Displaying 101 - 150 of 633 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
101 | Rec. schedules announced Northern Iowan 64:45, p.7 |
Off-campus applications for several sports due. | |
102 | No time to study for midterms Northern Iowan 64:42, p.4 |
Students enjoy spring weather while avoiding studying; photo. | |
103 | Lowe House, SAE frat win in tennis Northern Iowan 64:18, p.10 |
Competition ended with Lowe House and SAE claiming division titles. | |
104 | Intramural tennis begins; rules stated College Eye 64:6, p.6 |
Rules and regulations stated for intramural tennis. | |
105 | Women's tennis team enters tournament College Eye 60:51, p.7 |
SCI has entered the Carlton College Invitational Tennis Tournament. | |
106 | WRA conducts meeting for spring tennis College Eye 60:44, p.4 |
The Women's Recreation Association will hold a meeting for this spring's tennis intramurals. | |
107 | TKE's take flag football championship College Eye 60:14, p.4 |
TKE took the all-college championship in intramural football; intramural tennis season comes to a close; intramural basketball to begin. | |
108 | Intramural football, tennis moves into final rounds College Eye 60:8, p.7 |
Intramural football and tennis matches continue; results are posted; photo. | |
109 | Intramurals now involve four sports College Eye 59:6, p.7 |
Flag football, tennis, basketball, and swimming are offered. | |
110 | Intramural FB, singles tennis matches start College Eye 59:4, p.6 |
Games and matches signal commencement of intramural flag football and tennis. | |
111 | Bored, tired, overworked? Try these ideas for fun! College Eye 58:32, p.3 |
List of suggestions for activities; photo. | |
112 | Tennis doubles next week; golf entries due May 6th College Eye 58:27, p.5 |
Intramural tennis doubles to begin next week; intramural golf tournament will also be held; intramural volleyball's final results are posted. | |
113 | Tennis entry deadline today College Eye 58:26, p.7 |
Deadline to enter in singles or doubles intramurals is today. | |
114 | Recreational tennis meeting set for April 7 College Eye 58:23, p.7 |
Women's Recreation Association organizational tennis meeting will be held. | |
115 | Track meet closes intramural season College Eye 53:32, p.6 |
Reviews and previews of SCI intramural sports. |
116 | Tennis intramurals planned by WRA College Eye 53:26, p.6 |
117 | Tennis courts open from 5:15 to 7:30 College Eye 53:4, p.4 |
118 | SCI campus busy before fall Public Relations News Release 1960:564, p.1 |
The physical plant department resurfaces the tennis courts, moves the student health services, links the department of music to heating and electrical facilities, converts Gilchrist Chapel to a lecture hall, and renovates the Men's and Women's Gymnasiums. | |
119 | Spring intramurals are set College Eye 52:27, p.7 |
Many sports will be open for intramural activity. | |
120 | With spring comes outdoor classes College Eye 51:27, p.7 |
With the warm weather, classes are moved outside, to play tennis, golf or explore the botanical gardens; photo. | |
121 | Intramurals College Eye 51:10, p.6 |
Results from intramural tennis competitions are posted. | |
122 | Intramurals College Eye 51:7, p.7 |
Results are posted from intramural football and tennis; intramural wrestling competitions will begin. | |
123 | Untitled College Eye 50:29, p.6 |
Collage of springtime activities; photo. | |
124 | Activities for women's intramurals are explained College Eye 50:13, p.7 |
Lists the activities, the teams, and the captains. | |
125 | WRA forms fall intramural squads College Eye 50:2, p.8 |
Three sports head the program. | |
126 | Untitled College Eye 49:38, p.2 |
Student reads a book while playing tennis. | |
127 | Untitled College Eye 49:30, p.2 |
Tennis player wins over sore loser. | |
128 | Begin tennis intramurals College Eye 49:29, p.4 |
129 | Enlarge intramural program College Eye 49:4, p.4 |
Hope to add track, tennis, and volleyball. | |
130 | Women begin intramurals Mon. College Eye 49:3, p.5 |
In tennis. | |
131 | Netman Finish Second in Conference Old Gold 0:0, p.180 |
Coach Bill Koll's netmen had two wins and four losses, and they finished second in the NCC tennis meet, one point behind North Dakota State; sophomore Bill Kibbie won the NCC singles crown for Iowa Teachers College; photo. | |
132 | Recreational facilities now available for women, men College Eye 48:2, p.5 |
Dates are announced for recreational swimming, Play Night, golf, and tennis. | |
133 | Golf, tennis, bowling provide summer recreation College Eye 47:34, p.4 |
134 | Tennis Old Gold 0:0, p.185 |
Brief description of the group; photo. | |
135 | WRA to elect new officers at April 26 meeting College Eye 47:27, p.3 |
Organizing activities for next year. | |
136 | All manner of facilities available for recreation on and off campus College Eye 47:3, p.6 |
Quick survey of recreational facilities on campus. | |
137 | Women Have Well-Rounded Intramural Program Old Gold 0:0, p.172 |
Description of the activities in the women's intramural program; photos. | |
138 | Women's tennis begins College Eye 46:30, p.4 |
139 | Tennis tournament to be held here College Eye 54:41, p.1 |
Northeast Iowa Open tournament will be here. | |
140 | News in brief College Eye 45:38, p.4 |
Quick news from around campus. | |
141 | Tennis Old Gold 0:0, p.151 |
Brief description of the group; photo. | |
142 | Intramural Athletics Old Gold 0:0, p.154 |
Brief description of the activities; photo. | |
143 | Bartzen here for exhibitions College Eye 45:32, p.4 |
Tutt Bartzen will demonstrate tennis skills. | |
144 | Plan tennis intramurals College Eye 45:26, p.5 |
A meeting will be held for those interested in intramural tennis. | |
145 | Five states enter tennis tournament College Eye 44:42, p.1 |
146 | Low ladder men stay in tourney College Eye 44:42, p.3 |
147 | Schenken keeps tennis top spot College Eye 44:41, p.3 |
148 | Schenken retains top position in tennis ladder tournament College Eye 44:40, p.1 |
Results of recent tennis tournament. | |
149 | Amateurs invited to tennis meet College Eye 44:40, p.3 |
Northeast Iowa tournament. | |
150 | Schenken climbs to tennis lead College Eye 44:39, p.4 |
Recent results of tennis tournament. |