
Displaying 201 - 247 of 247 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
201 Free tax assistance from Accounting Club
Northern Iowan 72:33, p.5
Eighty accounting majors will participate in VITA program.
202 Iowa tax system
Northern Iowan 72:23, p.5
Professor Fred Abraham will make presentation.
203 Phi Beta Lambda
Northern Iowan 70:26, p.5
IRS representative will speak.
204 Tax help is free!
Northern Iowan 69:34, p.9
Accounting Club provides assistance.
205 Accounting Club provides help for figuring taxes
Northern Iowan 69:28, p.1
About fifty students will participate in tax assistance program.
206 Accounting Club helps with taxes
UNI Century 1:1, p.3
Club offers help under Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program.
207 New tax relief?
Northern Iowan 66:60, p.2
Government should extend tax relief to soldiers in Cambodia.
208 Student questions Fox's criticism of tax protestors
College Eye 57:27, p.2
Disagreement with previous column.
209 Education the solution to irrational tax protestors
College Eye 57:26, p.2
Protestors need to learn about what they are protesting.
210 ISTC offers course in income tax computation
Public Relations News Release 1960:207, p.1
Professor James T. Blanford instructs a community course on federal and state income tax computation for low and medium income individuals. The course is held in Sabin Hall.
211 T. C. offers short course on income tax
Public Relations News Release 1960:187, p.1
Professor James Blanford instructs a course on federal income tax returns in Sabin Hall. The course is not designed for professional tax consultants, according to Professor Raymond Schlicher.
212 Attorney addresses ISTC business education group
Public Relations News Release 1960:113, p.1
Leroy Redfern speaks at the Phi Beta Lambda business education organization general meeting on the effect of taxes and politics on business.
213 Income tax questions?
College Eye 49:38, p.4
Bill Syhlman presents his ideas about the application of tax laws to summer school students.
214 Can I deduct meals??
College Eye 49:37, p.5
Bill Syhlman is putting together tax advice for summer school students.
215 Explain student Social Security deductions
College Eye 45:29, p.3
Error will result in double deductions in next paycheck.
216 Need help? Try income tax display
College Eye 45:17, p.7
Pi Omega Pi puts together display relating to income tax.
217 Class tackles tax worries
College Eye 44:12, p.8
Tax accounting as evening class.
218 Where does our money go?
College Eye 43:38, p.2
Contains a humorous letter about the rapid depletion of funds.
219 The millage levy policy, 1902-1915
First 75 Years 0:0, p.40
Over $870,000 results from millage; leads to construction of Women's Gym, Physics, Library, Sabin, Wright, President's House, Home Management House, and first unit of Bartlett.
220 The future assured
First 75 Years 0:0, p.9
Legislature establishes policy of appropriations payable "annually hereafter"; millage tax of one-tenth of mill goes to Normal School beginning in 1902.
221 Fathers brought forth a new tax
College Eye 42:28, p.2
Laments income tax.
222 Social Security
College Eye 40:14, p.6
Tax increased from 1% to 2%.
223 Income tax forms
College Eye 40:14, p.4
Business Office will release W-2 forms.
224 Harris suggests tax bill to curb inflation in U.S.
College Eye 39:17, p.7
Professor Harris offers views.
225 Survey of Campus Opinion
College Eye 39:17, p.6
Students express their opinions about taxes and family income.
226 Students are assigned income tax 'grief'
College Eye 33:21, p.8
M. R. Thompson's finance class works on taxes.
227 Teachers on taxes
College Eye 31:23, p.5
Professors Robinson and Osborn have differing views on federal taxation of state employees.
228 Dr. Peterson to lecture on cost of Iowa schools
College Eye 27:29, p.1
Profile of E. T. Peterson, who will talk on alternative methods of financing schools.
229 Problems of taxes given to A. A. U. W.
College Eye 26:29, p.3
Several faculty members discuss taxes.
230 "Taxes" subject of first open forum
College Eye 25:27, p.4
James Curtis led discussion.
231 Curtis to lead talk on taxes Thursday
College Eye 25:26, p.1
232 Three hundred hear tax talk; methods of proposed tax plans explained to group
College Eye 25:22, p.1
Hear views on fairness of various forms of taxation.
233 University group will discuss tax forms Tuesday
College Eye 25:21, p.1
Will discuss various kinds of taxes.
234 The millage tax
Fifty Years at the Teachers College 0:0, p.147
Legislature allows one-tenth of a mill to be used for buildings at the Normal School.
235 Gov. Hammill and F. O. Lowden speak before conference
College Eye 17:26, p.1
Highlights of conference devoted to rural and consolidated schools.
236 Do we get returns on our investment in education?
College Eye 14:40, p.2
Claims that taxpayers are comparable to parents, in paying to educate America's youth.
237 E. D. Chassell
Alumni News Letter 6:4, p.5
Edward D. Chassell, Secretary of the Farm Mortgage Bankers' Association of America, issues a thirty-two page pamphlet on tax exemption titled "The Biggest Drone in the American Hive".
238 Proposed new tax
Alumni News Letter 6:2, p.2
The Department of Superintendence discusses the possibility of raising taxes for graduates of tax supported institutions to repay the state for the increasing expenses of running such schools. Teachers would be exempt fro this tax increase.
239 Education laws of thirty-eighth General Assembly
College Eye 10:27, p.1
Titles of bills.
240 The question submitted for the Kansas Normal debate
Normal Eyte 15:15, p.227
Will debate federal income tax; I. S. N. S. will take the negative.
241 Taxation for school purposes
Normal Eyte 12:26, p.402
Text of essay by Senator Nathan C. Schaeffer.
242 Seventeenth triangular debate
Normal Eyte 8:30, p.417
Men's societies debate income tax.
243 Come out to hear the inter-society debate
Normal Eyte 7:8, p.92
Will debate graduated income tax.
244 Mr. Lewis Post
Normal Eyte 4:33, p.517
Delivers lecture on the single tax.
245 Visitors and members of the Orio Society
Normal Eyte 4:15, p.236
Debate Henry George single tax idea.
246 The joint debate
Normal Eyte 3:33, p.258
Detailed description of the first intercollegiate debate for ISNS against Iowa State University; subject was taxation; ISNS won.
247 Joint debate
Normal Eyte 3:31, p.244
ISU and ISNS will debate issue of federal income tax.