University Union

Displaying 401 - 450 of 497 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
401 Construction alters face of campus
Alumnus 51:2, p.3
Work on $3.5 million Science Building begins; Noehren Hall, fourth unit of Regents Complex underway; Regents approve $2.88 million for another new dorm; $900,000 Commons remodeling on schedule; architects completing plans for University Union; photo.
402 SCI changes: the near future
College Eye 60:50, p.4
A lengthy survey of campus construction projects that are now or will shortly be underway; photo.
403 Interview dates for positions set by Board
College Eye 60:47, p.8
Also will determine location of offices in new Union.
404 Too much spent on palatial rooms, regal office space
College Eye 60:35, p.2
Suggests that Tom Hughes should bring himself into the twentieth century.
405 Regents Board approves raise in Union Budget
College Eye 60:34, p.6
Budget for new building raised from $1.2 million to $1.5 million; construction should begin in fall.
406 Maucker's Coney Island to wreck economy
College Eye 60:33, p.2
Believes that a new Union is an unnecessary expense.
407 From me to you: Identity varies with class
College Eye 60:30, p.2
Points out that building the new Union in the back circle will destroy nothing but concrete.
408 Perspective: Each student should revolt for truth, honor, freedom
College Eye 60:26, p.2
Encourages students to stand up for noble causes.
409 President, Beard filibuster, timid faculty sit on hands, Union controversy dies
College Eye 60:25, p.2
Claims that the faculty meeting was unfairly closed to discussion about the location of the new Union.
410 Obiter Scripta: Informal contacts good, but must be kept subordinate
College Eye 60:23, p.2
States that he and President Maucker have different views on where to put the new Union because they have different goals in mind.
411 Discussions, memorandum renew planning controversy
College Eye 60:23, p.1
Students and faculty talk at length about campus planning and specifically about the new Union.
412 Remote Union location will force students into library
College Eye 60:20, p.3
Believes that the new Union should be a twenty minute walk from classes, thereby forcing students into the library.
413 State of the Union--last in a series: Howard: Hockey field best site for 6 reasons
College Eye 60:20, p.4
Professor Howard outlines his reasons for not building on the Back Circle; photo.
414 From me to you: Bull session: way to avoid problem solving
College Eye 60:20, p.2
Claims that the centrally located Union will not bring intellectual thought any more than the Palais des Nations brought the ideals of the League of Nations.
415 Obiter Scripta: Union site should reflect SCI ethos, not determine it
College Eye 60:20, p.3
Discusses the question: 'What set of principles properly expresses the ethos of SCI?'
416 Board of Regents vetoes beer sales
College Eye 60:19, p.4
Would have allowed sale of beer in Union.
417 Tradition--worth the effort?
College Eye 60:19, p.2
Believes that the university should save Old Gilchrist Hall
418 Tells Board of Regents: Maucker: Make SCI third state university
College Eye 60:19, p.1
Believes change might improve ability to recruit faculty; cites growth in enrollment; Regents reject proposal to sell beer in Union.
419 Obiter Scripta: 'Bad-apple' socializing will hamper educational process
College Eye 60:18, p.2
Believes that placing the new Union in the center of the main classroom quadrangle will not help the educational process.
420 Union will nourish intellectualism embryo
College Eye 60:18, p.2
Claims that placing the new Union in the center of the classrooms will draw both on and off campus students so that there will be diversity amongst themselves.
421 State of the Union, 1965--Third in a series: Maucker: No need to save particular tree
College Eye 60:18, p.3
President Maucker talks about his plans for campus, and especially about the site for the new Union; photo.
422 President's campus nature plans encouraging, but . . .
College Eye 60:18, p.2
Believes that the blue spruce trees in the back circle need to be saved.
423 Untitled
College Eye 60:18, p.2
In the Poet's Corner, an SCI student claims that he will never view a building as beautiful as a tree.
424 Closeness of Union may mean less time for studies
College Eye 60:17, p.2
Claims that the placement of the new student Union poses a threat to students study habits.
425 Will the handy new Union bring this?
College Eye 60:17, p.2
Students play pool and one tells another that he should be studying but insists that it's still early in the semester.
426 State of the Union, 1965--second in a series: Brostrom: New Union means campus unity
College Eye 60:17, p.3
Interview with Dale Brostrom, who outlines his views on the value of a new Union.
427 Men's Union vote against dress code
College Eye 60:16, p.6
Also favor proposed location of new Union.
428 Student Senate approves new Union site proposal
College Eye 60:16, p.10
Also supports idea of memorial to President Kennedy.
429 State of the Union, 1965--First in a series: Brewer: I don't dictate planning moves
College Eye 60:16, p.4
Campus planning consultant James Brewer talks about decision-making on campus, with special attention to the location of the new Union; photo.
430 Kultur: Plan worth more than trees and grass
College Eye 60:16, p.2
Insists that buildings should be built in certain areas according to a master plan, and not just putting them wherever they will fit.
431 EYE endorses separation, trees tradition for campus
College Eye 60:16, p.2
Asks which is more valuable: fully grown trees or the beams of a new Union?
432 29 student leaders sign Union petition
College Eye 60:16, p.1
Petition protests proposed Union location.
433 Obiter Scripta: Union placement will not integrate academic social life
College Eye 60:16, p.2
Discusses President Maucker's decision to place the new Union in the center of the main classroom quadrangle.
434 Why not put Union in Regents Complex?
College Eye 60:16, p.2
Gives reasons why the Union could easily be placed by the Regents Complex.
435 All must be sure of facts for constructive discussion
College Eye 60:15, p.2
Discussion on where the new Union should be built will take place.
436 Union petition posted outside EYE office
College Eye 60:15, p.1
Asking officers of student organizations to sign petition relating to Union site.
437 Kultur: Does Union controversy show rationality
College Eye 60:14, p.2
Discusses the differences in atmosphere from being back home and being on campus.
438 Obiter Scripta: 'Great conversation' needed to consider campus planning
College Eye 60:14, p.2
Claims that campus planning is too important of a matter to leave solely to the campus planners.
439 Faculty petition justified, should bring student action
College Eye 60:14, p.2
Agrees with petition that is aimed to save the few nature areas that are left on campus.
440 Faculty presents Maucker with new Union site petition
College Eye 60:14, p.1
Cite alternative locations; do not want beautiful green space to be covered with concrete.
441 Petition for new Union site drawn up by professors
College Eye 60:13, p.1
Professors Howard and Fox propose alternate sites that would not destroy the green space in the center of campus.
442 Board of Regents considers sale of beer in Unions
College Eye 60:11, p.1
Will consider measure at next meeting; also approve budget for Commons remodeling and increase in physical plant building budget; will remodel old library reading room into classrooms.
443 Parking lot suggested for back circle
College Eye 60:8, p.2
Proposes a way to build more parking lots without destroying any more greenery.
444 Pay music will discourage student use of new Union
College Eye 60:6, p.2
Disagrees with the Union Policy Board's suggestion to charge students to listen to music.
445 Regents approve plans for new construction
Alumnus 50:3, p.17
Authorize new union building and remodeling of Commons.
446 Do we learn from tree?
College Eye 59:52, p.2
Defends cutting down of trees to make room for campus additions.
447 Untitled
College Eye 59:43, p.1
Architect's sketch of new Union.
448 Fall enrollment to be limited, back circle new union site
College Eye 59:42, p.1
Enrollment will be limited to 6125; construction of Union on Back Circle may start in spring 1966; $800,000 remodeling project approved for Commons.
449 Board of Regents to act on new Union site proposal
College Eye 59:39, p.4
President Maucker will recommend the Back Circle as the site; cite high student traffic in this area; Dale Brostrom describes the new facility at length; will be built in two phases.
450 Better location proposed for new student union
College Eye 59:23, p.2
New Union should be between Campanile and Men's Gymnasium, not between Women's Gymnasium and Central Hall; cites advantages of alternate location.