
Displaying 201 - 213 of 213 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
201 A large number of students from Waterloo
Normal Eyte 9:3, p.61
Take rapid transit car to campus each day.
202 People who do not wish their private conveyances
Normal Eyte 8:5, p.71
Should not leave them unattended on Normal Hill.
203 The Waterloo and Cedar Falls Rapid Transit Company
Normal Eyte 7:3, p.35
Arranges for a hack to transport students from the junction to campus.
204 We can now live in hopes
Normal Eyte 6:24, p.285
Three means of transportation to Normal Hill proposed: a railroad, an electric street railway, and gasoline-powered vehicles.
205 Plans are being made
Normal Eyte 4:31, p.489
Considering electric railway between Cedar Falls and the Normal School.
206 Where is the old student
Normal Eyte 4:1, p.12
Mr. Showers has bought a new hack to transport students to and from the railroad station.
207 Ah! Did you see the new Normal hack!
Normal Eyte 4:1, p.9
208 We are glad to note that the lecture
Normal Eyte 1:14, p.110
Well attended by townspeople; transportation and distance tend to hold attendance down.
209 Al. Overman's carry-all
Normal Eyte 1:5, p.37
Axle breaks on wagon; passengers uninjured.
210 Hunter's hack tipped over
Students' Offering 8:34, p.9
No one injured.
211 Having the hack tip over
Students' Offering 7:28, p.5
Common problem for women who board downtown.
212 One of the normal hacks
Students' Offering 5:16, p.6
Tipped over; occupants buried in textbooks; no one hurt.
213 Our able instructor
Students' Offering 3:9, p.7
Miss Ensign enjoys her horse and carriage.