Summer Session
Displaying 751 - 785 of 785 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
751 | List of 1899 summer school graduates Normal Eyte 9:2, p.31 |
Roster of graduates and their courses of study. | |
752 | About forty of our alumni attended our summer school Normal Eyte 9:1, p.9 |
753 | The summer term graduating class Normal Eyte 8:19, p.265 |
Some of those who would have graduated in June are now planning to complete their work in the summer. | |
754 | The next summer term Normal Eyte 8:17, p.235 |
Many courses and a large number of faculty in program; will consist of scholastic lessons in the morning and lectures on teaching in the afternoon; term will be six weeks long this year but may be lengthened in future years if the demand warrants. | |
755 | The summer term Normal Eyte 8:14, p.193 |
Circular will be printed soon. | |
756 | Hon. Henry Sabin Normal Eyte 8:14, p.193 |
Will give course of lectures in summer. | |
757 | The Board Normal Eyte 8:14, p.193 |
Arranged course of lectures by faculty on methods of instruction. | |
758 | Diplomas Normal Eyte 8:6, p.79 |
Sent to summer school graduates. | |
759 | The Board of Trustees Normal Eyte 8:3, p.38 |
Ordered more drawing tables and microscopes; arrange for summer session for 1899 with a lecture course. | |
760 | Summer term Normal Eyte 8:2, p.22 |
Lengthy report on the summer session; 339 enrolled. | |
761 | The Board of Trustees Normal Eyte 8:1, p.10 |
Will consider the President's report on the summer session. | |
762 | S. M. Coddington Normal Eyte 8:1, p.12 |
Many Normalites attended summer school. | |
763 | The summer term Normal Eyte 7:33, p.8 |
Faculty will offer special lectures and entertainment programs during the summer. | |
764 | The summer term Normal Eyte 7:31, p.10 |
Promises good attendance. | |
765 | The summer term circular Normal Eyte 7:21, p.9 |
Soon ready for distribution. | |
766 | Prof. D. S. Wright Normal Eyte 7:18, p.10 |
Will be president of faculty for summer term. | |
767 | The six weeks summer term Normal Eyte 7:18, p.10 |
Fifteen faculty will teach; schedule of courses. | |
768 | The summer term course Normal Eyte 7:17, p.10 |
Faculty making arrangements. | |
769 | Biennial period, 1895-1897 Normal Eyte 7:12, p.136 |
President Seerley's report on the museum, laboratories, the library, faculty organization, and the summer session. | |
770 | Report of Board of Directors: biennial period, 1895-1897 Normal Eyte 7:10, p.113 |
Urges General Assembly to adopt comprehensive plan for ISNS; recommend summer session; urges implementation of landscaping plan; recommend appropriations. | |
771 | We lacked the space last week to speak of the summer school Normal Eyte 7:2, p.13 |
Twelve members of the faculty taught 180 students; squeezed twelve weeks' work into five weeks; everyone studied hard, with no time for recreation; successful effort leads to hope for six week session in 1898. | |
772 | We desire to call the attention Normal Eyte 6:31, p.365 |
Will offer broad array of classes in summer session. | |
773 | Summer term announcements Normal Eyte 6:28, p.326 |
Good array of classes scheduled. | |
774 | Miss McGovern Normal Eyte 6:27, p.315 |
Giving lessons in the "Speer Method"; will offer further instruction in summer session. | |
775 | The Summer Term program Normal Eyte 6:27, p.314 |
Meeting with widespread approval. | |
776 | The Summer School Normal Eyte 6:24, p.278 |
Board adopts plan as part of regular course of study for next year. | |
777 | The Board arranged Normal Eyte 6:24, p.278 |
For janitorial and library staffing for the summer term. | |
778 | The coming session of the Summer School Normal Eyte 6:23, p.265 |
Seems to be assured. | |
779 | State Summer School Normal Eyte 6:21, p.243 |
Announcement outlining courses of study. | |
780 | The summer school Normal Eyte 6:20, p.230 |
Will be held. | |
781 | The Summer School Normal Eyte 6:19, p.219 |
Will likely be offered in summer of 1897; to be supported solely by tuition; a look at the courses and a consideration of who will benefit from study. | |
782 | Summer school of Latin Normal Eyte 5:34, p.337 |
Will have five lessons a day for a month; need twenty students to offer the course; will cost $6 for four weeks. | |
783 | A probable summer Latin school Normal Eyte 5:34, p.336 |
Professor Loughridge will likely offer a course this summer. | |
784 | Professor Loughridge Normal Eyte 5:33, p.333 |
Thinking seriously of running a one month Latin summer session. | |
785 | Mr. Editor Normal Eyte 3:35, p.274 |
Carl Treimer offers to help ISNS students if they go to Iowa City for the summer session. |