UNI Student Association

Displaying 1101 - 1150 of 1443 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1101 Correction
Northern Iowan 74:42, p.3
Nine students from the Student Interest Party were elected as senators rather than the previously reported two.
1102 Act now to change voter apathy and student affairs at UNI
Northern Iowan 74:42, p.2
UNI students are encouraged to support either of the two UNISA candidates.
1103 Carlson relinquishes support to Caldwell
Northern Iowan 74:42, p.1
Carlson urges his supporters to vote for Roland Caldwell.
1104 UNISA opens meeting to organizational reps
Northern Iowan 74:41, p.7
Attempt to include organizations without giving them ex officio votes.
1105 Apply for UNISA vice-presidencies
Northern Iowan 74:41, p.13
Job descriptions of four offices.
1106 Run-off election needed
Northern Iowan 74:41, p.1
Naber comes out ahead of Caldwell and Carlson, 821-496-395, but is short of necessary 50% of votes; will need run-off; other vote tallies from recent election.
1107 Student write in support of UNISA presidential candidates: Angel Naber
Northern Iowan 74:40, p.2
Two students state their reasons for supporting Angel Naber.
1108 Students write in support of UNISA presidential candidates: Roland Caldwell
Northern Iowan 74:40, p.2
Two letters state their support for Roland Caldwell.
1109 Buying cards
Northern Iowan 74:40, p.1
The distribution of student buying cards in underway by the UNISA members.
1110 UNISA presidential candidates present their views
Northern Iowan 74:40, p.1
Angela Naber, Don Carlson, and Roland Caldwell state their positions.
1111 What's Up?
Northern Iowan 74:40, p.8
Activities and meetings.
1112 Biographies of UNISA candidates
Northern Iowan 74:40, p.5
The biographies of the candidates for all of the UNISA positions; photo.
1113 UNISA emblem
Northern Iowan 74:40, p.4
The winning logo for the UNISA emblem was designed by Robert T. Mable.
1114 The best candidate . . . .
Northern Iowan 74:40, p.2
Weighs strong points of each candidate; favors Caldwell.
1115 Student reps
Northern Iowan 74:39, p.7
The Commencement Committee has three vacancies open for student representatives.
1116 Today is the day
Northern Iowan 74:39, p.2
Urges students to apply for offices.
1117 Elections
Northern Iowan 74:39, p.1
The applications for UNISA seats are due for the upcoming elections.
1118 Group support in election race
Northern Iowan 74:39, p.1
Candidates for RHA, UPB, and UNISA offices voice support for one another.
1119 UNISA elections this month
Northern Iowan 74:38, p.1
Applications are available; rules of campaigning.
1120 Responds to constitution accusation
Northern Iowan 74:38, p.2
Says that this is a new constitution, not an amendment.
1121 Art auction
Northern Iowan 74:38, p.4
Information about an art sale in the Union.
1122 Do you want to vote?
Northern Iowan 74:37, p.3
Although very few people voted (393), the constitution that UNISA proposed was passed; photo.
1123 Thinks UNISA vote a violation
Northern Iowan 74:37, p.2
Believes amendments should be been published.
1124 UNISA decides not to approach Regents in Feb.
Northern Iowan 74:37, p.3
UNISA is not going to talk to the Board of Regents about their sixteen point program.
1125 Investigation of book store underway
Northern Iowan 74:36, p.8
University Book and Supply is under investigation by UNISA; comparing prices with those of other bookstores..
1126 Buying cards here and can be picked up: Discounts available at businesses.
Northern Iowan 74:36, p.4
The Student Buying Power Cards are available and being distributed by the UNISA members.
1127 Art show
Northern Iowan 74:36, p.7
The UNISA is sponsoring a contemporary art show in the Union.
1128 UNISA vote
Northern Iowan 74:36, p.1
Students will vote on the UNISA constitution.
1129 Result of the faculty evaluations may be released to students
Northern Iowan 74:35, p.9
Scott Beckman hopes to see the results of the faculty evaluations open to the student body.
1130 UPB votes to be deleted from unified government
Northern Iowan 74:35, p.1
The Union Policy Board voted last week to be deleted from the UNISA unified student government plan.
1131 Unified government not in upcoming student vote
Northern Iowan 74:35, p.6
The student body will be voting on issues concerning the UNISA constitution.
1132 V.P. responds to criticism
Northern Iowan 74:34, p.2
Believes RHA did have sufficient time to make a decision.
1133 UNISA progress detailed
Northern Iowan 74:34, p.1
Janet Callahan reports on work on sixteen point plan.
1134 Elections coming
Northern Iowan 74:34, p.2
Information about the upcoming UNISA elections.
1135 RHA reaffirms its rejection of unification
Northern Iowan 74:34, p.1
After questions about validity of recent meeting, RHA meets again in open session and re-affirms its vote against immediate merging with UNISA.
1136 UNISA update
Northern Iowan 74:34, p.5
Considering contribution to University Avenue sidewalk fund.
1137 Bender Hall rep protests UNISA remarks on RHA
Northern Iowan 74:33, p.3
Offers a different look at the meeting during which immediate unification of student government was rejected.
1138 RHA president says Iowan coverage biased
Northern Iowan 74:33, p.3
Outlines reasons why RHA rejected immediate merging with UNISA
1139 Stansbury: housing rule not based on bonding: views on the parietal rule
Northern Iowan 74:33, p.7
States that parietal rule has educational basis as well.
1140 UNISA advisor optimistic about requests: Thinks administration is providing commitment
Northern Iowan 74:33, p.1
Tom Romanin says that he is fairly sure that UNISA will be able to work out their difficulties with the administration.
1141 Bender president says UNISA has lost touch with reality
Northern Iowan 74:33, p.3
Believes UNISA wants to act too hastily.
1142 Rule to comply with bonding? Views on the parietal rule
Northern Iowan 74:33, p.7
Believes parietal rule simply insures that dorms will be full and bonds will be paid.
1143 So it was a legal meeting, hey?
Northern Iowan 74:33, p.3
Questions whether or not a recent meeting was against the open meetings law.
1144 All issues feasible says Kamerick
Northern Iowan 74:33, p.1
Students inform President about sixteen point action plan.
1145 RHA rejects student unification plan: UNISA not pleased by decision
Northern Iowan 74:32, p.1
The plan to unify student government was rejected Sunday night by the Residence Hall Association.
1146 UNISA Senate gives approval to action plan
Northern Iowan 74:32, p.1
The action plan will be negotiated with the administration.
1147 UNISA executives pleased by the faculty's response to "action" plan
Northern Iowan 74:31, p.1
Faculty listens to student plans for being more deeply involved in decision making.
1148 UNISA still flexible
Northern Iowan 74:31, p.9
Roland Caldwell talks about the proposal to unify student government.
1149 13 requests up for debate
Northern Iowan 74:31, p.3
List of topics that UNISA would like to see debated.
1150 UNISA apologizes
Northern Iowan 74:31, p.3
UNISA explains that it wants to establish and review procedures, not to investigate Dennis Jensen.