UNI Student Association

Displaying 151 - 200 of 1443 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
151 The Human Element
Northern Iowan 84:25, p.2
Comments on the relationship between student government and the NI.
152 UNISA pulls three groups' recognition
Northern Iowan 84:25, p.8
Groups have not responded to contacts.
153 NI retorts funding decision
Northern Iowan 84:24, p.2
A closer look at the decision not to recommend a new funding mechanism for the NI.
154 NI alternative funding committee disbands with no formal decision
Northern Iowan 84:23, p.1
Unable to come up with decision on alternative method for funding NI.
155 Student-run bookstore gains UNISA approval
Northern Iowan 84:16, p.1
Grants provisional recognition of bookstore group.
156 Special election will be Tuesday
Northern Iowan 84:16, p.2
Will fill vacant seats and vote on two referendum issues.
157 University Apartments granted more input through UNISA bill
Northern Iowan 84:15, p.5
158 Curris to listen to students in open press conference
Northern Iowan 84:14, p.4
In response to UNISA resolution urging regular meetings with the President.
159 Student bookstore report passed
Northern Iowan 84:13, p.7
Committee believes it has gone as far as it can without receiving space allocation.
160 UNISA may revise by-laws
Northern Iowan 84:11, p.9
Considering absentee ballots in elections.
161 . . . UNISA defended as awake
Northern Iowan 84:10, p.2
Claims that UNISA has been involved in the matter of the new professional sequence.
162 UNISA committee to investigate different funding method for NI
Northern Iowan 84:9, p.5
Has been increasing competition for UNISA funding.
163 UNISA vote to address student-run bookstore
Northern Iowan 84:9, p.6
Referendum will attempt to gauge student opinion on bookstore.
164 What's Up
Northern Iowan 84:6, p.7
Meetings and activities.
165 New financial aid director urges students to fight tuition increase
Northern Iowan 84:5, p.8
UNISA also considers bookstore referendum, inoperative clocks, and Senate vacancies.
166 Vote on bookstore vetoed by Wubben
Northern Iowan 84:5, p.1
Believes matter is being rushed.
167 UNI's Maucker Union to feature plant sale, 'FUNION' events next week
Northern Iowan 1987:30, p.1
Carol Ingram and the Maucker Union Policy Board organize a plant sale, as well as several "FUNION" activities. Activities include a UNISA open house, and performances by magician Mark Pittman, Bobby's Blue Band, the UNI Folk Dancers, and the Gospel Choir.
168 UNISA seeks student support to battle proposed increase
Northern Iowan 84:4, p.1
Looking for students who were forced to drop out because of high tuition.
169 What's Up
Northern Iowan 84:4, p.8
Meetings and activities.
170 UNISA resolution calls for more meetings with Curris
Northern Iowan 84:4, p.6
Calls for bi-weekly meetings; other resolutions call for a student art gallery and support for student bookstore.
171 UNISA greets UNI students
Northern Iowan 84:2, p.8
172 Fall plans scheduled by UNISA
Northern Iowan 84:1, p.8
Will offer three study habits workshops.
173 UNI Lawther and Bender Hall officers named for 1987-88
Public Relations News Release 1987:429, p.1
Residents of Lawther and Bender Hall elect house presidents and officers to represent them in Residence Hall Association Assembly. Newly elected officers are listed.
174 UNISA pledges support for nursing, peace programs
Northern Iowan 83:63, p.1
175 UNISA approves new committee designed to handle book co-op
Northern Iowan 83:58, p.5
List of members and charge to committee; interim committee named as well.
176 UNISA cabinet named; begins year at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1987:353, p.1
Michelle Wubben is named president of the University of Northern Iowa Student Association, and elects five students to her cabinet.
177 UNI-Gripe lets students voice concerns, ideas
Northern Iowan 83:56, p.7
UNISA solicits complaints and suggestions.
178 Wubben announces committee to examine future "NI" funding
Northern Iowan 83:56, p.7
Will consider Board of Student Publications recommendation.
179 Former presidents warn of UNISA fragmentation
Northern Iowan 83:52, p.2
Feels student cooperation is necessary for an effective student government.
180 UNISA uses best 'ingredients'
Northern Iowan 83:52, p.2
States that UNISA should not concentrate on the quantity of bills that are passed, but the quality.
181 What's Up
Northern Iowan 83:51, p.6
Meetings and activities.
182 Hessburg commended for student budget veto
Northern Iowan 83:51, p.2
Discusses UNISA actions involved with the student budget.
183 Senate will do as Simon says
Northern Iowan 83:50, p.5
Ronn Simon will be Speaker
184 New UNISA president, executives take over
Northern Iowan 83:50, p.1
Kim Landis, Margaret Curran, Mike Wharff, and Mary Arndt appointed vice presidents; photo.
185 Executives announced
Northern Iowan 83:50, p.3
Feels the newspaper is too slow in publishing the names of new UNISA executives.
186 Lobby Day, phone-in featured in Legislative Awareness Week
Northern Iowan 83:50, p.4
UNISA and USI will lead efforts.
187 UNISA overrides veto
Northern Iowan 83:49, p.1
Required two-thirds vote barely passes, 15-7-1; Connie Hessburg and senators offer reaction.
188 Suggestions for Senate
Northern Iowan 83:49, p.2
Urges Senate to enforce attendance, act professionally, and use rules of order.
189 Hessburg vetoes budget bill
Northern Iowan 83:48, p.1
Cites lack of accountability in bill; photo.
190 UNISA double standard
Northern Iowan 83:48, p.2
Feels the UNISA Senate is hypocritical in its statements on accountability; called for "accountability" in cutting funding for the Northern Iowan but then used secret ballots in its votes.
191 UNISA Senate will discuss budget Sunday
Northern Iowan 83:47, p.7
192 Budget vote shouldn't be secret
Northern Iowan 83:47, p.2
Feels the UNISA senate should not use a secret ballot in voting for items on the budget relating to allocations for student organizations..
193 RHA may violate constitution with change in election dates
Northern Iowan 83:45, p.2
Feels a recent RHA act may violate the organization's constitution.
194 UNISA, RHA leaders cite need for improved communication
Northern Iowan 83:45, p.1
Leaders cite lack of understanding of authority and role of each organization.
195 Dubuque native Michelle Wubben elected UNI Student Association president
Public Relations News Release 1987:256, p.1
Michelle Wubben is elected president of the Student Association, defeating Carl Blake for the position. Wubben planned on revitalizing the Parent's Information Network, which helped parents lobby on education issues.
196 Student groups lobby UNISA for more money
Northern Iowan 83:44, p.1
Students press cases for larger allocations.
197 Entertainment committee proposed; $15,000 budgeted
Northern Iowan 83:43, p.1
Organization and Finance Committee proposes new committee; would bring entertainment to campus.
198 Budget proposal changed
Northern Iowan 83:43, p.8
Changes in organization allocations.
199 VP applications for UNISA due soon
Northern Iowan 83:42, p.6
200 Organizational budget proposal announced
Northern Iowan 83:42, p.1
Proposed allocations for student organizations.