Teachers College High School

Displaying 1 - 50 of 766 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 New organization looking for alumni, friends of Price Laboratory School; 'Sort of Mini-Reunion' planned.
Public Relations News Release 1988:150, p.1
The 'Sort of Mini-Reunion' will begin with a reception and will be followed by a dinner. Proposed organizational goals will be discussed in a breif meeting after dinner.
2 Teachers College High School holds 75th reunion
Nonpareil 71:2, p.22
Four surviving members of class of 1911 meet in California.
3 Band concert tomorrow night at lab school
College Eye 59:12, p.3
Will hold large high school band concert.
4 Teachers High grads to hold 50th reunion
Public Relations News Release 1960:436, p.1
Surviving members of the Teachers College High School Class of 1911 are expected to attend their fiftieth reunion to be held in the auditorium. Class members listed.
5 TC Campus School dedicated in honor of Dr. Malcolm Price
College Eye 50:21, p.1
Dedication to be held March 23, 1959.
6 Coach lauds point kicking statistician
College Eye 50:6, p.9
The high school team has unusual line-up.
7 Concert tonight
College Eye 47:28, p.8
8 And away we go!
College Eye 46:39, p.1
Professor packs chemistry supplies to prepare for move to new building.
9 TC High gives dance-a-thon
College Eye 46:30, p.10
Will raise money for international student.
10 High school band performs Sunday
College Eye 46:26, p.5
Performance program.
11 McAuley speaks to 'players' at weekly meeting Tuesday
College Eye 46:15, p.8
Jack McAuley talks about drama program at TCHS.
12 Untitled
College Eye 45:39, p.1
The foundation for Campus High School is pictured; photo.
13 High school presents vocal concert tonight
College Eye 45:30, p.6
14 Festival concert given tomorrow
College Eye 45:12, p.1
High school students will perform in North Iowa Cedar League show.
15 Homecoming is three-day event for TC high
College Eye 45:5, p.1
Plans for TCHS activities.
16 Carmen Ness is new campus high mentor
College Eye 45:1, p.3
Will coach TCHS football team.
17 Students present teacher ideals
College Eye 44:20, p.6
Hold TCHS panel discussion.
18 TCHS to give variety show
College Eye 43:19, p.8
19 TC High band to play
College Eye 43:1, p.5
The Teachers College High School band will play at the game.
20 Graduation activities for 36 seniors at Teachers college high school will begin with the junior-senior prom Friday, May 18, in the women's club house.
Public Relations News Release 1950:370, p.1
The May Queen, a senior elected by the students, will be crowned at the prom and presented an orchid lei flown from Hawaii. A four-day senior trip to Chicago is planned for May 23-26. Seniors listed.
21 Forum on graduate study to be presented at ISTC
Public Relations News Release 1950:211, p.1
M. B. Smith, forum committee member, said four college faculty members will make up the panel to discuss kinds of graduate work. The forum will be held in the college auditorium. Faculty members listed.
22 A new work type conference for school administrators, teachers, and supervisors will be held on the campus Saturday, October 21.
Public Relations News Release 1950:75, p.1
"Today's Elementary School" is the subject of the conference centering in part around observations of teaching situations in the Teachers Campus school. Workshops will be offered in arts, industrial arts, slide-making and other visual aids.
23 TC high squad feted
College Eye 42:5, p.8
24 Bundy, Gunderson to direct chorus on radio program
College Eye 41:22, p.7
Will be featured on the High School Parade program.
25 TC high school students attend music workshop
College Eye 41:21, p.6
Will be attending a string workshop.
26 TC High wins two; needs only one more
College Eye 41:17, p.5
Little Panthers need to defeat Grundy Center to win conference title.
27 TC High Gridders receive letters
College Eye 41:16, p.4
A list is given of those Campus High School athletes who were awarded athletic letters for the football season.
28 Henry Trepp president of TCHS pep club
College Eye 41:16, p.5
Other officers are listed.
29 Campus High schedules barn dance Saturday
College Eye 41:15, p.6
Students from the high school band, orchestra, and mixed choruses planned the event.
30 TC High presents dramas tonight
College Eye 41:10, p.7
Cast member names are provided.
31 Stoeker, Nelson coach Little Tutor wrestling
College Eye 41:8, p.5
First meet will be a triangular meet.
32 Rehearsals of Campus High plays underway
College Eye 41:8, p.7
The junior high school will also put on the production of "Tom Sawyer's Treasure Hunt."
33 Little Tutor gridders fall into third place
College Eye 41:7, p.5
Lose to Traer, 12-6.
34 Name casts for TC High plays
College Eye 41:6, p.3
The plays "Rich Man, Poor Man" and "The Happy Journey" will be produced in November.
35 Little Panthers win over Ackley Raiders
College Eye 41:6, p.5
Little Panthers defeat Raiders, 20-0.
36 Anderson is made queen of Campus Hi
College Eye 41:4, p.1
A list of homecoming events for the high school is given.
37 Nine Campus High receive honors
College Eye 40:30, p.3
38 27 will graduate from Campus High
College Eye 40:30, p.4
Commencement program.
39 Campus High seniors entertained at tea
College Eye 40:29, p.4
40 Little Panthers win loop game
College Eye 40:19, p.5
Panthers beat Grundy Center, 54-44.
41 Little Panthers lose to Ackley
College Eye 40:17, p.4
Losing by a score of 43-39, the Little Panthers fought hard till the end.
42 Reinbeck defeats Little Panthers
College Eye 40:15, p.5
Little Panthers lose to Reinbeck Rams by the score of 53-33.
43 Campus High will present two plays
College Eye 40:15, p.6
Will present "The Wonder Hat" and "Little Prison".
44 Tutor Timetable
College Eye 40:11, p.1
Schedule of events on campus.
45 Teachers High plans Homecoming
College Eye 40:7, p.6
46 Teachers College High School awards given
College Eye 39:31, p.10
47 National Honor Society initiates new members
College Eye 39:30, p.4
48 Campus High gives instrumental concert
College Eye 39:30, p.1
49 Campus High will graduate 42
College Eye 39:28, p.4
50 National honor society elects 6 from TC high
College Eye 39:26, p.6
List of new members.