Tuition and Fees

Displaying 901 - 908 of 908 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
901 A scholarship
Normal Eyte 12:29, p.449
Available at Drake University.
902 Official
Normal Eyte 9:27, p.636
Mary Simmons will teach English at the Normal School; news of other additions to the faculty; street railway loop to College Hill considered; new departments to be organized; faculty promoted; summer session fees decreased.
903 An effort is being made
Normal Eyte 9:23, p.548
To collect tuition fees more promptly.
904 Editorial: Ames wins debate by two to one
Normal Eyte 9:8, p.173
Full report next week. Boards at ISNS and University of Iowa offering free tuition to students who are veterans of the Spanish-American War; Normal Eyte will not publish resolutions of sympathy this year.
905 Official
Normal Eyte 9:8, p.174
Important policy and procedure announcements including tuition exemption for Spanish-American War veterans; faculty considering adjustments to curriculum; hope to put summer session on regular basis; school needs $100,000 for new buildings.
906 Official News and Notes
Normal Eyte 7:9, p.99
Memorial addresses for Principal Gilchrist scheduled; excerpts from Board report shows increased enrollment and increased student expenses with overcrowded facilities; case for improved facilities.
907 Official News and Notes
Normal Eyte 7:8, p.86
Lengthy excerpts from the report of the Board of Trustees; ISNS budget outline; will collect a $5 fee from students to cover expenses unmet by appropriations; sewer system in place.
908 The term has opened
Students' Offering 2:5, p.4
152 have enrolled; board reduced to $3 per week to meet competition from boarding houses in town.