Torch and Tassel
Displaying 101 - 150 of 236 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
101 | Torch and Tassel Northern Iowan 67:40, p.6 |
Seeking applicants. | |
102 | Organizational News Northern Iowan 67:40, p.6 |
Activities and meetings. | |
103 | For Immediate Release Public Relations News Release 1969:737, p.1 |
Myra Ann Graves, has been named recipient of the third Lloyd V. Douglas Business Educator Award at UNI. | |
104 | Plaehn receives T & T award Northern Iowan 66:58, p.8 |
Brief sketch of Professor Plaehn; photo. | |
105 | Dr. Plaehn Receives UNI Torch and Tassel Award Public Relations News Release 1969:629, p.1 |
1st annual UNI Torch and Tassel Award given to Dr. Erma Plaehn, head of the UNI political science department. The award goes to a senior women with outsanding achievement in scholarship, leadership and service. | |
106 | Tipton woman Named UNI "Mother of the Year" Public Relations News Release 1969:530, p.1 |
Patricia Geadelmann's mother has been named UNI's "Mother of the Year" and will reign over Mother's Day activities on campus April 25 and 26. | |
107 | Organizational News Northern Iowan 66:40, p.8 |
Activities and meetings. | |
108 | Organization News Northern Iowan 66:37, p.5 |
Activities and meetings. | |
109 | Organizational News Northern Iowan 66:32, p.4 |
Activities and meetings. | |
110 | Organizational News Northern Iowan 66:19, p.5 |
Activities and meetings. | |
111 | Organizational News Northern Iowan 66:12, p.12 |
Activities and meetings. | |
112 | Organizational News Northern Iowan 65:43, p.8 |
Activities and meetings. | |
113 | Torch and Tassel Northern Iowan 65:19, p.4 |
Will sponsor program on study abroad. | |
114 | Students serve their fellow men Alumnus 53:2, p.12 |
Report of survey of over one hundred organizations on their activities shows many involved in altruistic work; photo. | |
115 | Torch and Tassel applications to be obtained by Monday Northern Iowan 64:39, p.16 |
116 | Torch and Tassel Northern Iowan 64:27, p.3 |
List of new members. | |
117 | Torch and Tassel eligibility now announced College Eye 63:42, p.12 |
118 | Torch and Tassel applications sent out College Eye 60:44, p.6 |
119 | Chimes, Torch and Tassel initiate 29 new members College Eye 59:38, p.3 |
List of new members. | |
120 | 111 initiated into 3 women's honoraries College Eye 58:28, p.5 |
List of those initiated into Torch and Tassel, Chimes, and Purple Arrow. | |
121 | Purple Arrow, Chimes, Torch and Tassel initiate 99 College Eye 57:29, p.3 |
List of those who were initiated. | |
122 | Can SCI honoraries be more than prestige clubs'? College Eye 57:26, p.1 |
A quick look at several campus honorary societies and their activities. | |
123 | Honoraries announced at AWS Women's Day College Eye 53:30, p.4 |
List of those named to Chimes, Torch and Tassel, and Purple Arrow. |
124 | Mothers, coeds to be honored May 4-6 College Eye 53:28, p.1 |
Detailed schedule of Mother's Day activities. |
125 | Untitled College Eye 53:12, p.1 |
New members are added to Torch and Tassel senior women's honorary group; photo. |
126 | Untitled College Eye 53:2, p.8 |
New transfers and freshmen are initiated into Associated Women Students organization. |
127 | Announce women elected to honor groups College Eye 52:30, p.2 |
List of ninety women elected to Purple Arrow, Chimes, and Torch and Tassel. | |
128 | Women's Day to be held College Eye 52:28, p.1 |
Will honor women for leadership and scholarship. | |
129 | Annual Women's Day set at ISTC Public Relations News Release 1960:368, p.1 |
The Associated Women Students organize Women's Day activities, with Professor Eunice Roberts as guest speaker. Events include recognition services for the Torch and Tassel, Chimes, and Purple Arrow, and a Campbell Hall dinner for Bartlett counselors. | |
130 | Torch and Tassel to give first of three discussions College Eye 52:10, p.1 |
Professors McDavitt and Knutson will talk about graduate study possibilities. | |
131 | Mother's Day Convocation Old Gold 0:0, p.44 |
The traditional tapping of the new members of Purple Arrow, Chimes, and Torch and Tassel began the annual Woman's Day celebrations. During the event Joyce McLennon replaced Dr. Mavis Holmes as Associate Dean of Students for the day. Other students took over other positions through out the women's dorms. On Mother's Day, Mrs. Aruo Uskallio, mother of Pauline Uskallio, was chosen as Mother of the day on the basis of Pauline's achievements. | |
132 | AWS Governs Women Students Old Gold 0:0, p.120 |
Associated Women Students is the head governing body of all women students; they consist of a community council, inter-residence council, and housing unit governments; photo. | |
133 | Chimes, Torch and Tassel Serve College Community Old Gold 0:0, p.160 |
Chimes choose sophomore women who participate in interest honor, religious, and social activities, show leadership ability, and scholastic achievement; senior women of Torch and Tassel are chosen for the same abilities; photo. | |
134 | Torch and Tassel recognizes 16 College Eye 50:30, p.3 |
135 | Coeds take over administration of campus for AWS women's day College Eye 50:29, p.4 |
List of those who will be involved in program; photo. | |
136 | Torch and Tassel Honors Sr. Women Old Gold 0:0, p.220 |
Description of the group that honors the women who have been recognized for their accomplishments in leadership and scholarship; photo. | |
137 | Torch and Tassel Honors Senior Women Old Gold 0:0, p.219 |
Torch and Tassel honors senior women for their outstanding ability in scholarship and leadership; in the spring, new members are tapped in an impressive ceremony on Women's Day; other service organizations co-operate to sponsor worthwhile services; photo. | |
138 | Women's Day Old Gold 0:0, p.64 |
Eight women were chosen for membership in Chimes, a junior women's honor organization; the address, "The Eternal Triangle," was given by Irene Emery at the Women's Day Convocation following the dinner; photo. | |
139 | Student Personnel Old Gold 0:0, p.38 |
Student Personnel promotes the social and intellectual growth of each woman student through a counseling and guidance program, both group and individual; they also promote the overall physical and emotional health and wellbeing of every student; photo. | |
140 | Book Exchange to open March 17 College Eye 48:21, p.1 |
141 | Book notice College Eye 48:12, p.3 |
Will operate book exchange again. | |
142 | Book Exchange in operation College Eye 48:1, p.1 |
143 | Student Book Exchange will open Sept. 11 College Eye 47:39, p.1 |
144 | Torch and Tassel Old Gold 0:0, p.211 |
Brief description of the group; photo. | |
145 | Book exchange opens next fall College Eye 47:32, p.3 |
Chimes and Torch and Tassel will operate exchange. | |
146 | Women's Day highlights honors and guest speaker College Eye 47:30, p.1 |
Quick look at the activities. | |
147 | Student exchange for used books now in operation College Eye 47:1, p.3 |
Exchange procedures. | |
148 | Senior Women's Honorary Organization Old Gold 0:0, p.198 |
Description of Torch and Tassel; photos. | |
149 | Mrs. G. Nelson stresses four P's College Eye 46:30, p.1 |
At Women's Day convocation; list of new Purple Key, Chimes, and Torch and Tassel members; description of program; photo. | |
150 | Honoraries hold dinner for fall 3.0 women College Eye 46:19, p.6 |