirty-six students signed up for trip. | |
618 | TC student will study in Lebanon College Eye 48:25, p.6 |
Mary Jane Morford will study at American University in Beirut. | |
619 | Mexican tour reservations are available College Eye 48:12, p.6 |
Several openings are available. | |
620 | Summer tour of Mexico will be on travel-for-credit basis College Eye 48:5, p.8 |
Louis Bultena will lead tour; a look at the itinerary. | |
621 | Seminar abroad is success Alumnus 40:1, p.8 |
Fifty-two take part in tour; description of activities; trip planned for 1958; photo. | |
622 | Definite sailing arrangements Alumnus 39:1, p.11 |
Travel arranged for social science tour. | |
623 | Opportunities for French Study open College Eye 46:16, p.3 |
624 | British schools offer six-week summer courses College Eye 46:16, p.6 |
625 | Plans for Social Science Seminar in Europe nearly complete Alumnus 38:4, p.11 |
Forty-six teachers registered; plans shaping up. | |
626 | European tour open to students for next summer College Eye 45:33, p.4 |
Brief description of the trip; will last eleven weeks. | |
627 | Letters tell of Ashridge College, England Alumnus 38:2, p.6 |
Elizabeth Hart Bennett tells of experiences as student. | |
628 | ISTC to offer seminar in England in '55 Alumnus 38:1, p.5 |
Social Science Seminar will be held at Ashridge College; costs and details of program; photo. | |
629 | Students become foreign educators College Eye 45:14, p.7 |
Considering program which would send ISTC students to Europe in summer 1955. | |
630 | Latin-American study grants made available to students College Eye 44:3, p.1 |
631 | Vacation study opportunities and scholarships listed by UNESCO College Eye 43:34, p.3 |
632 | Stockholm plans special course College Eye 43:23, p.7 |
633 | European schools plan new work College Eye 43:22, p.5 |
634 | Vienna U plans summer session College Eye 43:18, p.8 |
635 | Plan provides for seminar College Eye 43:16, p.1 |
636 | Tour of Japan open to students College Eye 43:15, p.7 |
637 | Summer session in Oslo planned College Eye 43:14, p.7 |
638 | Plans announced for study abroad College Eye 43:14, p.3 |
639 | Oslo University to open schools for US students College Eye 43:8, p.5 |
For summer session. | |
640 | Oxford opens doors to American women College Eye 43:4, p.8 |
641 | Mexico grants fellowship for study next year College Eye 43:2, p.8 |
642 | Competition open for study abroad College Eye 42:32, p.5 |
643 | Oslo University to hold summer courses in 50 College Eye 41:9, p.8 |
Students who have completed their sophomore year are eligible to attend. | |
644 | University of Oslo to offer special summer classes College Eye 40:19, p.3 |
645 | Educational Travel Division to advise students, faculty College Eye 40:11, p.3 |
646 | Fellowships available to English universities College Eye 39:10, p.6 |
647 | Bagg, Galvin see Mexico as Utopia College Eye 38:39, p.1 |
Mike Galvin and Herbert Bagg talk about their experiences in going to school in Mexico. | |
648 | Juniors can attend Swiss universities for college credit College Eye 38:33, p.9 |
649 | Cole compares college in Mexico with life in American schools College Eye 38:26, p.1 |
Leonard Cole talks about his semester in Mexico. | |
650 | Students will spend winter in Mexico City College Eye 38:11, p.2 |
Leland Ross and Theodore Carlquest will study Spanish. |