
Displaying 401 - 428 of 428 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
401 Thursday and Friday
Normal Eyte 4:13, p.204
Thanks for being a Shakespearean.
402 Thanksgiving baskets
Normal Eyte 3:14, p.112
Students enjoy the contents.
403 The Thanksgiving visitors were numerous
Normal Eyte 3:14, p.112
Short list of visitors.
404 A Thanksgiving plot
Normal Eyte 3:14, p.106
A short story.
405 Miss Nellie McAlvin
Normal Eyte 3:13, p.104
Spends Thanksgiving at the Normal.
406 The Y. W. C. A.
Normal Eyte 3:13, p.103
Gave reception for YMCA and others.
407 Miss Della Northey
Normal Eyte 3:13, p.103
Enjoys Thanksgiving with visiting father.
408 Y. M. & Y. W. C. A.
Normal Eyte 3:13, p.101
Thanksgiving prayer meeting well-attended.
409 Y. M. & Y. W. C. A.
Normal Eyte 3:12, p.93
Important meetings during Thanksgiving week.
410 Cream candy and pop-corn constituted the principal order
Normal Eyte 2:12, p.94
Treats at boarding houses for Thanksgiving.
411 President Seerley's home
Normal Eyte 2:12, p.94
Visits from Mrs. Seerley's sister Mrs. Cowgill and J. J. Seerley and family.
412 Another great cycle of revolving months has been completed
Normal Eyte 2:12, p.95
Enjoyed seeing alumni over Thanksgiving; urges their continuing support.
413 The river was crowded with moving, skated figures
Normal Eyte 2:12, p.95
Students skate on Thanksgiving evening.
414 Among those to whose happy lot fell the privilege
Normal Eyte 2:12, p.94
A few students were able to get home for Thanksgiving; most stayed at school.
415 Y. M. & Y. W. C. A.
Normal Eyte 2:11, p.86
Meeting leaders announced; Thanksgiving service will be held; beginning agitation for bathrooms in Central Hall.
416 As we again draw nigh to Thanksgiving
Normal Eyte 2:11, p.83
Thanksgiving will be a school holiday, but Friday will be a normal day of recitations; all should remember God's bounty.
417 An astonishingly large number of girls
Normal Eyte 2:11, p.83
Many women have "brothers" and "cousins" coming to visit over Thanksgiving.
418 Thanksgiving is not far away
Normal Eyte 2:10, p.79
Looking forward to food and family.
419 Thanksgiving was a lively day
Students' Offering 8:33, p.9
Description of day's activities and program; present Principal Gilchrist with a cane and a clock.
420 Jack Spratt and wife
Students' Offering 8:33, p.9
Thanksgiving entertainment.
421 This is quite a procession
Students' Offering 8:33, p.9
422 What did we do Thanksgiving?
Students' Offering 7:27, p.5
Thanks to Colonel Pattee for turkey and oyster feast.
423 Thanksgiving came and went
Students' Offering 6:21, p.6
Description of Thanksgiving meal and entertainment.
424 Ladies have always been accused of vanity
Students' Offering 5:15, p.6
Men paid more attention to their clothes than did women for Thanksgiving holiday.
425 Thanksgiving
Students' Offering 3:9, p.7
Students enjoyed fine meal and social activities.
426 The following ladies
Students' Offering 3:9, p.7
Spent Thanksgiving at the Normal with friends.
427 Nellie M. Getchell and Grace Winne
Students' Offering 2:5, p.7
Visit friends at the Normal over Thanksgiving.
428 Thanksgiving day came
Students' Offering 1:4, p.4
Students assemble for religious service and then enjoy a good dinner.