UNI Student Theatre Association (UNISTA)

Displaying 51 - 69 of 69 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
51 Controversial issue comes under audience scrutiny
Northern Iowan 96:10, p.6
UNISTA will present David Mamet's play "Oleanna" on Saturday and Sunday; discussion of the plot; photo.
52 UNISTA develops students' talents
Northern Iowan 95:43, p.12
UNISTA allows students to direct their own dramatic performances; "The Life and Death of Almost Everybody" will show through Thursday.
53 Acting out: student plays come to life
Northern Iowan 95:17, p.12
Students will be producing scenes and short plays they have written as part of UNISTA's "An Evening of Student Plays."
54 "The Shadow Box" brings reality of cancer to UNI
Northern Iowan 94:49, p.9
UNI Student Theatre Association will present "The Shadow Box" this weekend; photo.
55 "Polaroid Stories" tells tale of life on the streets
Northern Iowan 94:45, p.11
UNI Student Theatre Association will present "Polaroid Stories" this weekend; photo.
56 UNISTA to perform ghoulish production
Northern Iowan 94:31, p.9
"70 Scenes of Halloween" will be performed by the UNI Student Theatre Association this weekend at the Center for Energy and Environmental Education; photo.
57 "Dance for Diversity"--making a statement; "diversity=power"
Northern Iowan 93:50, p.7
Over 250 students attended "Dance for Diversity"; photo.
58 A lot of skin and a lot of touching in "Eating Raoul"
Northern Iowan 93:47, p.11
UNISTA production of "Eating Raoul" will be performed this weekend.
59 "Burn This" heats up this weekend
Northern Iowan 93:14, p.9
Play "Burn This" will be performed this weekend in Strayer-Wood Theatre; photo.
60 UNISTA's "Waiting for Godot" to provide great entertainment, provoke thought
Northern Iowan 92:49, p.6
Beckett play ready for production.
61 UNISTA presents play to show similarities in human relations, dispelling myths about homosexual relationships
Northern Iowan 92:41, p.11
Will present "Torchsong Trilogy".
62 What's Up
Northern Iowan 92:27, p.2
Meetings and activities planned; Virden Scholarship applications available.
63 Student Theatre Association to present "Glengarry Glenn Ross"
Northern Iowan 92:22, p.12
Preview of new production; photo.
64 'A Student Theatre Festival' coming to UNI campus soon
Northern Edition 3:10, p.3
Will present six student-produced plays.
65 UNISTA eliminates University theatre's production jungle; will present The Zoo Story
Northern Iowan 91:23, p.7
Student group will present Albee play this weekend.
66 'Zoo Story' adds diversity
Northern Edition 2:27, p.11
Student Theatre Association will present Albee play.
67 Student Theatre Association seeks script for production
Northern Edition 2:17, p.15
Group is looking for a script for a student production this fall.
68 Let the madness begin
Northern Iowan 90:18, p.9
Theatre UNI will offer its first haunted house; photo.
69 Wild, wild West
Northern Iowan 90:13, p.1
Students walk in Homecoming parade; photo.