Training School
Displaying 351 - 400 of 481 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
351 | The Training School team College Eye 4:6, p.8 |
The Training School football team defeated the Cedar Falls High School team. | |
352 | Training School loses to Tigers; are defeated by a score of 28 to 7; Hersey scores in second quarter College Eye 4:5, p.1 |
Teachers College High School was defeated by the Cedar Falls High School. | |
353 | Training School team assuming shape College Eye 4:4, p.1 |
Football team shows promise. | |
354 | The Training School College Eye 4:1, p.5 |
News from the Training School; enjoying new school building; accounts of end of year ceremonies and celebrations. | |
355 | The new Training School Building Old Gold 0:0, p.207 |
Campus training school completed; dedicated February 10, 1914; dedication program; photos of classrooms and students. | |
356 | Training School concert College Eye 3:29, p.477 |
Girls Chorus and Boys Glee Club gave annual concert; Lulu Stevens led the work. | |
357 | Athletics College Eye 3:20, p.339 |
University of Iowa won basketball game, 27-14. | |
358 | Official Notes College Eye 3:18, p.302 |
Kansas adopts Seerley textbook; Extension Service bulletin out; summer term will be six weeks; Training School will continue during the summer; Sarah Peters runs course of Bible study for women. | |
359 | The next regular meeting of the Mothers' Council College Eye 3:15, p.264 |
Next meeting will be held in the new Training School Building. | |
360 | The juniors of the Training School College Eye 3:11, p.196 |
Entertained the seniors at the home of Mrs. Edleman. | |
361 | Resolutions College Eye 3:1, p.17 |
Tribute to the work of Wilbur Bender, who will be leaving his position as Director of the Training School. | |
362 | The Training School College Eye 3:1, p.16 |
Performed "A Midsummer Night's Dream"; held junior-senior banquet; held alumni banquet; held Commencement; Wilbur Bender, director of Training School, resigned. | |
363 | Preliminary game; Training School versus Cedar Falls eighth grade College Eye 2:17, p.1 |
364 | The critics of the Training School College Eye 2:17, p.5 |
Entertained by the critics-in-training. | |
365 | Is it wise? College Eye 2:9, p.9 |
Disagrees with the Board of Education's proposal to make Iowa State Teachers College a junior college. | |
366 | Official notes College Eye 2:4, p.5 |
Professor Meyerholz published a book on government; combined enrollment of college and Training School is about 1500; students from unaccredited high schools tend to enroll in private colleges; Cottage Reading Circle met. | |
367 | Grace McIntosh College Eye 2:4, p.7 |
Is critic teacher at Durant State Normal School; Kathryn Nenno is critic teacher at the University of Wyoming; Mary Barnum is critic teacher at Missouri State Normal School. | |
368 | Sudah Cohoon College Eye 2:3, p.7 |
Has accepted position as Critic Teacher at I.S.T.C. | |
369 | The Training School play College Eye 2:1, p.9 |
Presented "The Merchant of Venice". | |
370 | Training School alumni banquet College Eye 2:1, p.10 |
Alumni hold banquet for Class of 1912. | |
371 | Junior-senior banquet of Training School College Eye 2:1, p.10 |
Juniors give banquet for seniors; description of the program. | |
372 | Summer term program ready; much attention is paid to course for rural teachers; noted lecturers will be present College Eye 2:32, p.1 |
Summer session programs mailed out; Training School will be in session for six weeks; schedule of lecturers and entertainment. | |
373 | Some kind words for our Training School College Eye 1:21, p.7 |
Director of a Midwest normal school praises the Training School program. | |
374 | Gave Dickens party College Eye 1:18, p.3 |
Training School faculty celebrated 100th anniversary of birth of Charles Dickens with party for tenth and eleventh grade students. | |
375 | Training School prospects bright; work on new building progresses nicely College Eye 1:3, p.7 |
Enrollment nears three hundred; new teaching critics are settling in. | |
376 | The Training School College Eye 1:12, p.20 |
There was a Commencement celebration for the graduating class of the Training School; roster of graduates. | |
377 | Senior Class of I. S. T. C. Training School Old Gold 0:0, p.261 |
Photo. | |
378 | I. S. T. C. Orchestral Department--Training School Orchestra Old Gold 0:0, p.151 |
Photo. | |
379 | Societies College Eye 1:10, p.167 |
The junior class of Teachers College High School entertained the senior class, its faculty, and President Seerley. | |
380 | The third of the athletic contests Normal Eyte 21:17, p.295 |
A track contest was held in the Gymnasium. | |
381 | The Training School Normal Eyte 21:0, p.16 |
Describes the closing exercises for the Class of 1910 and notes where some of the current faculty members will be located in the upcoming school year. | |
382 | Senior Class from Iowa State Teachers College Training School Old Gold 0:0, p.228 |
Photo of the first class to attempt a Full High School Course in the Training Department. | |
383 | On the evening of June second Normal Eyte 20:32, p.532 |
Training School alumni will have a banquet. | |
384 | This afternoon Normal Eyte 20:29, p.485 |
A play was given by the Training School class. | |
385 | A very interesting debate Normal Eyte 20:20, p.338 |
Debate was held by the senior class of the Training School. | |
386 | Meeting of the training department. Normal Eyte 20:11, p.192 |
Professor Bender talks about the topics of the meetings. | |
387 | Scenes from the Days of Feudalism Normal Eyte 20:11, p.196 |
Will be presented in chapel on Friday. | |
388 | The Critic Teachers Normal Eyte 20:9, p.161 |
Entertained the older students in the department. | |
389 | Studies in Organization and Teaching; general plan for the series of articles for the year Normal Eyte 20:1, p.9 |
Professor Bender offers ideas for future teachers. | |
390 | Training school exercises; alumni hold reunion. Normal Eyte 20:0, p.4 |
Account of Training School Commencement. | |
391 | Dramatic Work in the Training School Old Gold 0:0, p.177 |
Students performed 'Scenes from the Days of Feudalism and Chivalry' and 'Mary of Magdala'; photo. | |
392 | Spring Chicken Philosophy from the Training School Old Gold 0:0, p.317 |
Funny quotes and stories from Professor Bender. | |
393 | Training School gives program in German Normal Eyte 19:27, p.426 |
Students sang songs and recited verses. | |
394 | Unique reception given; critic teachers entertain their students at English tea Normal Eyte 19:20, p.310 |
Training School room teachers entertain student teachers. | |
395 | The training school classes Normal Eyte 19:13, p.206 |
Cancelled so that students and teachers could attend lecture of S. H. Clark. | |
396 | Laura Bowman Normal Eyte 19:11, p.171 |
Doing well as art teacher in Training School. | |
397 | The latter part of last week Normal Eyte 19:7, p.109 |
Many people visited campus. | |
398 | Miss Anna Kellar Normal Eyte 19:6, p.86 |
Visited campus to study Training School and student teaching. | |
399 | 8th grade notes Normal Eyte 18:33, p.520 |
Review of the play presented by Training School students. | |
400 | Training School Old Gold 0:0, p.131 |
Purpose and the ideal of the Training School. |