Vietnam War
Displaying 1 - 50 of 477 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Journalist talks war Northern Iowan 112:48, p.2 |
Journalist Elizabeth Becker gave the presentation "Cambodia and American Intervention: Lessons from History" in Lang Hall Auditorium. |
2 | UNI College of Humanities and Fine Arts to bring 'Iowa Stories' Home Again Public Relations News Release 2007:605, p.1 |
'Iowa Stories' highlights war's impact from the local perspective. Play was originally performed in 1990 and again in 1994 and 2000. | |
3 | Meet Benjamin J. Allen, president of the University of Northern Iowa Northern Iowa Today 90:2, p.0 |
Discusses Allen's experiences as a first generation college student, family history, high school activities and interests leading up to college. Involvement in Vietnam war, influence of his mother, advisers, and quotes with his initial experiences as the president of UNI; photo. | |
4 | Veterans need our help Northern Iowan 102:23, p.7 |
Hopes the government will not reduce support for US veterans. | |
5 | 30th Anniversary of the fall of Saigon Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1 |
Believes that lessons from Viet Nam can be applied to the current war in Iraq. | |
6 | America's skewed view of war Northern Iowan 101:17, p.7 |
Takes a perspective on war and the loss of innocence. | |
7 | UNI professors to speak about conflict in Iraq Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1 |
Will discuss student protests in the 1960s, gender and the post 9/11 world, Vietnam, and local conflict. | |
8 | Open letter to UNI students from a Vietnam era "survivor": Part Two Northern Iowan 101:13, p.9 |
Professor Hays expresses opinions on draft deferments and America's current leadership. | |
9 | Open letter to UNI students from a Vietnam era "survivor": Part One Northern Iowan 101:11, p.9 |
Offers a brief history lesson on American public thought and opinion, as well as a personal account, from the Vietnam war era. | |
10 | 'You and I' get to know Kerry Northern Iowan 100:35, p.9 |
Excerpt from 1972 Northern Iowan article summarizing speech of then-Viet Nam War opponent, now-Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry as part of the Controversial Speakers Program; photo. | |
11 | Another Vietnam? Public Relations News Release 2002:300, p.1 |
Sonia Yetter will compare the current war protests and the protests during Vietnam. | |
12 | Campus protest harkens to past Northern Iowan 99:12, p.6 |
Compares the recent Amnesty International rally against the possible war in Iraq with rallies against the Viet Nam War. | |
13 | Movie reviewers unfairly critical Northern Iowan 98:45, p.8 |
Criticizes the review of "We Were Soldiers." | |
14 | 'We Were Soldiers' not shown due respect by NI reviewers Northern Iowan 98:45, p.8 |
Disagrees with statements made about the movie, "We Were Soldiers." | |
15 | UNI film series explores anti-war movement of the 1960's Public Relations News Release 2001:169, p.1 |
David Towle will lead a discussion after the showing of "Disobeying Orders: GI Resistance to the Vietnam War." | |
16 | UNI honors one of its own: Governor Vilsack, President Koob show respect for Robert Hibbs Northern Iowan 97:8, p.3 |
The memorial to Robert J. Hibbs was formally dedicated; photo. | |
17 | UNI to memorialize alumnus and Vietnam War hero Campus News Network 11:4, p.2 |
A memorial to Robert J. Hibbs, former student and war hero, will be dedicated on September 19, 2000. | |
18 | War veterans to be remembered through the University of Northern Iowa Interpreters Theatre performance of "Iowa Stories" Public Relations News Release 1999:427, p.1 |
The Interpreters Theatre will present "Iowa Stories: The Vietnam Experience" as part of the weekend long activities planned for Memorial Day. | |
19 | Fall of Saigon Public Relations News Release 1999:386, p.1 |
Professor John Johnson will discuss the effects of the Viet Nam War on Viet Nam and the United States. | |
20 | Let the dead rest Northern Iowan 94:55, p.8 |
The Pentagon should not try to find out the identity of the unknown soldier in the Tomb of the Unkowns. | |
21 | Remembering the Vietnam War 25 years after it ended Public Relations News Release 1997:189, p.1 |
UNI professor of public policy Allen Hays will reflect on the Viet Nam War and its impact. | |
22 | Stroschein receives scholarship Northern Iowan 92:9, p.1 |
Student receives scholarship from Association for Textual Study and Production on basis of effects of Viet Nam War on her family. | |
23 | "Mother 6" play by University of Northern Iowa grad to be presented in Dubuque July 7 & 8 to Vietnam veterans group Public Relations News Release 1994:546, p.1 |
UNI students to perform a play for Viet Nam veterans group. | |
24 | Mother 6 Public Relations News Release 1994:543, p.1 |
UNI alumnus and playwright helps people deal with their feelings and memories of Viet Nam. | |
25 | Unrest and adjustment A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.249 |
National background of the 1960s; photo. | |
26 | The Hoffmans affair A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.282 |
Detailed account of the controversy surrounding Mr. Hoffmans and his protests against the Viet Nam War and the draft; photo. | |
27 | The climactic end of the Sixties A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.367 |
The close of the spring semester, 1970; reaction to the fighting in Cambodia; arrangements for ending the semester. | |
28 | TET Offensive meant to unite American opposition Northern Iowan 91:59, p.8 |
David W. Campbell, a student at Upper Iowa University, hopes Americans learned lessons from Viet Nam War. | |
29 | American arrogance, ignorance to blame for Vietnam war Northern Iowan 91:57, p.7 |
Offers analysis of war. | |
30 | "Vietnam: Perspectives and Performance" Northern Edition 2:28, p.11 |
Review of local production. | |
31 | Perspectives: catharsis for Vietnam vets Northern Iowan 90:38, p.11 |
Interpreters Theatre scripts appear in book form. | |
32 | Book chronicles stories of vets, spouses Campus News Network 4:12, p.2 |
UNI published book containing fifty personal narratives from two theatre presentations about Vietnam veterans and their spouses. | |
33 | UNI publishes book 'Vietnam: Perspectives and Performance' Northern Edition 2:4, p.4 |
English Department publishes book containing personal narratives and two theater performances about Viet Nam. | |
34 | Vietnam class to end with "powerful" UNI production Northern Iowan 89:56, p.7 |
Will produce "Vietnamese Chess". | |
35 | Unanswered questions spark research on Vietnam veterans Northern Iowan 89:53, p.3 |
Students present project results at undergraduate research conference. | |
36 | One-time course studies the many aspects of Vietnam Northern Iowan 89:24, p.1 |
Professor Shaw will offer a comprehensive class on the war in Viet Nam. | |
37 | "David's Story" explains the Vietnam drug front Northern Iowan 87:38, p.11 |
38 | 'Iowa Stories: The Vietnam Experience': UNI play to be performed at nation's Capitol Northern Iowan 86:55, p.9 |
Production has been presented in Iowa; photo. | |
39 | Veterans take the stage Northern Iowan 86:53, p.4 |
Professor Shaw talks about her piece, "Iowa Stories: the Viet Nam Experience". | |
40 | Iowa Viet Name vets Public Relations News Release 1989:483, p.1 |
Professor Marilyn Shaw interviews twenty-seven veterans of the Viet Nam Conflict, incorporating their thoughts, original poetry, and favorite song lyrics into an interpretive theater performance. | |
41 | "Iowa stories: The Viet Nam experience" to be presented Sunday at Northern Iowa Public Relations News Release 1989:443, p.1 |
Marilyn Shaw's interpretive theatre production of "Iowa Stories: The Viet Nam Experience" is performed in the Communication Arts Center. Shaw's project is based on interviews with twenty-seven Iowan veterans of the Viet Nam Conflict. | |
42 | UNI students present theatre piece on Viet Nam. Public Relations News Release 1989:415, p.1 |
Cast members of "Iowa Stories: The Viet Nam Experience" rehearse in preparation. The piece is based on interviews with 27 Iowa Viet Nam War Vets who belong to a Waterloo support group. | |
43 | Iowa Viet Nam veterans tell their story through University of Northern Iowa students' interpreters theatre production. Public Relations News Release 1989:415, p.1 |
Veterans of the Viet Nam War who belong to a Waterloo vets support group spent hours reliving their experiences for Marilyn Shaw. Shaw wove their comments, shreds of poetry, and lyrics from their favorite '60s songs into a interpreters theatre script. | |
44 | Real-life hero of "good morning, Viet Nam" Adrian Cronauer, will appear at University of Northern Iowa Monday, Nov. 20. Public Relations News Release 1989:240, p.1 |
For thousands of U. S. Army troops stationed in Viet Nam in 1965, the voice of real life Armed Forces disc jockey Adrian Cronauer echoed in their ears every dawn. | |
45 | Real life hero of "good morning, Viet Nam" to speak at University of Northern Iowa Nov. 20. Public Relations News Release 1989:240, p.1 |
Adrian Cronauer, the real life Armed Forces disc jockey played by Robin Williams in "Good Morning, Viet Nam will speak at 8 p. the U-Hall of Maucker Union. | |
46 | Vietnam experience should teach lesson Northern Iowan 84:51, p.2 |
Believes that there are parallels between the Viet Nam War and current situation in Central America. | |
47 | Vietnam veteran says U.S. government lied to people Northern Iowan 83:34, p.3 |
Excerpts from remarks by Charles Liteky; photo. | |
48 | POW speech is Tuesday Northern Iowan 82:49, p.4 |
Stephen T. Johnson will speak. | |
49 | Viet Nam perspectives subject of film, speech Northern Iowan 81:58, p.1 |
Glenn Silber will speak; photo. | |
50 | Viet Nam memorial design sought Northern Iowan 81:54, p.3 |
Seeking design for Black Hawk County memorial. |