Training School

Displaying 351 - 400 of 481 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
351 The Training School team
College Eye 4:6, p.8
The Training School football team defeated the Cedar Falls High School team.
352 Training School loses to Tigers; are defeated by a score of 28 to 7; Hersey scores in second quarter
College Eye 4:5, p.1
Teachers College High School was defeated by the Cedar Falls High School.
353 Training School team assuming shape
College Eye 4:4, p.1
Football team shows promise.
354 The Training School
College Eye 4:1, p.5
News from the Training School; enjoying new school building; accounts of end of year ceremonies and celebrations.
355 The new Training School Building
Old Gold 0:0, p.207
Campus training school completed; dedicated February 10, 1914; dedication program; photos of classrooms and students.
356 Training School concert
College Eye 3:29, p.477
Girls Chorus and Boys Glee Club gave annual concert; Lulu Stevens led the work.
357 Athletics
College Eye 3:20, p.339
University of Iowa won basketball game, 27-14.
358 Official Notes
College Eye 3:18, p.302
Kansas adopts Seerley textbook; Extension Service bulletin out; summer term will be six weeks; Training School will continue during the summer; Sarah Peters runs course of Bible study for women.
359 The next regular meeting of the Mothers' Council
College Eye 3:15, p.264
Next meeting will be held in the new Training School Building.
360 The juniors of the Training School
College Eye 3:11, p.196
Entertained the seniors at the home of Mrs. Edleman.
361 Resolutions
College Eye 3:1, p.17
Tribute to the work of Wilbur Bender, who will be leaving his position as Director of the Training School.
362 The Training School
College Eye 3:1, p.16
Performed "A Midsummer Night's Dream"; held junior-senior banquet; held alumni banquet; held Commencement; Wilbur Bender, director of Training School, resigned.
363 Preliminary game; Training School versus Cedar Falls eighth grade
College Eye 2:17, p.1
364 The critics of the Training School
College Eye 2:17, p.5
Entertained by the critics-in-training.
365 Is it wise?
College Eye 2:9, p.9
Disagrees with the Board of Education's proposal to make Iowa State Teachers College a junior college.
366 Official notes
College Eye 2:4, p.5
Professor Meyerholz published a book on government; combined enrollment of college and Training School is about 1500; students from unaccredited high schools tend to enroll in private colleges; Cottage Reading Circle met.
367 Grace McIntosh
College Eye 2:4, p.7
Is critic teacher at Durant State Normal School; Kathryn Nenno is critic teacher at the University of Wyoming; Mary Barnum is critic teacher at Missouri State Normal School.
368 Sudah Cohoon
College Eye 2:3, p.7
Has accepted position as Critic Teacher at I.S.T.C.
369 The Training School play
College Eye 2:1, p.9
Presented "The Merchant of Venice".
370 Training School alumni banquet
College Eye 2:1, p.10
Alumni hold banquet for Class of 1912.
371 Junior-senior banquet of Training School
College Eye 2:1, p.10
Juniors give banquet for seniors; description of the program.
372 Summer term program ready; much attention is paid to course for rural teachers; noted lecturers will be present
College Eye 2:32, p.1
Summer session programs mailed out; Training School will be in session for six weeks; schedule of lecturers and entertainment.
373 Some kind words for our Training School
College Eye 1:21, p.7
Director of a Midwest normal school praises the Training School program.
374 Gave Dickens party
College Eye 1:18, p.3
Training School faculty celebrated 100th anniversary of birth of Charles Dickens with party for tenth and eleventh grade students.
375 Training School prospects bright; work on new building progresses nicely
College Eye 1:3, p.7
Enrollment nears three hundred; new teaching critics are settling in.
376 The Training School
College Eye 1:12, p.20
There was a Commencement celebration for the graduating class of the Training School; roster of graduates.
377 Senior Class of I. S. T. C. Training School
Old Gold 0:0, p.261
378 I. S. T. C. Orchestral Department--Training School Orchestra
Old Gold 0:0, p.151
379 Societies
College Eye 1:10, p.167
The junior class of Teachers College High School entertained the senior class, its faculty, and President Seerley.
380 The third of the athletic contests
Normal Eyte 21:17, p.295
A track contest was held in the Gymnasium.
381 The Training School
Normal Eyte 21:0, p.16
Describes the closing exercises for the Class of 1910 and notes where some of the current faculty members will be located in the upcoming school year.
382 Senior Class from Iowa State Teachers College Training School
Old Gold 0:0, p.228
Photo of the first class to attempt a Full High School Course in the Training Department.
383 On the evening of June second
Normal Eyte 20:32, p.532
Training School alumni will have a banquet.
384 This afternoon
Normal Eyte 20:29, p.485
A play was given by the Training School class.
385 A very interesting debate
Normal Eyte 20:20, p.338
Debate was held by the senior class of the Training School.
386 Meeting of the training department.
Normal Eyte 20:11, p.192
Professor Bender talks about the topics of the meetings.
387 Scenes from the Days of Feudalism
Normal Eyte 20:11, p.196
Will be presented in chapel on Friday.
388 The Critic Teachers
Normal Eyte 20:9, p.161
Entertained the older students in the department.
389 Studies in Organization and Teaching; general plan for the series of articles for the year
Normal Eyte 20:1, p.9
Professor Bender offers ideas for future teachers.
390 Training school exercises; alumni hold reunion.
Normal Eyte 20:0, p.4
Account of Training School Commencement.
391 Dramatic Work in the Training School
Old Gold 0:0, p.177
Students performed 'Scenes from the Days of Feudalism and Chivalry' and 'Mary of Magdala'; photo.
392 Spring Chicken Philosophy from the Training School
Old Gold 0:0, p.317
Funny quotes and stories from Professor Bender.
393 Training School gives program in German
Normal Eyte 19:27, p.426
Students sang songs and recited verses.
394 Unique reception given; critic teachers entertain their students at English tea
Normal Eyte 19:20, p.310
Training School room teachers entertain student teachers.
395 The training school classes
Normal Eyte 19:13, p.206
Cancelled so that students and teachers could attend lecture of S. H. Clark.
396 Laura Bowman
Normal Eyte 19:11, p.171
Doing well as art teacher in Training School.
397 The latter part of last week
Normal Eyte 19:7, p.109
Many people visited campus.
398 Miss Anna Kellar
Normal Eyte 19:6, p.86
Visited campus to study Training School and student teaching.
399 8th grade notes
Normal Eyte 18:33, p.520
Review of the play presented by Training School students.
400 Training School
Old Gold 0:0, p.131
Purpose and the ideal of the Training School.