
Displaying 501 - 550 of 633 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
501 Tennis players at college start practice
College Eye 16:28, p.6
Men's and women's college tournament to take place soon.
502 Teachers coaching school has big enrollment
College Eye 16:26, p.6
Three hundred men are taking the coaching courses.
503 New tennis court to be built
College Eye 16:26, p.3
In back of Wesley Foundation.
504 W. A. A. tournament rounded up
College Eye 16:16, p.6
W. A. A. Field Day winds down women's athletics for the fall.
505 Fearing wins the tennis singles
College Eye 16:2, p.6
Robert Fearing defeats Lefty Herman in finals of summer tennis tournament.
506 Student Council offers prizes for tennis tournament
College Eye 15:36, p.6
Any student can enter contest.
507 Editorially speaking; more tennis courts
College Eye 15:34, p.4
Students getting up early to play tennis signifies more tennis courts are needed.
508 Bernice Wallace wins women's tennis tournament; B. A. classes win soccer tournament; W. A. A.
College Eye 15:15, p.6
Lucille Knickerbocker came in second.
509 Women's athletic tournament progresses rapidly
College Eye 15:14, p.6
Tennis tournament was temporarily delayed due to weather.
510 Tennis tourney is progressing
College Eye 15:13, p.6
Class winners will play for college title.
511 Girls look at this!
College Eye 15:4, p.6
Encourages women to sign up for Women's Athletic Association.
512 Tennis popular with students
College Eye 15:2, p.6
Updates about summer tennis tournaments; photo.
513 The tennis tournament
College Eye 14:54, p.3
Results are announced from first week of doubles and singles tennis tournaments.
514 Senior B. A.
Old Gold 0:0, p.123
Casual photos of some of the members of the senior class.
515 Girls--girls--girls
College Eye 14:45, p.1
Seeking WAA members.
516 A. W. A. A. at I. S. T. C.
College Eye 14:43, p.1
WAA established with fifty-four charter members; roster of sports managers and outline of point system.
517 Athletic activities
Old Gold 0:0, p.153
Athletics for women have become more popular; photo.
518 Herman wins T.C. tennis tournament
College Eye 14:12, p.1
Carl Herman defeated Arthur McCartney.
519 Venancio Trinidad
Alumni News Letter 5:4, p.1
Venancio Trinidad wins the 1921 College Tennis Tournament held over the Summer Term.
520 Tennis tournament
College Eye 13:2, p.7
Venancio Trinidad won the tournament.
521 May Day fete
Alumni News Letter 5:3, p.1
The Student Council directs May Day activities. A parade, dance, tennis tournament, and band concert are among the program's activities.
522 May Day fete a success despite cold
College Eye 12:34, p.1
Lengthy description of parade and ceremonies.
523 May Day Fete program staged today on campus; baseball game with Dubuque to be played at 2:30 on local diamond. All college classes are dismissed.
College Eye 10:26, p.1
Schedule of May Day activities.
524 Athletics
College Eye 7:22, p.4
Encourages students to support their tennis and track teams.
525 Women's tennis tournament won by Miss Barnes
College Eye 7:1, p.7
526 Floyd Walsh
College Eye 4:29, p.7
Took Training School boys to tennis tournament.
527 Training School organizes tennis team
College Eye 4:28, p.2
Training School took second place at triangular against Independence and Manchester schools.
528 Training School athletics
College Eye 4:27, p.4
Track and field schedule announced; tennis team has formed.
529 Girls plan tennis tourney; third annual tennis tourney will prove interesting; first round to be played off by Friday
College Eye 4:27, p.1
Thirty-six women have signed up for tennis competition.
530 Outdoor work begins; baseball and track men get first real workout; tennis courts are opened; German college here May 23
College Eye 4:25, p.1
Baseball team will face Dubuque; track team will compete against Upper Iowa University; arrangements are being made for annual spring tennis tournament.
531 Untitled
College Eye 4:22, p.1
Track and field competition in Springfield will now include a tennis tournament.
532 Intercollegiate tennis
College Eye 4:19, p.8
Believes that I. S. T. C. should have a tennis team.
533 November tournament is complete; Farlow wins finals, defeating Kern by a narrow margin; handsome cup is presented to winner
College Eye 4:11, p.10
Professor Seymour presented first place trophy to Paul Farlow at the close of the November tennis tournament.
534 Paul Farlow wins singles in Oct. tournament; takes three straight sets in the finals from Meyer by a score of 6-1; 6-4; 6-2
College Eye 4:10, p.5
Review of October singles tennis competition; November participants are listed.
535 November tennis tournament to be started; cup will be presented to the winner of singles in the final round; October tournament must close this week
College Eye 4:9, p.1
Silver Davis cup trophy will be awarded to winner of tennis tournament.
536 Results in tennis tournament
College Eye 4:8, p.8
Students, faculty, and their results are listed.
537 Drawings are made in tennis tournament
College Eye 4:5, p.1
Matchups for upcoming tennis tournament are announced; students are listed.
538 Tennis tournament is popular
College Eye 4:4, p.2
Players are listed for school tennis tournament.
539 Untitled
College Eye 4:3, p.5
Comments on faculty, students, and happenings on campus.
540 Robinson captures tennis tournament
College Eye 4:1, p.7
Ben Robinson defeated J. O. Perrine to win school tennis championship.
541 Athletics
College Eye 3:5, p.90
Held football scrimmage; started club to raise moral standard of athletics; track meet held; physical training classes started.
542 Untitled
Old Gold 0:0, p.265
Photos around campus.
543 Untitled
Old Gold 0:0, p.290
Cartoons about life at ISTC.
544 Our neighbors
College Eye 1:15, p.3
News of conference schools.
545 Untitled
College Eye 1:2, p.3
Several activities, such as a tennis and golf tournament, are planned for this year.
546 Physical Training and athletics
College Eye 1:2, p.3
Football team is promising; roster of participants; Humbert Pasini will coach team; many other activities planned.
547 Men's class in games
Old Gold 0:0, p.279
Physical education class demonstrations.
548 Last Tuesday afternoon
Normal Eyte 20:10, p.177
Mary Sampson and Anna Shanewise played for school tennis title.
549 Women's dep't
Old Gold 0:0, p.305
Description of department of physical education for women, basketball schedule for women's literary groups; photo.
550 Untitled
Normal Eyte 19:27, p.427
Spring sports starting and hope that they bring large crowds.