Voldseth--Edward V. (Vice President)
Displaying 101 - 140 of 140 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
101 | 10th Annual Secondary Guidance and Student Personnel Conference Set Public Relations News Release 1969:42, p.1 |
List of scheduled speakers; activities; associated faculty and staff. | |
102 | Fines to be assessed in men's hall courts Northern Iowan 66:1, p.1 |
Outline of procedures to deal with infractions of rules and regulations. | |
103 | UNI Fall Semester to Start Soon Public Relations News Release 1969:1, p.1 |
Pre-semester registration, information and activities. | |
104 | Ombudsman Northern Iowan 65:65, p.5 |
Questions about Dean Voldseth and the Board of Control of Student Publications. | |
105 | University interests have common ground; Hovden Northern Iowan 65:25, p.7 |
Cyndi Hovden and others address faculty on current Student Senate initiatives. | |
106 | University's role in arrest results in review of policy Northern Iowan 64:53, p.1 |
Mr. Hoffmans initially decides to discontinue teaching in protest, then reconsiders. | |
107 | Blau approves of policy Northern Iowan 64:53, p.3 |
Those who are protesting the manner of his arrest are not speaking for him; they may be speaking even after he asked them not to protest the matter. | |
108 | Greeks flourish at UNI Alumnus 53:2, p.9 |
Survey of current Greek life at UNI; look at current housing; photo. | |
109 | Draft evader arrested in Dean Voldseth's office Northern Iowan 64:52, p.1 |
Federal marshals arrest student after he was called to Dean Voldseth's office. | |
110 | Undue influence Northern Iowan 64:52, p.2 |
Disagrees with administration role in arrest of student for draft evasion. | |
111 | 'Peaceful campaign' seen by CADRE supporters Northern Iowan 64:42, p.5 |
Plans to appear on campus despite denial of permission. | |
112 | Group supports right of Draft Resisters in interview Northern Iowan 64:41, p.1 |
Administration will not allow CADRE to interview on campus because of fears of demonstrations. | |
113 | Protest CADRE refusal Northern Iowan 64:41, p.5 |
Group believes draft resistance group should have been allowed to interview on campus. | |
114 | Ginsberg fee from appropriated monies Northern Iowan 64:39, p.3 |
Dean Voldseth corrects impression. | |
115 | Dean reveals suspensions; may be more in future Northern Iowan 64:29, p.1 |
Two more students suspended. | |
116 | 'Voldseth is human too' Northern Iowan 64:26, p.2 |
Observations on campus life. | |
117 | Cheating ring squelched? Northern Iowan 64:22, p.1 |
Disciplinary action against eight students. | |
118 | Investigation of cheating ring leads to suspensions Northern Iowan 64:22, p.5 |
Eight students suspended from UNI for terms ranging from six months to three years. | |
119 | Advisory committee to take action against cheating ring Northern Iowan 64:20, p.1 |
Extent of ring exposed; ten to fifteen students considered "substantially linked"; may face campus and civil discipline. | |
120 | Dr. Voldseth explains rule concerning sexual conduct College Eye 63:61, p.3 |
Edward Voldseth explains origin of recent codification of rules. | |
121 | Students-administration express their views on university status College Eye 63:42, p.5 |
Students and administrators tell what they believe the name change will bring and what the school needs. | |
122 | Dean Voldseth gives criteria for release of room-board contracts College Eye 63:42, p.12 |
Outline of situations in which a student may be released from his dorm contract without penalty. | |
123 | Voldseth releases results of room-board survey College Eye 63:36, p.1 |
Surveyed purported conflict between meal service hours and jobs. | |
124 | Requisition is approved for duplicator College Eye 63:13, p.1 |
Misunderstanding almost costs the Student Senate their duplicator machine. | |
125 | Dr. Voldseth attends seminar College Eye 63:10, p.1 |
Edward Voldseth will attend a Washington, D. C., conference dealing with "Terms and Definitions in Higher Education." | |
126 | Prof dinner tomorrow with Dr. Voldseth College Eye 63:8, p.4 |
Students have the opportunity to eat dinner with Dr. Edward Voldseth, Dean of Students, and his wife. | |
127 | Dormitories house 734 students over capacity College Eye 63:7, p.1 |
Discusses plans for the building of a new dormitory; lists occupancy rate of each dorm. | |
128 | Student demonstration prompts campus reaction College Eye 63:3, p.1 |
SCI faculty, staff, and students comment on a student protest against a number of campus policies; photo. | |
129 | Fall overload is expected to crowd residence halls College Eye 60:55, p.4 |
50% of rooms will be overloaded; administration officials comment on problem and priority procedures. | |
130 | Jorgensen opens meeting 'Examine Yourself, Motives' College Eye 60:20, p.1 |
Discuss possible discount plan among local merchants; seeking participants for controversial speakers program.. | |
131 | Perspective: Value of nonconformity varies with accomplishments College Eye 60:16, p.3 |
Claims that many American college students are conformists. | |
132 | Hagemann Hall dedication honors former president College Eye 60:9, p.1 |
Quick look at the ceremony. | |
133 | New students have meeting Wednesday College Eye 60:5, p.4 |
134 | Student Senate appropriates funds for special dinners College Eye 59:32, p.4 |
Hope to improve relations between international and local students at SCI; Edward Voldseth approves pay for Student Senate president on trial basis. | |
135 | SLB votes to pay president, discusses foreign students College Eye 59:16, p.1 |
Will receive $200 annually; recommend ways to integrate international students into campus activities; photo. | |
136 | SLB hears objections to Commons remodeling College Eye 59:12, p.3 |
Unhappy with moves of television and furniture; also unhappy with shift in policy on reservation of the Commons. | |
137 | Dorm policies subject of union forum Wednesday College Eye 59:10, p.10 |
Will consider effects of dorm policies on good education. | |
138 | Student leaders praised for Homecoming efforts College Eye 59:7, p.3 |
Also consider fund-raising rules and compensation for student leaders. | |
139 | Work situations agreed upon by Brostrom, SLB College Eye 59:2, p.1 |
Resolve question of food service workers eating while on duty. | |
140 | Voldseth named new dean Alumnus 49:3, p.8 |
Edward Voldseth assumed duties as Dean of Students on August 1, 1964. |