University of Iowa

Displaying 751 - 800 of 1102 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
751 After four years
Normal Eyte 13:5, p.71
Lydia Eckhard will study at University of Iowa.
752 J. P. Huget
Normal Eyte 13:5, p.71
Teaching at University of Iowa.
753 B. J. Lambert
Normal Eyte 13:4, p.58
Teaching engineering at University of Iowa.
754 Several boys
Normal Eyte 13:4, p.59
Several former Normalites are now studying at the University of Iowa.
755 Wesley Wiler
Normal Eyte 13:4, p.57
Continuing dental studies at University of Iowa.
756 After three years
Normal Eyte 13:4, p.58
Casper Schenk will study at University of Iowa.
757 Zoe Britton
Normal Eyte 13:4, p.64
Studying at University of Iowa.
758 Miss Lela R. Blake
Normal Eyte 13:3, p.38
Will study at University of Iowa.
759 Carl Severin
Normal Eyte 13:3, p.39
Will study medicine at University of Iowa.
760 The following is taken from the Daily Iowan
Normal Eyte 12:34, p.530
Disputes the claim that the Daily Iowan has made against the Normal School concerning a student from Drake University.
761 C. R. Aurner
Normal Eyte 12:32, p.503
Will attend University of Iowa.
762 One of the contestants of the winning side
Normal Eyte 12:28, p.440
Leslie Reed is doing well in debate at the University of Iowa.
763 After two years
Normal Eyte 12:27, p.422
E. C. Hill will study at the University of Iowa.
764 Reports of excellent work
Normal Eyte 12:27, p.421
Joe Graham is doing well at the University of Iowa.
765 Jay M. Freeburg
Normal Eyte 12:25, p.392
Singing with glee club at University of Iowa.
766 Wesley Wiler
Normal Eyte 12:25, p.391
Studying dentistry at University of Iowa.
767 The bill introduced into the House
Normal Eyte 12:23, p.353
Attempts to justify opposition to an increase in the millage tax that would have increased funding for the University of Iowa.
768 One of the six contestants
Normal Eyte 12:23, p.360
Leslie Reed is one of the oratory contestants for the University of Iowa.
769 Percival Hunt
Normal Eyte 12:22, p.344
Studying English at University of Iowa.
770 Leslie Reed and Clarence Wassam
Normal Eyte 12:22, p.344
Studying at University of Iowa.
771 E. J. Van Ness
Normal Eyte 12:20, p.314
Studying law at University of Iowa.
772 H. W. Scallon
Normal Eyte 12:20, p.312
Studying law at University of Iowa.
773 The State Normal representatives
Normal Eyte 12:17, p.267
Naomi Achenbach and Lewis Minkel are in plays at the University of Iowa.
774 Alice Peters
Normal Eyte 12:17, p.266
Will study at University of Iowa.
775 L. B. Swaggart
Normal Eyte 12:15, p.231
Studying at University of Iowa.
776 Wesley Wiler, Earl Thompson, and Roy Hemsworth
Normal Eyte 12:14, p.219
Studying dentistry at University of Iowa.
777 John Lyon
Normal Eyte 12:14, p.215
Studying medicine at University of Iowa.
778 Jas. E. Fitzgerald
Normal Eyte 12:11, p.169
Superintendent at Kingsley; studying during summers at University of Iowa.
779 Carl J. Shaffer
Normal Eyte 12:11, p.169
Studying medicine at University of Iowa.
780 The question of a state champion in Iowa football
Normal Eyte 12:10, p.145
Grinnell will play the University of Iowa.
781 Mr. Clyde Williams
Normal Eyte 12:9, p.129
Ruled ineligible to participate in athletics at University of Iowa; believes his case will provoke more investigations of athletes.
782 Anna Black
Normal Eyte 12:9, p.140
Studying at University of Iowa.
783 It was certainly a great disappointment
Normal Eyte 12:8, p.113
Sorry that an Iowa football player was recently declared ineligible for play.
784 Jennie McKellar
Normal Eyte 12:8, p.118
Studying history at University of Iowa.
785 Among former Normalites
Normal Eyte 12:8, p.118
Harry Freeburg is studying medicine and Jay Freeburg is studying dentistry at the University of Iowa.
786 J. H. Lees
Normal Eyte 12:5, p.71
Received scholarship to study geology at University of Iowa.
787 W. C. Edson
Normal Eyte 12:3, p.35
W. C. Edson, a former football star at the University of Iowa, will assist Professor Affleck in coaching football.
788 Eyte bulletin
Normal Eyte 12:3, p.45
Students encouraged to attend football game in Iowa City.
789 Chas. Yeager
Normal Eyte 12:3, p.38
Will study at University of Iowa.
790 George Hearst
Normal Eyte 12:2, p.28
Returning for third year of medical training at University of Iowa.
791 Miss Call's sister
Normal Eyte 12:2, p.28
Teaching at University of Iowa; visited campus.
792 Leroy A. Wescott
Normal Eyte 12:2, p.25
Practicing medicine in Cherokee.
793 Wesley Wiler
Normal Eyte 12:2, p.25
Will study dentistry at University of Iowa.
794 Reuben Green
Normal Eyte 12:1, p.9
Attending University of Iowa.
795 Editorial
Normal Eyte 11:33, p.805
Misunderstanding with Missouri over oratorical contest cleared up; lack of support for Field Day; annoyed with description of crowd at Iowa game; will have special issue of the Normal Eyte.
796 In the debate
Normal Eyte 11:32, p.788
Former Normalites are prominent in Iowa City.
797 Geo. N. Briggs
Normal Eyte 11:31, p.763
May go to the Philippines to teach.
798 Last week
Normal Eyte 11:30, p.738
Benjamin Boardman placed second in the half mile run at the University of Iowa.
799 Mary E. Waller
Normal Eyte 11:30, p.738
Elected to Phi Beta Kappa.
800 J. H. Paarmann
Normal Eyte 11:29, p.714
Will study at University of Iowa.