
Displaying 901 - 950 of 1069 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
901 One last time
Northern Iowan 71:56, p.11
Looking forward to completed Dome.
902 The UNI-Dome: progress, questions, controversy
Northern Iowan 71:56, p.14
Summary to date; photo.
903 Ninny awards announced: Sheriff unprecedented two time winner
Northern Iowan 71:56, p.2
List of mocking awards.
904 Controversies headline front page to year's end
Northern Iowan 71:56, p.16
Paul Kilmer challenges ticket policy; O. J. King promotes confidence vote on Vice President Hansmeier; petition urges naming of Dome for President Nixon; photo.
905 Senate on Board--consider the facts
Northern Iowan 71:55, p.2
Believes Student Senate acted out of fear of administrative reaction in proposed change in Dome board.
906 Senate in action
Northern Iowan 71:53, p.4
O. J. King urges revision of Dome board make-up.
907 Suggest alternative Board composition
Northern Iowan 71:51, p.2
Believes students are not well-represented on Dome board.
908 Five years a dome--students have hassles; a visit to Pocatello
Northern Iowan 71:50, p.3
Detailed report on Minidome at Idaho State University; photo.
909 John S. Latta gives Dome entrance
Northern Iowan 71:49, p.1
Second east side entrance will be named for John S. Latta, Sr.; profile of Mr. Latta.
910 Dome board should be put into action
Northern Iowan 71:48, p.2
Believes planning board should be named.
911 Dome begins to take shape
Northern Iowan 71:48, p.1
West entrances appear; engineers talk about possible construction obstacles; photo.
912 UNI-Dome petition is ridiculous
Northern Iowan 71:43, p.3
Believes everyone should recognize sarcastic intention of petition to name Dome after President Nixon.
913 Confusion on petition theft
Northern Iowan 71:42, p.3
Has questions about recent reports.
914 Changing UNI-Dome to Nixon Coliseum subject of petition
Northern Iowan 71:41, p.3
Mikeal Smith explains reasons for petition drive.
915 Considers article unfair
Northern Iowan 71:41, p.2
Outlines objections to article on theft of petitions.
916 Person is identified in UNI-Dome petition theft
Northern Iowan 71:41, p.1
Witness identifies second person allegedly involved in theft.
917 Petitions to re-name UNI-Dome stolen
Northern Iowan 71:40, p.1
Several students work together to steal petitions.
918 Kamerick responds to Nixon-Dome petition drive
Northern Iowan 71:40, p.1
President Kamerick releases long statement about the naming suggestion and the difficult financing situation of the Dome.
919 Regents approve business
Northern Iowan 71:39, p.1
Approve fourteen PDLs; Professor Rhum resigns as Dean of the Graduate College; department re-named Department of Industrial Technology; Dome seats approved; change in interior design contracts for Speech/Art Complex.
920 Policy board set up for UNI-Dome
Alumnus 60:1, p.3
President's Cabinet sets up Program Committee and Policy Board for Dome; outline of responsibilities and description of membership; photo.
921 Regents approve business items
Northern Iowan 71:31, p.1
Approve budget items for flooring, seating, and roof fabric; also approve remodeling project for Physics Building and new track for PLS.
922 Regents argue on Dome today
Northern Iowan 71:29, p.1
Will ask Regents for modifications totaling $475,000; grand total now at about $7.1 million.
923 Dome telethon nets $30,000
UNI Century 3:1, p.2
Two hundred volunteers sought pledges from friends and alumni.
924 The Dome
UNI Century 3:1, p.2
Work progresses on Dome; $5.2 million of the new $7 million goal has been raised; photo.
925 Program, policy boards set for UNI-Dome
UNI Century 3:1, p.2
President's Cabinet establishes committees, outlines membership.
926 More dope on the Dome
Northern Iowan 71:27, p.1
Construction slightly behind schedule; considering how many west side seats can be built; recent fund-raising effort, whose goal was $300,000, may net $30,000; photo.
927 Students are short changed again, again
Northern Iowan 71:26, p.2
Believes students are under-represented on Dome boards.
928 Dome boards are approved by cabinet
Northern Iowan 71:26, p.1
Cabinet approves boards for policy and for programming.
929 Entrance named for C. B. McDonald
Alumnus 59:4, p.3
Two weeks before his death, C. B. McDonald donates $100,000 to Dome fund; entrance will be named in his honor; photo.
930 Rumor has it..
Northern Iowan 71:25, p.3
Has UNI-Dome price risen to $8 million?
931 Board of Control is UNISA topic
Northern Iowan 71:25, p.4
Dave Sheridan meets with President Kamerick on UNI-Dome board.
932 Once upon a time there was a seat
Northern Iowan 71:23, p.3
Fable on the construction of the Dome.
933 Dome board--who's got the control?
Northern Iowan 71:22, p.2
Believes students should have strong presence on Dome Policy and Programming Boards.
934 Student Coalition
Northern Iowan 71:21, p.11
Will meet to study impact of Dome on community and environment.
935 Inflation: why Dome has become major problem
Northern Iowan 71:19, p.2
Believes Dome construction should be delayed until all finances are in place.
936 Kilmer takes it to court
Northern Iowan 71:16, p.1
Detailed description of testimony regarding athletic fees; photo.
937 Kilmer vs. UNI
Northern Iowan 71:15, p.1
Paul Kilmer awaits court decision; photo.
938 Contract changes for Dome
Northern Iowan 71:15, p.5
Changes will restore link to PEC; Regents accept faculty activity survey showing 57.8 hours of professional activity per week.
939 It is time students assume their power
Northern Iowan 71:14, p.2
Believes students have been left out of recent decisions, especially with regard to use of student fees for the Dome.
940 Support for NI's call on class moratorium
Northern Iowan 71:14, p.3
941 Struggle comes to climax
Northern Iowan 71:14, p.3
Paul Kilmer believes struggle is necessary to win rights.
942 Why am I doing this crazy thing
Northern Iowan 71:14, p.2
Paul Kilmer believes that he needed to protest the use of student fees for the Dome or else he would be no more than "a ward of the state".
943 UNI-Dome entrance named
Northern Iowan 71:13, p.1
C. B. McDonald recognized for $100,000 gift; photo.
944 Student coalition pushes petition
Northern Iowan 71:13, p.3
Circulating petition against use of student fees for Dome.
945 Fairy tales don't come true--or do they?
Northern Iowan 71:12, p.3
Satiric look at the Dome and its financing.
946 Calls for unified students; student coalition
Northern Iowan 71:11, p.3
Cites changes about which students were not consulted; talks about purposes of new Student Coalition.
947 NI calls for class moratorium
Northern Iowan 71:11, p.2
Urges student to attend hearing of Paul Kilmer's suit regarding athletic ticket fees.
948 Coalition gets started
Northern Iowan 71:11, p.6
About fifty students organize to investigate and oppose the Dome.
949 Progress II: Dome moves forward
Northern Iowan 71:10, p.1
Lee Miller talks about the funding and construction schedule; inflation making goals difficult to reach; widening of Hudson Road may be delayed.
950 No roads lead to the UNI-Dome
Northern Iowan 71:10, p.2
Hudson Road widening may be delayed; current width inadequate to handle increased traffic.